Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by nohelpme, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    mikey_ray...try this program, you can download your movie list to a website, to save, and show friends and family.
    They have a free version, but I think it has a limit on how many you can upload to the site.
  2. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    where are my copies that you were gonna send to me? LOL
    you are by far the anime king, i only have like 5 anime total~ im still hoping both you and neph will help me out in that dept., btw, whatever i have that you want[bold]*[/bold], i will send you, all you need to do is ask~ :)

    for clarification purposes [bold]*[/bold] (from above): DVDs only, no you can't have my wife, my soul, or anything else that would get me thrown in jail for exporting illegally to another country~ :)
  3. romero

    romero Regular member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Tapes are still quite appreciated at some collector circles: There's still plenty of movies which aren't available at DVD at all - at least in uncut form - or there's only foreign DVD's which might be expensive and hard to find, so VHS versions are still good option to get to see them. There's also lots of tapes which have rarity value because of their wantedness, limited print runs etc.

    Good example is Danger: Diabolik which was really hard to find as good versions before it was released as DVD month or two ago. Before that there was only few versions available: US Laserdisc, which was as far as I know only widescreen version, was very expensive (and I don't have player - yet) so I decided to buy US tape version. It was Pan & Scan but still very good option for Laserdisc because it cost only about 5$. There have been also bootleg DVD made from LD available, but because I don't prefer copies or bootlegs I didn't bought it.

    Another similas cases are Anthropophagous and Absurd, 2 Joe D'Amatos very violent horror movies: Anthropophagous has been released as DVD in it's uncut form only in Japan and Germany. Japan version is italian language print without english subtitles and it's extremely expensive, German one is english I think but it's probably mastered from tape because picture is near VHS quality. As tape it's released uncut in Greece and UK, both version are rare but I got my old UK tape at sane price and it's english. Absurd (uncut) has been released as DVD only in Germany and picture quality is as poor as in Anthropophagous, only known uncut tape version is old UK one which is very rare and wanted - and that's what I got. As a small fact I've seen those both british tape versions rising over 100£ in eBay so I'm not only one who likes them...

    I guess most of you doesn't even recognise these movies or doesn't understand what makes them so special, but my point was that why pay for expensive DVD when they are incomplete or otherwise bad versions if there's also ones in other format which are complete ones and have also other values than uncut status. Personally I like to spend my money for them much more than for some torso DVD's.

    I've been updating my tape originals to DVDs if somebody has released really good versions of them, I'm not really interested about extra materials but it's movie itself that matters. Ofcourse DVD's have often much better picture quality than tapes but some tape versions are also very well made so there hasn't been really need to update them. I might be also just a nostalgic fool but I like tapes also because they have unique feel about old times, those massive covers with woring marks and dull art seems that they really have history and past when new DVD's just doesn't have any personality at all.

    Shit, this kind of text is really hard to write as understoodable way in english. Hope you get it.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2005
  4. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    i see where you are coming from, im more about quantity over quality, hence my high number of dvds; but i will have to agree with you from a collectors point of view~ :) stick w/ your VHS as im SURE you have many films that never made it to dvd, you have the rare, MUST KEEP ones that are crucial to any avid collector~

    i just own many of the mainstream ones and foreign films from positive there are so many that you own that i will never get a good dvd copy of solely because they never made it to dvd format~

    may your collection continue to grow romero~ good luck~ :)
  5. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    you could do what I do and convert to DVD. The video quality doesn't get any better, but the discs will last longer than the tapes (if you're using good quality discs).

    @mikey_ray: Thanks for the link man, I just bought a 520-disc binder for $18 ($27 with shipping). Can't beat that with a stick!
  6. oracle

    oracle Member

    Nov 1, 2002
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    about 30 of my own productions (transfered from 8mm and VHS tapes).
    24 original musical (and 24 backups of them).
    some combinations of theabove categories just for fun.
  7. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    @mikey_ray have you ordered from that site with the cd binders before?

    @squizzle,your going to need a forklift to lift that big of a binder.I have ones that hold 300, and they have some serious weight to them,
    dont expect your wife, or girlfriend, to be able to lift them.

    Those prices are great tho.
  8. romero

    romero Regular member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Ofcourse I have also big bunch of movies which have been released also on DVD, but some of them are so good versions that I won't keep hurry updating them and other ones aren't so good they would be worth of upgrading. Most of the DVD's I buy or have bought are movies which I haven't got in my collection before, there's only few that have appeared on the shelves as tapes before and most of them are cases where my tape versions have been cut ones and newbought DVD's complete versions, and movies released as several alternate versions with large changes are their own chapter... Anyway, I don't usually sell my previous tape versions when I buy DVD so there's some titles I own both VHS and DVD.

    Actually my movie hobby is at some kind of pause mode, because I decided to take a little time out for several reasons: I wrote more about that here:

    At the moment I'm not going to buy large amounts of movies, just some few titles which seems to really interest me, because I'll try to see does my passion for movies wake up or not. My latest bought was 8 DVD collection of classic Universal horror movies (Mummy, Dracula, Wolfman etc.), and there's coming soon some more extraordinary stuff like old Indonesian horror and barbarian movies and Turkish crime/sleaze romps. At least they are something different, if my lack of interesting for movies is caused from watching too much similar movies those should be the right cure for me :)
  9. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    doc 666:
    dont you worry have just finished converting the 2nd series.Give me some time and you will get them shortly i hope.It takes 8 days by post so maybe by the end of the month
  10. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    Hmm im wondering if i should have continued my Dragonball Z series coz 28 is ok but i still wouldnt mind gettin all the dbz movies.
  11. neojapan

    neojapan Regular member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    I have 273 original movies
  12. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    no pressure, was just joking about that...but thanks, i sincerely appreciate your efforts, what would you like in return? let me know :p
  13. mikey_ray

    mikey_ray Guest


    YES I HAVE bought from them there great

    ill admitt though i hat e shipping and handeling---but some of the prices are way below norm------and the quality is great--thats my word------just be prepared to have popcorn all over your house with a big order
  14. getup

    getup Member

    Oct 7, 2002
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    i only have about 1500 original and backups. guess i've got some catching up to do
  15. nohelpme

    nohelpme Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    That is good getup... now the real question is how many of us have netflix lol
  16. Mulox

    Mulox Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    mikey_ray, I got an error when I went to this site... is it down for maintenance or something maybe?
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i got a little over 800 DVD's, probably have about 1500 CD's
  18. graeme123

    graeme123 Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I have around 550 DVDs in my collection.

    BTW - DVD Profiler is a great prog for cataloging a DVD collection.
  19. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    not me ,i have a chain video store less than a mile from me
  20. fugly

    fugly Guest

    I have 3641 Movie Dvds 128 Documentary Dvds 122 music Dvds I also have full sets of Startrek, Stargate & Atlantis, S.A.A.B, E.F.C, Buffy, Simpsons, Csi all, Sopranos, Bathurst V8s, Angel, Battlestar,Taken, Bonanza, Kingdom Hospital, all series complete or up to this season and still collecting I have 15 special aluminium DVD boxes which hold 390 dvds each and will have to buy more

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