ALL HERE AT AFTERDAWN, INTERNET POLICE NOTICE Offender : You! Date: Saturday, April 8, 2006 Offence #678909: IN FRONT OF COMPUTER TOO LONG! Details of Offence: During our routine sweep of the Internet we the Internet Police, have discovered that you have been sitting on your chair, in front of the computer WAY TOO LONG! You are HEREBY ORDERED to clean up that pile of cups, cans, wrappers and papers on your desk (yes, we can see you - sit up straight!) and after you have logged into the real world for a minimum of fifteen minutes you may log back on to the Internet. Failure to comply may result in loss of reality, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the requirement of a larger chair. The timer starts NOW! Get off your butt, take a shower, change into some clean underwear, and you'll thank us for it later.
I'd seriously like to find out where that little maggot lives, just so i can go and kick his @ss next time i'm in the U.S. Bet it would make a great headline "Police officer knocked down with skateboard"
i don't think he is a cop nor has a black belt. his attitude is not grown up like an adult usually is. i think he is in his teens.
So much the better, then it will read "Teen gets firm spanking for misbehaving on internet forums" roflmao
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOMAOTFLOLOL!!!!! Ok, the cyber police is when an organization of people will investigate something on their own time and then report it to the regular policeif necessary, first off ddp, you have no buisness going into my buisness, my age is 25, so keep your mouth shut, you are just on a power trip like you always are. As you guys proved again you are just after the not so popular members and will ban anybody a popular member reports! the way you guys run a web forum is very unprofessional and if I was drd or ketola I would be embarrassed. You had no justified reason to ban me but just to defend myself from a flame war. So once again you go after the less popular one and just lett dvdback get away with anything he desires! ddp, you can really be an bumhole sometimes, especially if it is none of your buisness whether I am a cop and my third degree black belt (which I am and really regret because I have to deal with people like you). And I know once you guys read this message I will be banned again, you are truly starting to lose some valuable members that actually have some decent knowledge, ddp you have no buisness guessing how old I am because you don't know shit! From my experience, you are probably about 12! If you guys can give me a reasonable reason I was banned that would be great. But as always you guys will probably ban me right after this is posted. ddp, all I've tried to do is be nice to you in the past, and you treat me like shit. I've done nothing to deserve this, if I tell this to drd and ketola, they will wonder why I was banned. Also anybody that I reported their IP will have a hard time rejoining other forums and email, because they will find your IP in abuse logs, so good luck!
- you're as knowledgable as...what exactly - 3 points here - 1) he knows a hell of a lot actually. 2) your experience isn't much 'cop' then as 3) he's actually older than me. - and acting this way is mature ?. if you say so. - they'll only wonder why we are wasting time and screen space on giving you the time of day
QUOTE, lso anybody that I reported their IP will have a hard time rejoining other forums and email, because they will find your IP in abuse logs, so good luck! A BIT OF ADVICE.. I WOULD BE VERY CAREFUL REPORTING PEOPLES IP AND E-MAIL ADDRESS'S.I SEEN IT BACK FIRE,AS IT WILL TURN OUT IN A LOT OF THE CASES I READ,THAT THE REPORTER LOST THERE ACCOUNT FOR FALSE REPORTING.
Yo, dg0896, i heard they made you your own newsgroup, called Alt.Total.Loser... If Drd and Ketola read this, they'll probably think "geez, why did it take ddp so long to ban him this time?" Speaking of reporting people, shouldn't someone be reporting this worn to the "proper authorities"?
Ah, in that case, they'll think "damnit creaky, why did that take ye soo long?" Just kidding m8, good to see yer keeping our forums nice and bug free
i've spent far too long on here today, a few hours houskeeping but for a change i've managed to watch a few movies at the same time as clearing out some crud off the forums
Here we go again, ddp does a grand job, getting rid of pondlife like yourself. Well, you've no reason to worry, because you are certainly not one of those people!!
Go away. You're like the plague. @Danielle, a better response would be - Michelle, but never mind -"Michaela"