Oh you flatter me so! In the spirit of this thread I'll officially start my countdown - 17 days till my 34th year.
Birthdays aren't what they used to be but I'm looking forward to it suppose. I'll have a nice evening with family and friends plus a homecooked meal from Mom There's definitely no dread because I've found that life only gets better and better as I get older. There's no amount of money that'd get me to trade my early thirties for my early twenties!
Hehe, there's nothing better than a homecooked meal from your mum, no matter what age! Have fun! Spoken like a true thirtysomething ~!
I'd like to trade my early thirties body for my early twenties body, but nothing else...I'll be right behind you in July Neph.
neph quote Anyone wanna see my birthday suit? yes i do, if ye look like this,take it off,take it all off!!!!! otherwise if not,NO!!!!!