dude, All I can say is what the F*ck, I only say the f bomb when it is needed, and right now i think it is needed.
dude There's a lot of truth to that old cliche "Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out of it alive anyway."
FOR THE DUDE, First, let me say no matter how bad you think life is, when you consider the alternative -- it ain't all that bad. I'm sure, like me, you've often heard people say, "Don't worry about life, you'll never get out of it alive anyway." Well... that's not quite true. There are two things to worry about in life -- either you're a success or you're not. If you're successful, you have nothing to worry about. If you're not, there are two things to worry about -- either you're healthy or you're not. If you're healthy, you've got it made in the shade. If you're not, there are two things to worry about -- either you'll live or you'll die. If you live, relax and enjoy. If you don't, there are two things to worry about -- either you'll go to Heaven or Hell. If you go to Heaven, you may rest in peace for all eternity. If you don't and are anything like me, you'll be so busy greeting all your old friends and "catching-up", you won't have time to worry about it anyway.