I miss my childhood. I dont miss the wars. Just my childhood. *sigh* It really isn't fair. Once I'd hit 9 years old the impact left me with zero self esteem and that continued for 3 years. I want to be six years old again.
Dont think ive got the knowledge of someone in my 40's even though in in my 20's , gotta lot of learning yet *sigh* maybe one day i will know alot more but then again in my job i feel like im in my 40's sometimes LOL
correct me if im wrong, but i would've thought that the knowledge you'll get in your 40s is probably best to be left unlearnt until the 40s and not before. otherwise, whats the point? you already know all the consequences, you're supposed to be able to learn from them. and its supposed to fun.
i agree evamae! i know sometimes it sucks when u find out ure wrong but its usually fun for me to remember how much stupider i was before. @ddp same old, same old. boring classes, boring teachers. oh and i totally forgot to mention that im taking digital photo, the most useless classs ever. i mainly took it for an art credit and cant wait till its over. we use cs2 and its great and all if the teacher actually taught. i know how it functions and the cool little things but the rest of the class thinks its crap. and the worst thing, the teacher doesn't let me help anyone, we had a long arguemnt about that. *whew*
ive been having exams for the last 2 weeks. i failed at least 3 of them. but, in history i got an A*. and so far in german i have a B. But the overall mark depends on what I get tomorrow in the controlled coursework writing exam. which means i have at least 150 words in a foreign language to memorise for tomorrow. bring it on, lol. is that in college kinza? i will be taking geography and german and english language and eithr/neither law or psychology. i just realised that by applying for a list like that makes me sound like a complete and utter prat.
dig photo is a high school class, i wouldn't waste my time on that in college. my exams are in january after winter break. gotta study but other than that my grades are holding up. for college im probably gonna major in business.
ah right, cool. we had to have our exams in december. which is not a nice way to end the year, but it means we have no more exams until June. then the horror starts all over again.
Ah man, had my GCSE's last year, what a nightmare! especially when the teachers are always on your back! managed to come through it with straight passes so hang on in there guys & gals Oh, and welcome back Kinza
i thankyou too. i'll try and pass. if i dont get into college, then my future is pretty much set - librarian. heck yes.
u can do a lot of things with just a high school diploma. did u see the last apprentice season, it was street smarts vs. book smarts. one of the street smart gals almost won.
no i didnt see it. we dont have a t.v. my parents are wary of its influence. yet we have the internet and 3 computers. its ironic. lol.