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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you have modchip, you dont need to do hotswap. you just need any autoinstaller disk like AID, SID, Slayer, etc.. Xbox will boot it and let you fix the hdd.

    Once you can load the autoinstaller disk, you can upgrade the big hdd for xbox.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2006
  2. dr_jce

    dr_jce Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Slayer doesn't seem to work with my xbox. tried to backup drive c, it says it's backing it up but nothing happens. Do you think my hdd is already a goner? no more hope of reviving it? Kindly give me links of other installers aside from slayer's. Maybe I should try all of them. Thanks
  3. ccragg

    ccragg Member

    Oct 13, 2006
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    I have an xecuter 2.6 mod chip. I have an upgraded hdd that has evox installed on it and then I also modded my retail hdd to evox on it to. when I turn on my xbox with the slayer disk in the disk drive and my retail hdd in and my modchip on. The big x will come up, but then it necer says xecuter and the slayer disk wont load. When I did the hotswap like I said the c partition wasn't found. What can I do to get the c partion back on there so I can boot the disk.
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    hmm I can see both of your xboxes that modchips do not work. MAKE SURE TO HAVE MODCHIP ON. They may have been moved and need to reinstall.

    yep, when turn on xbox, you don't see xecuter which mean the modchip is off or it has been move.

    Do you see the xecuter when turn on xbox with the upgraded hdd or do you see microsoft logo? if you see microsoft logo, modchip does not work at all. Reinstall modchip

    There is no way to format the retial hdd right now because it is locked. Make sure to backup eeprom on the upgrade hdd. You can use that eeprom to build a new hdd for xbox with xboxhdm1.9

    do you know which bios that you flash on modchip? if modchip works, you will not see error 16. So reinstall the modchip and flash bios if needed.

    did the slayer disk work before? if yes, you dont need to download any other one. Just fix the modchip. xbox will load it.

    As you said above. It seems like the xbox boot Slayer disk right? if yes, what are on the menu?

  5. Gamer506

    Gamer506 Regular member

    Dec 14, 2005
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    Just a quick question. I have error 16 and I don't get the white microsoft logo under the X unless I have a game in. Will the hotswap work even thought I don't get the logo on a boot without a game in?
  6. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yes it does
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    yes you can do hotswap. You can try to hotswap without the game and with the game inside dvd drive.
  8. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i have done it with a game it will work
  9. Gamer506

    Gamer506 Regular member

    Dec 14, 2005
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    well I've tried it without a game in and I can't get it to work. I was using XboxHDM not xplorer360 but idk I will try it with the game in.
  10. cearel

    cearel Guest

    ight let us know
  11. sunyscott

    sunyscott Member

    Oct 19, 2006
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    THANK YOU!!! I had my Xbox Softmodded by some guy a few weeks ago who installed XBMC 1.1 on the C: drive. I wanted to install version 2.0 on the E drive and remove version 1.1 from the C drive as I believe this was causing errors in the playback.

    When I FTPd onto the C drive, I renamed an old dashboard file as xboxdash.xbe.bak and tried to replace it with a shortcut to the E drive to have it run the 2.0 as the default dash.

    Well, I screwed up and basically locked up the drive. Any time I booted from the HDD I got error 13. I was certain the best I could do was get a mod chip and try to use a tool set to boot off a DVD and then FTP into the Xbox and fix the problem. But your tutorial was way better and easier and free! The software for windows worked like a charm and I was up and running in about 20 minutes. I cant believe that hot swapping works (without frying the HDD and motherboards) but it did and I am very grateful.

    Now I fixed the problem and got the XBMC 2.0 as the default dashboard, so all is well ... and I owe it to this posting!
  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    CHEERS ... cheers ... sunyscott

    I'm happy for you too. IF you can help those people out there to do hotswap, that is GREAT.
  13. keljen

    keljen Member

    Oct 14, 2006
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    I have tried doing the hotswap as you said in your tut...not sure if i'm doing something wrong...i have two ide cables...and i pause the computer before it finishes booting so i can unlock the xbox hdd...that might be where the problem is cuz when i try to hook it up to the computer it isn't recognized and won't allow the computer to boot up...maybe i'm not being fast enough when i switch the ide cables on the hdd....is there anything i can do....
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    yes that is the problem. after connect xbox to PC, PC still boot normally without problems.

    So what did you connect to primary IDE and secondary IDE?

    Should Be:
    - primary IDE: PC's hdd and/or DVD drive.
    - secondary IDE: xbox's hdd only. NO other devices. xbox hdd set to CS or Master.

  15. fastkart8

    fastkart8 Guest

    I have tried this 3 times now..the pc freezes
  16. Noamos

    Noamos Regular member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    The Return, just wanted to say thanks man great tut andafter thinking my xbox was dead and looking to buy another. It was fixed. Thanks to you man cheers.
  17. fastkart8

    fastkart8 Guest

    ok heres my question in more detail.

    I have an error 21 xbox. When I try to hook it up to the computer it freees the computer. And i unplugged it at the right time.

    Maybe this is causing it? My computer and tv and spaced out, so when i unplug the ide? cable from the xbox i have to unplug the audio/video cord. But i leave the power connected. Could that be holding me back?

    Also, i downloaded the whole thing of slayers. I have a blank hard drive. And also I have all the factory files for a xbox. could i make a working hard drive from these two combinations?

    ADDED: I also read about the xboxhdm1.9. i downloaded those files but i cannot get my xbox's eeprom. What do i do about this too?

    Added again: Ok this isnt good.. now when i try to plug my cd drive back where i plugged the xbox hdd in, my computer freezes. Please help me on this too.
    Please help. Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2006
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest


    Good job

    did you read my tut carefully? did you follow my instructions?

    what did you connect to Primary and Secondary IDE cabe on PC?

    what does the original connection on PC? where is it freeze now?

    This is the problem for sure. You cant disconnect the audio/video cable.
  19. fastkart8

    fastkart8 Guest

    yes i followed the directions. here is what i did.

    i opened the case to my computer and disconnected the ide cable going to to the dvd drive.

    i turned on the xbox and right after i saw the microsoft window i pulled the ide cable out.

    i plugged it into my dangling cable to my computer.

    from this point on it froze. no matter if i did it when the computer was on or off. it would freeze.

    now what do you mean by the secondary and primary?

    if this is what your asking, i had one ide cable going to the original hard drive on my computer (i didnt touch this)

    and then i had a Seperate cable that was originally on the dvd drive to the xbox.

    what does the original connection on PC? <--what do you mean.
  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    On the PC there are 2 ide cables: primary IDE and secondary IDE. So you should connect like this:

    - primary IDE: PC's hdd and/or DVD drive.
    - secondary IDE: xbox's hdd only. NO other devices. xbox hdd set to CS or Master.

    after you connect xbox's hdd to PC, PC STILL BOOT NORMALLY. If it foze, the way you connect xbox to PC caused it.

    So tell me what are connected to that 2 ide cables on your PC.

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