I sure as hell don't either. First and foremost I support our troops in everything they do but in my opinion we had no business getting ourselves into the mess we're in now. As far as presidents, there hasn't been a single one that I even remotely liked or agreed with since I was old enough to vote. I have my fingers crossed for John McCain in '08
I'd love it if Hillary ran against McCain because it wouldn't even be close and we'd have a real President in office as opposed to the schmuck we have now.
... Oh crap! Could you imagine the decisions Hillary'd make if she was PMSing ... http://www.lp.org/ Libertarian or Death
This thread is so far off topic it whould be closed. If one wants to talk "trash politics", then start a thread on that subject.
Just hit 66 a couple days ago, I think this was the thread, and I do agree with the politics (excuse the spelling) but it should be on a different thread.... Geo.
Happy belated birthday Geo I agree the politics should be kept out but this thread is no stranger to wandering all over the place as well as being one of the longest on AD so we'll keep it going
bonjour ppl!!! yesterday was my 15th birthday!!!! yay! i can now LEGALLY go to the cinema and watch films registered 15s without feeling guilty!!! yay!! happy birthday to anyone that's just had theirs too!!