fighting over computer supremacy is just plain ignorant. now if you would have commented that your pocket protector was better than his then i'd say you'd deserved that beat down.
Let's be very careful about getting personal fellas. Loosely related to the subject but has anyone else seen the new Mac commercials with the Mac guy and PC guy next to each other? I've got no use for Macs but the commercials are simply brilliant. Here they are,
lol... this just aint rihgt682's week. first he gets his butt whooped at school then he gets suspended from AD. i wouldnt be surprised if he just got struck by lighting.
i do as i temp banned you the last time. from 4 Apr, 2006 to 6 Apr, 2006, reason: 2day ban for being a prat from 17 Apr, 2006 to 24 Apr, 2006, reason: too damn lazy to edit his post, then is cocky about it! from 21 Apr, 2006 to 5 May, 2006, reason: multi-posting because he wanted to
Oh yeh I remember that "I WANTED TOO" one.. ...ddp temp banned him because HE WANTED TOO. Haha, funny stuff.
@ddp, lol & sometimes I wish I could want too to.. @Tybro9, Haha, nice pic! can't go wrong with the Mac knockin' humour.
@Tybro9, The joke is about a thread a while back where our slightly crazy mate ricky91 multiposted & The_Fiend asked him: 1.Why did you multipost. 2.(He said something here, can't remember what it was) 2.(He said something here, can't remember what it was) And ricky91 replied: I multiposted because 1.I waneted too. 2.I wanted too. 3.I wanted too. ...ddp then temp banned him because HE WANTED TOO!! lol, funny stuff Hope that clear's everything up, now getting back on topic, errrmmm...the person who punched rihgt682 was a retard, Mac's are'nt that bad, but if someone was bashing them I would'nt punch them...maybe if it was pc's they where bashing, I would!...(not)
heh okay, i got the joke now i dont know about macs sucking, i was brought up on windows, but it feels like microsoft owns my computer thanks to windows, not me.