I tried to download blindwrite 4.5.7 (thanks for the link, hbkhhh69). And followed the setting exactly (removed autoplay support, and physically include BWA information) using DAO PW. Result: unreadable CD on both my desktop PC and notebook PC. However on my desktop PC, this disc can be used to play children of nile (usable only to bypass security checking by securom), installation cannot be performed since the CD cannot be read at all. On my toshiba tecra s1 notebook, the drive keep spinning and has to be ejected manually to stop.
What did you do to bypass the security of SecuRom? The game has probelms reading on any drive thats Sony or if its a DVD-rom player at all. Try using different drives. Also, remove any virtual drives. You might have to contact SecuRom about this. www.securom.com/emulation has the email address for it.
I am about to try to the "drive other than a Sony or a DVD-ROM" which might be my problem; my primary drive is a Sony DVD-ROM. But... I installed the game using Daemon Tools with the image files. Then I used the burned CD to try to play the game. Yes, the CD I used that said "cannot read CotN.exe" or whatever when I tried to install. I got an error that said "unable to validate disc in required time" or something like that. So being stubborn, I clicked retry. And the game worked. The disc IS in my Sony DVD-ROM drive. I'm not writing this off as the solution by any means, but something to try. It's very round-about and not the way I'd *like* it to work, but the game is freaking awesome, so I'll take what I can get.
I am glad it works for you. I played it twice. I am not too good at these games maybe someone can teach me how to play it good.
Keep in mind that successful backups of the newer protections are highly dependant on the capabilities of the burner.
It depends on what you have already. The top three drives for backing up games are the Plextor Premium (by far), Lite-On 52327S and the Asus 5232AS. These drives are able to accurately write the protection back to the disc thus giving you a working copy. If the drive isn't able to do this you'll need to run some sort of emulation to get the copy to work, if at all
Can someone walk me thought the best way to burn it.i have both programs. Blind write and Alcohol 120%. But im not sure how to get it working ive used abunch of cds for it help me out please.
I would say to follow the very detailed BlindWrite instructions. Install from the image on your hard drive (take the CD out of the drive first). Then put in the burned CD, unmount the image, and play the game. It will work. Hopefully. As already said, it depends a lot on your brand of burner.
Yeah, I was gonna mention that the disc is not in my DVD-ROM drive, it's in the burner drive. But hey, it worked. Happy playing.
It works!!! Specjalne podziekowania dla FEARGONE. Kosztowalo mnie to 3 CD, ale dziala. Mialem podobny problem jak Feargone, tylko ja mam combo LG 4120B. Trzeba zainstalowac CotN uzywając Daemon Tools, potem go zdeaktywowac i odpalic program, który bedzie dlugo szukal plyty, a potem do skutku kilkac retry (ja musialem 3 razy), a potem juz odpala za pierwszym razem
I'm not sure which part of this thread wasn't in English, but if you got it working, please pay us the courtesy of posting in a normal language so we can all try it.
I coulnt get it to work with the blindwrite method, so i used another way that worked for me. I burned the image with the newest version of Alcohol 120% with the profile SecuROM *NEW (4.x/5.x). In settings in Alcohol under emulation, check the RMPS feature. I then installed with the image mounted in Deamon Tools, then i uninstalled Deamon tools and it worked! :=) Not sure if Deamon tools needed to be uninstalled, but i thought if it worked for me, it could work for someone else. Please reply if it works for you too.
Ok, what I can't figure out is the BWA information. I can't find that option anywhere - anywhere at all. I am using the corrent blindwrite version also.
i have a question, ok so i dont know wat bwa is but watever lol, so i got the three files and i unpacked them. then i used blindwrite 4 to succesfully burn it onto a disk with autorun off an all. then for extra measure i used daemon tool to stick it onto a fake drive. so now my problem is when i launch the game or more so i dont. i startup the shortcut or .exe file which u call it and then it starts loading but no game. just loads in the task manager and then disappears. so my problem is how do i make it acutally work. anyone?