about 1-2 hrs per day remember i can't stay here all day i do have a life u know i'm in college; girls, parties, and etc etc.
every bit of 30 hours a week. imanoob: you might want to read the forum rules...your language has been a bit..rough.
I spend about 2 and a half hours a day (only weekdays) on AD. Because I am grounded from my home computer so I do so at school. My mom would freak if she found out that I am spending my calss time chating with kids/adults/etc. with out getting my Comp. class work done.
oh Bubba1982, why do you gotta be the spoiler, youre like the angry little kid in life...telling on others and neph, alrighty then!
He's not threatening you he's giving you a warning that if you keep that up you will/might get banned.