How old/young are you (to all)?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by chriso123, Sep 28, 2002.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    well we can't trust you any more since you made 30. I'll turn 62 in January and my goal is to keep turning the next number.
  2. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    I guess perspective does have a way of changing doesn't it. :)
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    A lady friend of mine just sent me this. I couldn't agree more!


    I forgot how old "The Cat in The Hat" must be by now! LOL!!

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Haha! That's brilliant...
  5. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Lmao, very good :)
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I was read those Seuss books as a toddler. They've be around a long time. LOL
  7. regor

    regor Regular member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    Longer than I've been around, garmoon, and I turned 50 (a whole half century) this year. My kids are all grown and grew up with Dr. Seuss and interesting to note that my grandkids are also growing up with the same ole Dr Seuss. Tis a good thing one or thing two :)
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The Cat in the Hat turned 50 this year as well. It was first published in 1957!

    Rock On,
  9. regor

    regor Regular member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    ahh... the year of the cat

    in the hat, said he.

    You are the one theonejrs, not neo!

    :) :) :)
  10. regor

    regor Regular member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    and jsyk....

    My wife and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniverary today. That is less than a million but greater than many.

    it all balances out to charm, charisma, fortuitudeness (new word?), patience, kindness, love, affection, understanding, uh er oh ok love again, the question is whether it is hers or MINE :)

    or both?

    ahhhh maybe simply both of us :)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2007
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    As you well know after 31 years, it isn't all roses! That's where Patience, Kindness, Affection and understanding come into play. Without those things, there can be no long and lasting Love, because Love alone is not enough. When things don't go the way that you want, it takes Patience, Kindness, affection and understanding to remind both of you why you are together and how much you truly love each other. As far as the question of it being "Hers or Mine", it's yours together. I'm sure you realize that all of this works both ways, but it's what you share best! The Give and Take of all the above that makes it all work!

    A very Happy Anniversary to the both of you, and many more.

  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You left out the most important thing, SHE has all the money and Regor's kind of in for the long haul. J/K Regor


    Congrats on 31 year milestone (millstone). LOL We make 30 years next June; and SHE spends all the money.
  13. regor

    regor Regular member

    Sep 15, 2004
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    Thanks both of you, theonejrs and garmoon. Saturday morning when I woke I said happy anniversary to my wife and asked: "what has it been, a million years"? <grin> and she said "yes"!

    Anyone that could have put up with the likes of me and my 'regor' humor has gots to be a good gal. I think I'll keep her!

    Best to you both. R
  14. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    this thread has almost (one more push) made me leave afterdawn, every one here is sooo youg/soo old, dam you chriso123, your 12 years old and have a equivalent status as me (senior, it doesn't show),

    DELA- no offense but your 16 and a staff member on afterdawn??, wow good going, i'd never be able to accomplish such a bribe with little money i got.

    garmoon- id never imagine that your 60 wow, keep going, congrats man

    i see now that at 21 am just a simple computer tech working my way through college and answering threads written by 12 year olds, boy this has shocked me, to see the ages of the people here is like...

    sry if caused any offense but i speak my mind,
    -tripplite out>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Well, I'm not really the butt of that post at 19, but it does offend me. Forums attract young users, get used to it.
  16. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    sam you're so subtle and understanding. lol.

    I don't see the need for age really on a "platform" such as this.... Most of the people are here just for some help and it shouldn't matter what age you are just as long as you show the respect that people deserve. If they don't deserve it then just move on. "Comments" that insight negative feelings do NO GOOD to anyone and just cause more problems like this place needs that!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I turned 39 less than 2 weeks ago and I'm young in some things and old in other things. My body is OLD for it's age. lol. But my mind is normally young on most things when it comes to new "adventures" but I show maturity when needed. lol. One of the youngest fellas here on the site is a "friend" of mine whether he likes it or not BUT he normally shows great "maturity" when perusing the forums. We all make silly comments and should ask for forgiveness if they truly hurt someone but as a general rule JUST MOVE ON and all will be good. ;)

    I'm sure I've said to much but the people that get offended by age comments just gotta chill and show some MATURITY when someone is surprised at their age. lol. I wish I was 21 and know what I know now... I wouldn't change much other than money management and education. :p
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I you ever read one of Dela's excellent tutorials, you wouldn't even hint at something like that. Dela's earned the right to be a staff member here!

    I'm 63 and one of the Older folks around here. I've been fooling around with computers since 83, started building my own in 89 and have built somewhere around 248 of them over the years. I admire a lot of these young folks who know a lot more in their early teens than I did when I was 45. I've been around electronics since I was old enough to go down to the electronics store by myself. I'm still a "Rocker" and I don't think I'll ever switch to Bach! LOL!! I do draw the line at "Rap"! That's a hanging offense in my house! LOL!!

    I like most of the younger crowd here. Some that come here are dumb as posts, but those don't usually stick around here too long. Most young people come here because of the reputation that AD has for helping people with computer woes. Along the way I've made quite a few friends from all over the world and of all different ages. I'm glad to see the type of interest we see from the younger crowd. I belong to so many different forums that I joined and never went back to because some of the people are so rude or have attitudes. Here most of the folks are fairly civil. I don't ever expect to see some of the crap that I've seen on other forums. I would sooner see young people coming here, trying to learn something useful instead of out getting into trouble or robbing Liquor Stores. I'm here to learn too, as no one knows everything. You would be very surprised by some of the things I've learned from some of the younger crowd. I know I just don't speak for myself when I say that it's rewarding everytime some young person who has never overclocked or even built a computer before follows the advice given on this forum and has a successful build and overclock. It does a body good!

    Clockin On at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)

  18. svtstang

    svtstang Regular member

    Apr 23, 2006
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    Age doesn't surprise me a bit anymore. I help out mostly in the console forums, I can pretty much guess the age of those I am helping when the thead is entitled "Plz hlp Me dwngrade da psp!!!oneoneone!!! I honestly don't see how the above post offended you Sam, it is not like Tripplite took shots at you personally. Anyway, I am 22, and often feel a bit old for the forums I frequent, what to do?!
  19. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Woops, another yougin' who just took offense to your post.

    Firstly, you mention status in relation to age. This is the internet not real life. Sorry if when you're out in the real world you can flaunt your number of years around and command what little respect you might get, but that doesn't fly here. Respect here is earnt by quality of posts and a good attitude in the community. From what I've gathered, you have neither.

    Dela is a *very* worth Staff member of AfterDawn. He applied and the Admins personally chose their Staff, so, unlike you, he got his qualifications and has talent which they felt good enough to hold a place as Staff. Age is relative. Take jannejt (Finnish Moderator), 16/17 years old, who still holds the title of youngest ever moderator here @ aD. That says more about you than it does about him and/or AfterDawn.

    So what exactly is your problem? Are you that insecure you feel threated that there are children with a higher intellect than that of your own out there? Or are you just plain ignorant?

    Oh, BTW, I'm 15.

    Stang, as you mentioned something RE Sam, I feel the same applies to me. I come across ageism at school every single day. Adults win because they're adults, not because they're right. I get sick and tired of people like this who think they can BS on about age when it's completely unjustified.

    Off to school now. Laters.
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Theone: I wholeheartedly agree with that post. I've been at this forum since I was 15 and I've learnt the majority of what I know about PCs from here. The way I see it, if there's something I think I can offer to help people out, I will. If I don't know enough about a topic to post anything worthwhile, I won't. In that regard I don't think age matters at all. Granted it's nice to know what age people are so you know what sort of people you're talking to, but if you'd been offered some sound advice and then only later found out the person was 14, would you care?

    Svtstang: The post doesn't offend me on a personal ground, it offends me because it essentially hurls abuse at a website that has pretty much become a way of life for me. As I say above, there's nothing wrong with guides written by young people if they're factually sound. I am also in accord with Theone over the fact that Dela has written some material that earns him the right to be a Staff member, regardless of his age.

    Ripper: While I agree with the sentiment of your post, I disagree about the ageism at school. Some people may have ageistic natures, but the majority of teachers and members of staff deserve command over younger people because that is in fact their job. They are the knowledgables there. With older and younger pupils, however, I take the same stance as I do here. Just because you're older doesn't mean you're better.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2007

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