No emulation required to play DOOM3 Just curious if your copy is a bit choppy? I play straight from the hard drive and it's not all that smooth, even playing with the disc's it's still the same. I guess I'll try messing with some setting's
No emulation, that's great I haven't noticed any choppiness. Maybe try tweaking the visual settings in the game?
I tried tweaking alot of stuff and still nothing. Maybe my driver needs to be updated. (shrugging my shoulders)
Try using the 61.77 WHQL drivers turn on vsync in the advanced options and I wouldn't run it above medium settings at 800x600. Just my opinion and if all else fails try and have a look around.
Known cd burners to make a working backup of Doom 3(Safedisc 3.20.022) 1) Plex Premium (52\32\52x) 2) Lite-ON (52\32\52x) 3) Asus (52\32\52x) ===================================================== Good rom readers for Safedisc and SecuROM 1) Lite-On LTD 163 2) Lite-ON LTD 165 3) Lite-ON LTD 166 4) Lite-ON 167 ==================================================== If your hardware can't backup Safedisc 3.1-3.2, the only solution is using a "no cd patch" as long as you purchased a legal copy. Anything beyond this is P I R A C Y!
you need to add Pioneer 107D to that known working cd/dvd burner list. In the beginning I was having a difficult time backing up pc games, and so I thought it was my burner giving me problems when in all it was just the program's I was using. Some games work with AL120 and some don't, and also some games work with Blindwrite and some don't. Hit or Missed Some say that Pioneer is a one sheep burner... Is it really? cause their is not one game I can't backup. huh just being curious.
I think I did? but what I think I meant to say was, if Blindwrite doesn't work then AL120 will and or the other way around. Humble me.
Humble you? Laughs.. Anyways, the "new generation" 2 sheep burners can backup any Safedisc cd protection at present. So basically your Pioneer and my Lite-ON dvd burner are "old generation 2 sheep burners."(I can backup up to Safedisc 3.10)> Get it? I hope so m8. I won't debate as to which software should be used to make working backups of Safedisc 3.20.022 as Blindwrite 5 is very unstable, even if one owns a Plex Premium (52\32\52x)
I'm understanding. Time to go get the new pioneer dl _X_X_X_X_X_[small]new pic coming soon so stay tooned![/small]
Bad mistake m8. Get the Plex Premium(52\32\52x) and keep your Pioneer Newegg has some great prices on the Plex Premium
Sorry to be out of the loop, but what is a 2 sheep burner. I have the Sony CRX320A 52x32x52x/16x DVD-ROM. OK never mind. I found the list of 2 sheep burners. My burner isn't on there though. Probly because it's pretty new. Anyone know if it's a 2 sheep burner?
try making a backup of a safedisc 3.2.0 game. I think that is the best way to tell if your burner is 2 sheep.
Shoey, Based upon what you have written I am going to buy a new burner: Known cd burners to make a working backup of Doom 3(Safedisc 3.20.022) 1) Plex Premium (52\32\52x) 2) Lite-ON (52\32\52x) 3) Asus (52\32\52x) Will you please tell me the models I should look for for each of these brands? Thanks...