hmmnn..I am bored up with old stuff..

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by garysimon, May 27, 2002.

  1. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Naa, it's really easy to find, you just need to look a bit hard... It's like AD... You know that specific guide is here, you just need to look deeper... LOL
    I would love to just spend a weekend in Amsterdam... Buidilng and burning is completely legal! LOL
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hey Permiggs! How are you, buddy? Did you finally get some sleep? I'm a little confused about something, can't you get your doctor to give you a script of valium or xanax or something? I mean, you're going through some understandably emotion crap right now and, after all, that is precisely why valium was invented in the first place!
  3. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    I'm fine mate, not long after last night's chat i literally fell asleep on my computer! Woke up around 7 a.m. straight into that mug of black coffee and a Bob... Been getting high on caffein all morning, feel well awake now... I'm countering it with my mate Jack D.

    I went to see my doctor and he gave me some anti-depression pills... One of those things to control the serotonin in your brain... Even tough i told him that i'm not depressed, i'm just going through a rough patch! I'm not crying around the corners, or even feeling sorry for myself... (altough i gave her EVERYTHING when i moved out, and my possessions at 27, resume to a bag of clothes, a pc and a car...)
    I just can't sleep. So i went out looking for my own medicin... Because Valium is dangerous if not looked after, all i got was V10. (for now anyway) ;)
  4. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Sleep is over-rated :). I get 4-5 hrs of sleep per 24 hr cycle. I work nights, so that screws with your system. I guess as you get older you need less sleep. Maybe its because im not from you planet..? A little bit of alcohol late at night will put me out if i cant get to sleep and feel i need to.
    The UK health system was weird when i was there. Had to make appointments for things months in advance, like you would know when you are going to be sick? Doubt if its gotten better over the years. Permiggs is probably better off with his self medication system :)
    Firing one up over here for you buddy.. Hang in there, even the most adjusted human in the world would still need time to get over a divorce. You walked out of that relationship with the most important thing, your hide, and your soul. Might be damaged, but humans repair quickly most of the time. I still miss my first wife sometimes, then i remember the bad times also, and snap out of it.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
  5. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Very wise words there Max! You're becoming my guru... \o/!
    Nothing changes around here... The medics here are still weird... This doctor was found for diagnosing over 600 cases of epilepsy on kids... None real... And they still let him practice! C'mon, we're talking about our kids here man! UK, sometimes...

    Like you said i still have my soul and my caracter is still intact!
    Bob has just sparked a flame... - To Max! ;)

    Gerry, if you have some, burn it as well... lol
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Max is a guru indeed and his words are wise. You sound like a resilliant (spelling?) guy permiggs, I'm sure there will be less and less need for the self medicating except, perhaps, recreationally!

    I had to give up my grass supplements long ago...though I miss it at times; it was one of my staples at one time. Then I got into this nasty accident many years ago, fractured vertabrae in the neck and lower back and all sorts of other grizzly physical damage, I required a lot of surgery and was disabled for about three years. I'm fine now but it left me what doctors call "a chronic pain patient"...(sounds worse than it actually is because the pain is controlled). Anyway, if I try to indulge in my old habits, it makes the pain seem worse...I'm sure I'm only more conscious of it but that's just as real all the same. Have you ever smoked a little too much at a friend's, you really liked the music he was playing so you went out and bought the record. The next day when you're a little more down to earth, you put the recording on then you say, Jeez, I've must have been really loaded because this sucks! It has the same effect with pain, heightens the senses, you know? Besides, I have a daily diet of percocet and oxycontin so I don't miss it much LOL! I don't confess this for sympathy, it's all perfectly well controlled and I barely notice it anymore unless it should rare it's ugly head as it does on occasion. I admit there were some pretty horrible years though but that's in the past.

    Hope you're o.k. and hang in there! ... Gerry
  7. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Hi there gerry1. For some ppl grass supplments help reduce pain, but i hear you. I had some wisdom teeth taken out once, and they gave me percocet. Talk about a pain killer! They wouldn't let me renew the script (was worth a try) :). Asprin wouldn't even take the edge off the pain, but those percocets, or was it percodan?? too wasted to remember,, anyways whatever they gave me, it worked fine. Kind of brings you down, but you dont give a sh*t. Up and down at the same time.. Anyone going thru pain has my sympathy even if they dont need it or want it. We are all connected. Peace brothers and sisters..
  8. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    You just proved that you're as resilient as me Gerry... If not a lot more!! Those broken bones make my case look futile... I'm happy to hear that you pulled through, altough i'm not very convinced about that "controlled pain" idea... I hope you keep it "under control". lol I understand what you mean about the amplification of pain induced by gear...

    At the moment this Diazepam has been doing the trick every night so far, but i don't think i'll be able to keep taking it as it is quite a bit expensive when you have to buy it on the street... Not only that, i am aware of the dangers it involve...

    The Grass suplements are just my way of life, my recreation, it's my way of getting out of the way of a city that only has alcohol as entertainment... Even tough i live in an island i haven't even got a beach to have a dip, a run or just a sun chill... :(

    Allow me to second Max's words:
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
  9. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Yes, we are all connected; brothers and sisters and the world would be a far better place if everyone agreed. Physical pain and emotional pain are much alike: you get angry because you didn't ask for it and there's nothing you can do about it; you really feel sorry for yourself at first and that is perfectly normal...hell, you'd have to be some sort of freak if it didn't bum you out! But sooner or later, as it progress from acute to chronic, it gets to the point where you've got a decision to have to choose between either getting on with life, or living in misery. Its wierd how it works; when I first hurt myself, I fought like hell to be able to use my left side again which took a couple of years but after, when everything seemed alright, my mood took a nosedive and I was really bummed was rather like running a marathon and just collapsing from exhaustion at the finish line. I was really bummed out, my friend and family gave me my space to lick my wounds but sooner or later, pain or no pain, you just get sick and tired of being so damned miserable all the time and slowly, you learn to live with the hand you were delt and return to your former self.

    In a very realy sense, the emotional pain was worse than the physical. I was just a bit older than you permiggs when I hurt myself..I was very athletic and in good shape then and that's what saved me from spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair. The thing is, after I was as recovered as I would be and there was no visual evidence of a disability, there were a lot of things I couldn't do anymore but at that age, there is something really emasculating about saying "I can't". I couldn't tell you how often I put myself in the hospital because my pride wouldn't let me say "I can't". The young male ego is a fragile thing I guess because now that I'm older, I have no trouble saying "I can't" and I sure as hell ain't going to put myself in the hospital for anybody!

    Percocet and Percodan are the same thing except on has tylenol and the other asprin. Oxycontin is a large time released dose of percocet over twelve hours so that you're actully taking less without the constant ups and downs. It's gotten a bad rep because junkies like to chew it which will give you all 12 hours of narcotics in one shot and that can kill you...because of them, laws have made it difficult on us who use it legitimately. Permiggs, "controlled pain" only works with chronic pain...the day to day 24/7 stuff that you're left with. I doesn't work with acute pain. So they give you oxycontin twice a day because it works for twelve hours and give you a dose that eases the pain and keep it there. After a week or two, you aren't getting high from it anymore but it still works really well on the pain but you're no longer walking around like a dazed spaced-cadet but the danger comes on when people are too fond of the "high" sensation which they lost so they keep taking more and more. As much as I like to have a good time, I always respected the dangers of it because I'm going to have to take this stuff for a hell of a long time.

    Well, I'm enjoying a good stiff drink and I'm starting to babble! Take it easy guys and take care!
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    time to do a puzzle,to releave ye of ye mine game troubles.

    ye got one hour to do this puzzle,ye only got 2 blocks to install..gear79 your time limit is 4 hours.
  11. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Sounds like you have a handle on things. Mental pain for me is the worst stuff. Sometimes things NEVER get better on the mental pain. But physical pain can heal or be dealt with. Time is supposed to help, but that isn't always true.

    But back to the heading of this post. Whenever i get bored with software, i go look for new stuff to learn and try. Here is a place good for many of them. Just look for the free and popular stuff out there:
    Sometimes i get off my butt and do something that needs to be done around the house, like cleaning.. or tearing in to a pc..

  12. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Max: really decent site guy! I'll have to take a closer look at work in the morning. Saw some things in media management and image editing that might solve a couple of problems....Gerry
  13. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Mental pain can kill you in an instant. Time is the best cure, if you can take the first blows... But you got it by the balls Gerry!
    There's a full Jack D glass going down the hole for you...

    Yea, i have a hotlink for that site! There's stuff in there that can make you laugh... :)

  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Permiggs...well I thank you for that buddy! And I toast you with a nice hefty stoly on the rocks! By god, we both deserve the absolute best and we'll both get it by hook or by crook! Time for me to go to bed. Sleep well guy!
  15. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    I was talking to my mom about getting dumped by my girlfriend and she said "keep your chin up". I told her thats the BEST way to get knocked out!
    Hang in there guys. We need to get ready for the next big one life throws at us, cause its gonna happen again, sooner or later. I sound like a cynic, but i like to think of it as, a more realistic approach.
    Jobs are not a problem for me, women are. I either have too much of them, or not enough. I can't seem to find the "just right" amount. I love women, don't get me wrong on that. For me women and trouble seem to be cousins, they are definitely related.
  16. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Women ARE trouble... But we like trouble... LOL

    We should rename this thread...

    'What is bugging your mind?' or
    'Guide on how to become a stronger person in three steps.'
  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Very very true about renaming the thread. Self improvement is a very important subject from which we could immeasurably profit. We can fill our glasses with Jack D or Stoley, you can keep your grass supplements close at hand and we can discuss self improvement in depth. I hope you don't expect me to act on it though; intelligent discourse is one thing but actual implementation requires too damned much energy. Salut! ...Gerry
  18. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    LOLOL! Leave that part of it to us... I think we still got it under comtrol...
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well you guys are youngsters while I'm just an old fart ready for the knackers yard. So you go ahead and I'll just sit by, drink my Stoly on the rocks and nod approvingly.

    Hey, you're a Brit so tell me, what the hell is a "knackers yard"? I heard the term on a british comedy once.
  20. permiggs

    permiggs Regular member

    Jun 6, 2003
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    Bloody Hell!! I haven't heard of that in a long time! That is a very old saying!

    "Knackers yard" is where you take something really old and tired to the final rest... The knacker was the bloke that use to take the old work animals, to kill them. I think that's why when you're very tired you say: I'm knackered... I THINK that's what it is, but i'm not sure!
    We also call 'Knackers' to our ball sack. LOL

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