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How do I burn xbox & ps2 games with alcohol 120 % or nero

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by pkizzz, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. trogador

    trogador Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    OK i want to make a copy of a xbox disc but i don't want to spend any money on a mod chip is there a soft mod that will work
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    @_blizzard...xbox games..hunt my posts in this thread..better still read from the start, all the info you will ever need is in here..

    @ Chickenpa...Look at some modchip sites, most sell the swapmagic3 disk and the slimline switch pack and fliptop case, you don't need a slidecard for a slimline...for starters.


    see the ad on this page for memtechsolutions..they are based about 15 miles from where I live...I can phone 'em and get stuff on next day delivery....the site should answer any other questions about swapmagic..just in case you get different ads in other parts of the world here is the link....memtech-dudes..you owe me one :)


    @ trogador... The Splinter Cell Ndure exploit works a treat..all you need is an original game (007 agent under fire and mechassault exploits are also available) and an action replay memory card.( oh and an xbox!)There is no need to even open it up!!.Be aware there are different versions of the softmod packages for ntsc and pal..get the right one

    @ thebest21..how do you mean, are you getting a .bin and a .cue file?

    See guys..Mattydeg is only 13 and sorted it no problemo...It's easy to copy a ps2 game..
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2006
  3. mattydegg

    mattydegg Guest

    hi thank you this is where i also purchased my slide card from now ill stop the converstaion which is pissin me off peeple askin the same questions that have already been answered go on the memtech website purchase a swapmagic 3.6 with a slidetool this will cum to about 15 quid / pound u get instructions with it then if u have a dvd rewriter but no software go on www.thepiratebay.org search for nero 7 (when downloading it will only run at about 40kb/s) then go on www.seriall.com to get the serial number then purchase some 4.7 gb dvd-r i would also get some 8.7gb discs just in case a game is over 4.7 gb this is very rare then go on nero and copy the game like u wud copy a normal dvd i normally rent the ps2 games for around 2 pound from blockbuster
  4. mattydegg

    mattydegg Guest

    i don't reccomend downloading the ps2 games as i have done this and i use alchohol 120 to back the game up it does work but not very well i also know a couple more peeple who have tried it and failed

    i am currently searching for new ways around this
  5. trogador

    trogador Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    can i ftp my xbox to my pc
    if i have a workgroop?
  6. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Mod chips flip cases still, you have to take it apart :(
  7. pkizzz

    pkizzz Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I'm back!, I created this threath 6. September 2004 and i'm back;)
  8. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Yo pkizzz.. thought you had emigrated to ps2scene or something..

    Back to the point...The slimline ps2 does not need to be opened up and messed with....You can buy some little plastic parts that hold the lid switches closed...they fit from the outside..no screwdriver needed!!!!

    Downloading games you don't own is called PIRACY..(if it's crap then that's all you deserve anyway!).If you own the game and it is damaged that is the ONLY justification for downloading it...
    Nuff Said!
  9. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Where do i get these parts from?
  10. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Anywhere that sells the swapmagic should stock them...they are only cheap a few $$ is all
  11. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I only found spare cases, modchips and parts that you through inside the case holes. Please show me the website where I can get the parts that safely fit on the out side and do not involve opening my PS2 Slimeline.
  12. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Where in the world are you??..nearly every modchip seller stocks these things..






    Took about 15 seconds to find that lot..the search hotwords are "swapmagic3 magic switch....thousands and thousands of hits...

    Back to your first and original question...You can't run windows on a ps2.. It's impossible..

    Google for emulators for the ps2, I think there is a megadrive emulator for it, If there isn't are you prepared to learn all that you need to write one yourself..I know professional software engineers who have spent 5 years writing a NES emulator for the PC!!..better still just buy a megadrive...

    Anyway I'm getting fed up of this.. It's supposed to be the backup xbox and ps2 burning help thread...not the where to buy ps2 bits forum..
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2006
  13. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    What are these parts called that fit on the outside of your PS2 Slimeline?

    Well the reason for the windows thing was... I needed an emulator that had 4 player support and one that fully worked. I found one on the PC "Kega (Fusion)". But it would be good to have it on a PS2 on TV with 4 controllers all the same.
  14. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I really don't think there is such a thing as a megadrive emu por a ps2..I may be wrong but I can't find one that works...And I know a bit about emulators..Try a few of the specialist emulator sites you may have some luck there...google emulators for ps2..The only ps2 emulator I have seen running is a spectrum one..try ps2scene?

    And believe me there is no possible way to run windows on a ps2..the best we can manage is windows 3.11 on an xbox (apart from some great proof of concept work with XP..you can't do anything with it but that's not the point with proof of concept stuff)...Why would you really want to put rubbish M$software on a limited and underpowered machine anyway...You can buy a pc that is better than a ps2 for about £40 and you don't need an emulator then..If you want to know some of the in's and out's of emulators visit http://www.emuunlim.com

    The parts you are after are called "magic switch"..just check out those links...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2006
  15. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I have found emulators ect. But I can't try them on my PS2 unless I it stops rejecting my created disks.
  16. asl598

    asl598 Member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    can you giveme the site where you did the step-by-step screen shot of how to do everything for burning the games. I'm gonna get a free xbox this summer and want to read up on all the info. Let me know asap. Thanks man! You told people u would let them have the ste-by-step probably on the 1st page and now i was wondering if you would give me the step-by-step.

    Thanks Again
  17. Chickenpa

    Chickenpa Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    I found a perfectly good emulator called PGEN for the PS2. Now it says i can run it by disk, memmory card or HDD.

    If someone knowns where i can get some parts that fit on the outside or anything that does not include opening my PS2.

    Or if someone has a guide on putting it on your memmory card.

    Or someone has a guide to putting it on the HDD??.

  18. twtymay

    twtymay Guest

    hey everyone,

    how can i burn xbox games if i already have the .iso's? does anyone know? :) thx in advance

    -- may
  19. qasim1991

    qasim1991 Regular member

    Apr 8, 2005
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    hmm.... i'd just like to know... why is it so hard to backup XBOX games than PS2 games.

    I haven't got an XBOX, just a ps2, and i use Alcohol 120%, read and burn. and why can't pc drives READ xbox games???? aren't xbox games DVD as well??? or are they different???
  20. andersg

    andersg Regular member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Xbox games are on DVD's but the are in Xiso format so that a a computer drive cant read them

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