Which would be a good idea for one of our site admins to do, since this little pr*ck doesn't seem to understand the words F*ck off
Billy...click on "my account" at the top of the page then select Created Profile at the bottom left...wondered why you didn't have one.
You don't have one yet.... check the tab n top that says "my account" then look for the part that says "NEW! Create your own profile page [beta]" Set it up, and lo and behold, there be your shoutbox. [edit]damn, gerry1 beat me to it[/edit]
I posted on dg089's site what he did here and he nearly banned me! He was so embarrased that he edited my post and then made stupid comments about me! I'm done with that site. tocool4u2--LMAO
come on creaky .. you know that you need something to keep you out of trouble and out of the pubs ...
almost...i've been driven to distraction by all the Narnia hoo-har so am finally watching it (on my 32" LCD) with a beer or two
The sad and truly disturbing thing is that, supposedly in the real world, this fella claims that society has put a gun on his hip and a badge and turned him loose in the streets...This is exactly what I wouldn't want my local PD to representative of.
DG<0> is in teens AT THE MOST, I remember when he started with me, Saying I ruined his repuation by posting the TRUTH in his shoutbox, Then making all kinds of threats that a teenager would make expecially in his situation. DDp said it right and thats whats made him so mad, He signed up again to tell ddp he was wrong. And I am impressed I stayed OUT of this until now. Good riddance, Stay on your forums with 20 members KTHXBAI
i could be mistaken,i thought we had a rule we could not post our web site's in our sig.. as some are doing, example look at dg089 sig..
Wait am i missing something is this doggybot?Because if it is i remember him saying in that Mugshot thread that he was 11 or something
I've just got a question....is this the most times a person has reupped and been suspended? I've counted at least 4 incarnations...
Yes, Glitched was [bold]the[/bold] worst. rap4life --> killerc --> ADBanned --> DarthMaul -->Glitched --> gpatel