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how long does weed stay in your system???

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Phyco_Can, Jul 3, 2006.

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  1. tokinmeks

    tokinmeks Guest

    im a male 5'6'' 120 lbs. high metabolism i have a urine test sumtime next week id say around the 25-27 of april.the last time i smoked was on Apr.8th.i smoked weed for about 2 months i used to smoked 2-4 times a week it was usually 2-4 bowls or a blunt if not a joint or two.i dont work out and dont plan on it soon i have how ever been drinkin 7-10 16 oz. bottles of water a day since i quit and plan on buyin sum sort of body cleanse but dont want to spend over $40.i want to kno if i will be clean by the day of the test and what type of cleanser i should buy with specific details such as brand name who sells and possibly an image or link.i would appreciate anyones input in my situation thnk you. pleez send me anything to **email removed**
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2007
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    I want morphine lollipops Gary! Pot i think is so overated but its probubley just me. When i tried it i noticed it was more fun to get "stoned" than to get "high". My legs kind of felt light and floppy for a couple a days. I don't know if it was pot related or what but i didn't like it.
  3. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    There are different strains and varieties of pot as well as different "strengths" within each strain. Maybe you just think it's overrated, no contest. But I'd bet if you smoked some very nice stuff like White Widow or Purple Haze you would have a different outlook.
  4. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Yeah my friend was talking about Purple Haze. I had Mauwie Wauwie... on't know how strong it is compared to the others because its the only kind i tried....
  5. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Maui Wowie is decent. But not as potent as White Widow. maybe close to Purple Haze(not sure)
  6. Shirka

    Shirka Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    the first time i smoke purple haze i was so dumb high more less stoned lol but yeah that shit was good had all sorts of fun then some how ended up getting preached to by my friends aunt about that we should not smoke and keep our lives on track lol what a thing to go through when ur stoned ha. purple haze is nice it just about all i buy now. i still try other ones every now and then.
  7. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    all this crap posted in here and alot people are more worried about my sig LMAO !!! unbelievable
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    xxyyzz, She's beautiful. I Wouldn't worry.

  9. joe777

    joe777 Member

    May 18, 2004
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    Listen folks its different strokes for different folks. Anything (not everything he he) is ok in moderation, it's the human being that is the weak link. Some can take it and leave it but others cant, theres where user and abuser come into play. And one for the smoking bashers out there, ever heard of a machine called the verdamper? The one that only extracts the THC? ( from all forms of smoke be it wiet of hashish) No, then come here to Holland and I will give you a try. But you have to buy the smoke LOL. Theres a coffeeshop called check-point you can but it there.

    Edit: shit what was I talkin about there.....oh yeah I remember that sony are.... no thats not it....right....drinking too much booze...ok I remember now, its your turn to roll another one and dont top load-it this time.
    There thats me finnished.
    To hell with you ahl roll it myself.
    Seriously though smokin every day is not to good for anyone me thinks.
  10. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Smoke cloves people.. leave the weed alone. It's not that good for you, and causes psychological problems.
  11. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Only if you run out and cant find more...
    Seriously though, the problem is personal accountability and how someone uses their "medicine".
    I would love to pass the "peace pipe" to, and conversate with a brain surgeon; but at the same time would not want that surgeon working on me under the influence.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  12. Polyarny

    Polyarny Regular member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    you can drink some vinegar to clean you out, works well, but cant say so much for the taste. lol

    @jan cloves are freaking nasty and they smell something terrible. yuk i smoke ciggarettes and i think those are nasty. now me personally, forget the weed, give me a nice cigar anyday. delicious. lol
  13. joe777

    joe777 Member

    May 18, 2004
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    Oh and 1 last thing(getting back on topic) there is nothing and I repeat nothing in the world that will remove the trace of THC in your system. THC clings to fatty cells in the body and therefor cannot be instantly broken down, and please dont argue cause what I am saying is you cannot buy any product that will fast-flush you for a dope test. Fast-flush products are really masking agents. So you can mask your urine but 1 simple test of creatine levels will render your test knackered. Drinking loads and loads of water(like what you would do in jail) doesnt flush your system, it only creates a pure H2O result, which doesnt contain anything bar all the water you drank. But creatine will not be present and your f**ked again. Being a north-sea tiger ( he he he raaawe) I have never been DT'd, only urine samples for medical, which is to check for diabities / sugar levels nothing else. But I have known some people that have been sent to Aberdeen to be DT'd and they took someone elses urine ( in a package of course ) and put the package under there arms ( to keep the body temp the same ) and they got away with it. There are even some athelites reported to have injected dope free urine straight into the bladder. Oh man thats heavy eh.
    I think the guy who started this thread should get his head down, finish what you have to do at school and stick to the system, cause am afraid in this day and age thats all ye can do if ya want to beat the MAN. Or chuck it all away piss it up against the wall and stick it to the MAN. You have the choice matey.
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    New drugs test could have addicts sweating

    * 09:00 28 April 2007
    * From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

    It might not be a pleasant job, but testing sweat samples could soon play a role in monitoring drug addicts.

    A team led by Nadia Fucci of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy, tested the sweat excretion profiles of drugs including methadone, caffeine and cocaine. Although it was difficult to quantify the amount of drug used, they found sweat offered a longer detection window than saliva and urine. Unlike hair, which can only show chronic use, even one-off use will show up in sweat (Forensic Science International, DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2007.03.010).

    Sweat patches could be used to monitor drug addicts in rehab or on probation, say - assuming they don't remove or switch patches.
  15. Marielmx3

    Marielmx3 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    edited by ddp
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2007
  16. pollution

    pollution Regular member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    Hard to believe someone that can hardly spell.
  17. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    den i blaz3d a d00b13 n' i wnt n g0t da pot n w3nt n k1ll3d 182394 million bugs wif ma bugspray...
  18. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    drinking water doesn't wipe your system of weed; thc isn't water soluble. only thing that will get it out is time, and that's completely dependent on the dosage.
  19. pollution

    pollution Regular member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    THC has a solubility of 2.8mg/L in water
    Very low but it is soluble.
  20. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    not according to my readings; it's one reason you use water in a bong and not something else.
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