to our friends across the pond i can't be with you in person to give a helping hand but my thoughts and best wishes go with you stay as safe as possible Geoff
I heard something about nearly $50 000 000 000 (fifty billion) worth of damage. man. unthinkable. :'(
I live in a tiny town of less than 3000 people on the Mississippi River about 150 mile north of New Orleans. We have two grocery stores and seven gas stations. This little town has had a growth spurt of about 5000 extra people because of Katrina. we are told to expect up 4000-5000 more. Our resources are stretched to the limit. Both stores, one of which I am the manager, are nearly empty. We have no bread,water,ice or much of anything else. All gas stations are out of gas, and don't know when to expect more. Many homes have opened their doors to total strangers, every church and school gym is full of people. We do everything we can to help and be helpful. We smile and listen to how someone has lost everything, house, car, job and family members. My cashiers cry as they hear these stories. And I'm sure this same thing can be told by dozens of small towns across the south. My point is, we are a caring and generous people. Southern Hospitality DOES live here. PLEASE DO NOT judge my state, Louisiana, by the sub human thugs you see on the news networks. That is not how we are. It sickens me to watch that and think that is the impression the world will have of us.
@hogan God bless you and your town for the comfort and genrousity you are giving. My daughter-in-law was born and raised in NC and I have always enjoyed southern hospitality from all here people. I am sure the world does not judge the many by the actions of the few.
guys stop the the praying and bullshiting, show some actions donate some money i donated $50 this morning to the piz help out. by the way fcuk bush and katrina
Arniebear, I was glad to read your son and family are safe. That is a blessing. evilholy, Yes donations are inportant, that is very important. But these people need things NOW. Most left with only what they had on them and what little money they had in their pocket.
I just talked to my son this morning, he had just gotten off work from going in at 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. He said he flew out to New Orleans last night for 8 hours and they pulled 35 people of roofs. He said the stench in the city is horrible, you can't breathe. He said there are fires in several areas. He also said one of the CG crews reported that when they went to rescue some people off a roof, and sent the swimmer down who told the family women and children first, the guy said no you take me first or I will shoot you. They told them they would take him first and he gave up the gun. These people are thoroughly desperate, I am ashamed of my govt because they are not doing more and fast enought. We can mobilize a whole army half way across the world faster, it is truly sad.
well the news sed 30 billion GBP here in london so its roughly rite. so bloody what? i think you show a loada disrespect rite there. america is the richest country in the world. ie it doesn't lack money. it is a good gesture etc but some people find comfort knowin that people are prayin 4 them because so far the richest country in the world ever ever ever has left it's people stranded
lethal_b You are dead wrong. The richest country in the world has not left its people stranded.The rescue teams can not get in to help ANYONE because of the sub human thugs shooting at them. I have a good friend who owns an ambulance service who has had his EMT's and drivers shot at and ambulances stolen. The thugs put the patients on the side of the road and went for a joy ride. The sad part is the people you see on TV, sitting in the roads have no communication. They have no way of knowing the rescue units can't get to them because of these thugs. They feel deserted and I don't blame them. But now troops are going in to escort and protect the rescue units. Things will start getting better. They may have to shoot a few of these thugs, but it will be no great loss. They are the ones responsible for the pain and suffering these poor people are going through now...
Lethal, give us the facts about the country leaving the people stranded, or are you talking about the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans leaving them stranded, due to their ineptness, now, and before Katrina hit? If that is what you are talking about, then I agree with you. They are inept, but the country is not, and is not leaving them stranded. They are rescuing them, as I type.
It is not unbelievable, it is sad. They knew that this would happen, for the past 100 years, yet New Orleans, and the State of Louisiana did virtually nothing to upgrade the levees to the structural strength to stand up against a hurricane of this magnitude, had no disaster plan in effect, and did nothing to get the poor people out, prior to Katrina hitting. That is what is unbelievable.
I just found about katrina today at school.I know it's kinda late but i didn't watch the news. I just wanted to say that i'm prying for all those people up there. I hope everyone here in AD doesn't have anyone in Katrina. I'm still watching the news. I still doesn't know that much about it. I have a ? how come they can't use the cell phone. Well anyway god bless you and god bless all those people up there in katrina.
Cell phones need an overlapping network of local antennas, all powered by electricity and connected to a functioning central switching/routing facility (also powered by electricity). Flood water is bad :^( The infrastructure, even if electric is available, is demolished in a truly biblical sense. You just stay in school now...
I concur. You know...when the news shows African-American people they call it "looting" and when they show Caucasian people they call it "finding food for survival." This whole situation cannot be blamed on one single person or group.
where did hogan say the thugs were all black and the victims were all white? you seem to be trying to imply more than hogan ever insinuated. i've seen assholes steal ambulances before; why don't you guys believe it? it's basically like a Mad Max movie down there now.
One of our family friends owns ( or did own) several, around 18 I think, small stores in N.O. When he left he told his managers to leave the doors unlocked for the people left behind who will need food. Not only did they take all the food( which was ok by him) the busted every freezer window, stole all the shelving, turned oner everything that could be turned over. THAT is looting. in Louisiana we have a law on the books that states in this type of situation, taking what you need to survive is understandable. BUT taking DVD players, jewelry, electronics, and anythjing else you can carry IS looting. bobright, the statement IS NOT ridiculous. I know these people and have talked to them. IT IS A FACT. kinza. I NEVER said black OR white, I said THUGS. Funny you thought THUG had to mean black. "Finding FOOD for survival" like I stated above is ok. Anything else IS LOOTING.. Auslander. Thanks for the good words on my behalf.