[ airclass ] If using an already used disk that was formatted in the 05, the unit will accept it If formatted on a different machine, It will ask to adapt it. Adapt it Make sure that you give the unit proper time to either format or adapt a disk The 05 will display thumbnails indicating free space and already used space on the disk. Using timer record Make sure the clock is correctly set. Set the timer to the correct time and [Length] for the recording mode selected Leave the unit on or you can turn it unit off The Length Item On the timer setup is not the time the unit is to shut off. This is the length of the recorded program and cannot exceed the time avail on the disk for the mode set. As an example using a blank disk. If the mode is set to SP the maximum time set on Length in timer setup, is 2hr 3min. If a USED disk is used, that has programming, the max time is the free space avail on the disk. If this parameter is exceeded, There will appear under [Result] in the timer setup, the message [Overflow]. The unit will not turn on or record if left on If everything is correct, the message [Accept] will appear in the result column. I used Memorex +R and +RW disks doing this. These disks are considered by many to be the most troublesome disks avail. I did not have any problems. I use, and also used, Verbatim +RW disks both New and Used that have been erased., formatted in a different unit and adapted in the 05 I have done this a number of times with no problem. I also did this on a Cyberhome 1200, which is the same machine, again no problems. I have not used this unit often to record with and I wanted to be sure that this procedure was correct for the different disks used. You say the machine works OK in timer if not turned off. You may be doing something wrong with the selection of the siginal source. Every machine has its quirks the 05 is, in my opinion. the siginal source defalt and its selection when tunned off PS !! I did try and contact the ilo 05 site. The service was very poor and the person that finally answered, it took 1hr 7min to answer, didn’t know anything concerning the operation. It was their nickel they were on a speaker line while I did my thing.