How do you fix error 16 without a modchip

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by chigga102, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. chigga102

    chigga102 Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    do u think i can fix it if i have no modchip but i have access to another xbox though
  2. ocogbogu

    ocogbogu Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    if u have an exbox with error code 16 after softmod but mistakenly erased or corrupted on ur hard drive go to . its a hot swap tutorial if u still have original hard drive. and to everyone else, if u dont have anything to say but stupid crap like ha ha ha or paper weight then shut the ^@%# up, u dig!
  3. xbmods

    xbmods Member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    You need to put the xboxdash.xbe or m$dash.xbe file on a re-writable cd. burn it with nero at slow Speed 4x if possible. use a cd-rw disk to do this.
    Add a dummy file to your compilation between 75-100 meg.
    If you have a thomson drive this can be a problem, thier very tempramental. philips or samsung your probably ok.
    If your drive won,t recognise or boot this, try the same process as making a bios boot-disk. iso image.
    Hope this helps buddy, i know it,s frustrating but keep at it. trial and error, will produce a result.
  4. xbmods

    xbmods Member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    After browsing the net, i,ve discovered that error 16 occurs after error 13. which is basically the fact that the system will not boot-up due to clock settings.
    The dashboard attempted to boot but did not find the system clock.
    Slayers will not solve this problem.
    Since i,ve starting replying to threads here, i get messages stating that. your I.P Address is ..........and your location is........
    So i,m doing no more answers to problems.
    Sorry but someone is watching this site, who does,nt like me, giving advice towards helping people.
    Perhaps it,s the fact that they might be losing money, on fixing your console. P.M Me for further information regarding this thread.
  5. sydam3

    sydam3 Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    i joined this place just to let everyone know that the xbox tutorials 161 pasted above works to fix error 13/16
    i could not get vga option to work but i used the text based option and it works fine, just follow the instructions exact
    if you cannot find original xbox dash files then you need to get slayers new install/boot disk, you will find the /C/ directory of original xbox u need located in the /ALL/ directory of his disc, extract all the stuff in there to your linux\c folder (audio,xodash,xboxdash.xbe.. etc.etc..)
    ps. get xboxhdm 1.9 from xbins, its in the /xbox/linux/distro section, much easier than the annoying site they tell you
  6. Shinidoki

    Shinidoki Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    I can Sympathize with you.....

    I'm in a very similiar position.....i did the same thing (rename the file) only an Hour ago.

    So far, it will play original games without a problem

    without a disk i get error 13 - put in a copied game its error 14....

    thats a good thing right? - at least it knows there's a disk in there.

    anyway....i just want to clarify.....If i keep my Xbox turned on i won't get error 16???? - because that looks like a real bitch to fix...
  7. sydam3

    sydam3 Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    u will get the 16 eventually
    its easy man, have faith in ur skills, ur gonna have to do it anyways
    i reccomend also adding ur softmod gamesaves in the E folder of the linux disc u make, that way they will allready be in there when you go to softmod, also a neat little trick for people who do not have a memory card and want to get the save games to their xbox for free
    it literally takes about 3-4 minutes to do once you get the hdd out and pc setup
    once you do it u will see how easy this whole process acctually is, but most people are lazy and don't want to take the side case off and hook up the xbox close to it but its def. worth it
    if your trying to softmod i reccomend auto installer deluxe 2.11, it works flawless on any version of xbox and also takes only a few minutes with the same results as a hardmod basically

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