You need to buy a y-splitter or y-adaptor for those cable and simple connect both the xbox and the tv to the subwoofer.
Ok, I'm having basically the same prob.And I got the same kind of sub as the first guy (almost, mines newer). I got like two orange plugs (the speakers) the subs main plug (green), and a controls plug. (gray). And I also have built in speakers on my tv. Cept my TV has a place where I can plug in my PS2, Gamecube, and then still has 2 audio holes left over. Do I just need to buy one of them same adapters, or is there someway I can work this out? *also* The two left over holes in my tv have left and right written by them. I'm assuming this is for speakers. I plugged them in without the sub even, dont work. I can plug my subs main plug into say..the left one. And take the right speaker and plug it into the right hole. Then I get sound out of both, cept the subs speaker is very unclear and the other isn't even loud enuff to hear. help?_X_X_X_X_X_[small]-Ignorant, Competitive, Smartass, yup, bout covers it.[/small]