ummmmmm.... Auslander.... I may not be aware of some of the stunts you've pulled, but I am certain you will grow up just fine; and likewise certain your parents are extremely proud of you. I bet your sister (and her friends) be in awe of you! that's what I'm talking about! R
my 16th is approaching!!! (edit: okay, 5 months) i dont want my exams. (edit: i got less than 15 weeks!!!)
Haha same here. Except my birthday it's 3 months on tuesday muwahah. Exams are in May also.. grrr. -Mike
aaah, yes. you can share my pain. my birthday is inbetween the exams and the results day. im going to live in fear for 3 months. what exams you takin mike?
Yeah I know what you mean! lol! Modern Studies, English, History, Spanish, Physics, Maths, Music, and Computing. And for my 5th year subjects : English, History, Modern Studies, Physics and Computing <-- They are the one's I'm taking -Mike
wow i cant do physics. but its compulsory so i sort of am, but its really hard. you very hardworking & intellectual eh? you sound it. im going to fail.
Hehe thanks. I'm sure you won't fail! Don't they have supported study classes or anything at your school? If you're having trouble with any of you're subjects you should ask your teacher for extra help or something. I'm not trying to be a square or anything But If you [bold]want[/bold] to pass, you gots to ask for stuff like extra homework etc. Just a bit of friendly advice you're welcome to take on-board -Mike
yeh ive been going to the geography ones since september (yeh, they start early..), and there are going to be ones for each lesson soon. friendly advice is always welcome
Happy Birthday for yesterday i_suck. Aplogies for getting ddp and flip involved in the other thread that was really uncalled for..Sorry. What gfx card you getting/got? I'm looking for one myself as my current one is sooo outdated.. ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra GL! -Mike