Wow 14!! I can't really remember 14, drinking in class was a lot of fun. Good all Grade 9, oh the days.
yea that was 33 years ago for me, and ddp coined it well... turmoil! There was a lot of peer pressure. And my parents seemed to contribute just as much pressure as my peers - pretty rough when you have to please everybody! But we evolve, all of us. We survive. And we succeed! I would not want to be 14 again though, unless I had a chance to right some wrongs. Most of them my own. Pretty profound, eh?
We all definately go through alot in our lives, I know that I am only 27 and have yet to even begin my life. But already, there are ALOT of things that I wish I could change just as you said! But oh live and learn, right ddp?
Venom and Clouser, you could be my kids (no no no Nephilim, not litterally, geeez). My oldest son is 27 and my youngest son 19 with a 23 yo daughter in-between. Boy oh boy if I was your dad you'd really be VENOM! hehehehe
venom, your right! at 14 my parents split up & i spent the next 3 1/2 years in the childrens aid or under their supervision
Yeah...times can be tough...I know that I was homeless for awhile a couple of years ago and times were tough. But I pulled changed alot about how I looked at the world and such.
if only you were half wolf, Venom... then we could call you fang! Speaking of half wolf... where the heck is Auslander through all of this? Oh Auslander... warewolf are you...??? and Nephilim... where the heck is Nephilim??? yous guys are slacking off!!!
at one time i was homless but that was when i was realy little i was later taken away from my parents and adopted
oh man you guys are killing me... maybe I should've been your dad! [edit] what I meant by that was you would have never been homeless.
@regor New name....VENOM FANG!!!! He has been around, not much in the forums I don't think, but he's been around. Laying down the iron fist of the law with ddp,drD, and Flip! ;p