Hi, Not to step on any toes or such by why the big deal on when your status is bumped up? I mean this is a great forum and free help if you are willing to take the time to learn. My two cents is as long as you are giving or trying to help others as you once were helped here then eventually you will get the boost.
No big deal Matt72, everyone is different. Some people just like to "see" they've achieved a goal. Thank you for your input. I agree, Helping & learning is the key thing.
@bunnyrip, I re-read the post I put and just wanted to re-iterate what I said was a general statement as alot of folks that have just joined afterdawn will run off at the fingertips to boost their status. I do see you post in the nero forum and I know that you are not of that group. I should have been more to the point of I see alot of pointless posts and then once afterdawn members (the new ones) see all they have to do is post a certain amount then comes the useless rhetoric. In theory I myself wasn't aware of status change until a few months ago which led me to believe i was in some way being helpful. There are alot of helpful and knowledgeable folks around who give their expertise free of charge to all to assist us in broadening our dvd backup experience. Although i have not been around long I have taken to being the understudy of creaky regarding nero logs as he won't sell me his guide on how to read 'em. Guess I am rambling on but I notice not alot of the addicts don't post anymore as they get tired of seeing the same thing over and over so they choose to look move on and possibly just hang out in the irc afterdawn room. Enough just wanted to clarify it was nothing against you I simply wanted to make a point in text in case some new members alot of which seem to be under the age of 18 tend to feel the more posts, the greater status thus I now have the right to be rude and obnoxious attitude. Anyway hope to see you and the others around as so I can fry my brain some more with all this info. *been meaning to hit ddp up for some info but he never keeps still long enough to track him down.
There's a thread or two somewhere where the reasons why status was changed from 'earned posts' to amount of posts, is detailed. (important to add that none of it matters a hoot to me, i post incessantly most evenings purely to keep my grey cells active as my job is very see-saw, ie we go for ages without doing too much, then go full-pelt into massive projects or full-pelt disaster mode, and it's easy to become vague about techie stuff when you're not using it every day). ...and it works, i'm a lot sharper at work than i used to be. You young un's take heed, it'll happen to you one day Anyyyyyway, the status thing was changed before my time here, and certainly before i even knew or cared about the whole status thing. One thing i've seen on other sites is post count per thread, ie any replies you'd make on a thread would only count as one post, which i think is how it should be. Hopefully AD will change to something better that will dissuade or even prevent the pointless post-count boosting and mind-numbing irrelevance that goes on
Seeing repeat questions bothers many members on here. What burns me up is seeing the useless one liner answers in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with the question or problem being worked on. Then when you try to tell the member that wrote the one liner they are off base, they one line you several more times without adding any information to the thread. Sometimes you just can't win. Jerry
@ ddp hi there are.. the one liners (duu!!) and the "one liners" who makes your day with the underlying humour and a tinge of sarcasm that makes you smile to yourself with this in mind i have to nominate you as the KING this is said with the biggest smile in the world Geoff
one of the only times i recall using a one-liner was to andmerr, and he thought i was ill as it's the first time he'd seen me write less than a 500 word essay. dunno what he means i'm sure