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Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Mexiboy, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    How do i make a registry entry?
  2. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Ahhh, now we are talking. Mexiboy do you see the confusion caused?


    "Yeah we do"

    @ Jan, speak for yourself, you lost me after the first three words!!

  3. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    Yeah Do you know if there is any tutorials for this?
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Aye there is a 1500 page Microsoft hardware driver building guide available to registered developers. (It's part of the fuss about MS currently in the European courts thet is going to cost them billions..they will only release details of the source code to trusted developers) Otherwise try google, maybe somebody has uploaded it somewhere. You might get lucky and just be able to put the driver into the same folder on your machine as it is on the one it's coming off... Really the only way to ensure success, apart from getting the install software from plextor is to "ghost" the whole windows install from one drive to the other.

    Tutorial for device driver building?? Try a 5 year higher diploma in programming.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2006
  5. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    So there is no way i can just like copy everything into a zip and send that?
  6. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    If you have a friend at a tech store, you may ask to make a copy of the disk.
  7. pyffy

    pyffy Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I don't know if this helps but I use DriverGuide Tool Kit to back up drivers. There is a trial version at http://www.driverguidetoolkit.com/ that may be able to help you. Give it a try it may resolve your problem.
  8. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    Good idea, thanks man
  9. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    The driver did not show up on the software. Thanks for the help tho!

    I did find a torrent for the exact driver i need, but the download will not work. I have tried uTorrent or whatever it is and the comet one neither work.

    If anybody has any other ideas about how to get this driver please post!
  10. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Not really..you need the install.exe/setup.exe file for your driver. Otherwise you have to "ghost" a windows install which will either work or not depending on the hardware involved. Best idea..get your money back and buy something that doesn't need a custom driver, or comes with all the software.
  11. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    How do you "ghost" a windows install? Do you mean copy a whole operating system to a new hardive?
  12. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    For that to work you need an exact match of the motherboard and components (I think).

  13. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Not quite.. It's possible (did it a few weeks ago for somebody) but depending on certain things it will either work or not..it's just one of those things.. heres how to do it if you want to try.
    First put another drive in the pc you want to copy the OS from.
    then using something like Partition Commander make a partition the same size on the empty drive. Format it the same (NTFS) and copy the entire windows folder across. Then put the drive back in the pc you want to clone it to and boot from your tools cd with partition commander on it... Then use the app to make the drive bootable. Reboot and change the bios to boot from the cloned drive. The big drawback is if it works you have all the settings and passwords from the other machine/user so you will have to spend a fair bit of time changing everything over.
    It does work most of the time but not always depending on the hardware involved..The last one I did was clone windoze XP pro from an AMD 3400+ 64 onto a P4 1.6 with only half the amount of ram and different graphics, but it worked so the hardware issues didn't seem to matter.
    When it booted it spent ages running the "add new hardware" wizard, but as the P4 is getting on a bit all the drivers were on the XP disk and in the system data anyway.
    Find a 10 gig drive and give it a go..there's nothing to lose by trying..and the buzz when it works is amazing..not much short of godlike as far as your friend will be concerned.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2006
  14. Mexiboy

    Mexiboy Guest

    Thanks, ill give it a try.
  15. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Have a look around the torrents for a disk called "Techies Toolkit" It's full of legal apps, older versions but full versions, and it's bootable too.

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