forgot to add have i connected it properly? there is a connection near the usb ports, it has 8 or 10 pins cant remember which, the connection on the card reader has one of the holes blocked off so when plugged in a pin is showing on motherboard.
does it show up in device manager as unknown or with exclamation mark? i'm going by memory as been a few years since i did 1 & haven't installed mine yet till i rework the face plate of my desktop case which is not a tower.
tried something else, i tried the card reader in my sons dell pc and it didnt work so put it down to a dud card reader. next i removed the working card reader from my sons pc and tried it in mine and nothing? tried downloading drivers again. so i am baffled.
This card looks like it was made specificaly for DELL, and specificaly for certain models which have a propriatory USB connection on the motherboards. If the card reader is the same model as your DELL machines reader it would suggest it is faulty. If however the other card reader is a different model, that may explain why it does not work when put in that machine also. See list of compatible DELL machines here, and read the writing in red also.
If device manager doesn't show it with the yellow ? against it or if it's not detected at all then it's probably faulty. Try shoving a memory card in it or a usb stick in the front connector.. if nothing happens then it's probably broken. A usb port on a mobo is a standard port.. they are all the same.. the pinouts are standardised. You may not have the actual usb chipset drivers installed.. and that may be the root of this problem.
i think it is faulty, because it is same model as in my sons pc but wouldnt work. as i said the working one in my sons pc wont work in my pc, so chip set could be problem, so where do i go now?
board specs R1.0 drivers..
check in the bios that all the usb ports are enabled, prefer usb2 not usb1.1 as usb2 transfers at higher speeds.
this is from auslogics system information in the I/O and USB section the list gives the ports as having no items. the usb devices only gives 2 items which are the mouse and my printer. and how do i check in bios that all ports are open.
If you look at the drivers you have listed, and check compatibility, they are compatible with DELL machines only. Dont think this will run on any machine apart from DELL (and only certain models). The best thing you can do at present is to see if you can get it working on the DELL machine first. Did you use the existing cable that is in the DELL machine when you connected it? How many pins has the DELL machine got on the USB connection header opposed to the other machine? Is it a propriotary USB connector (flexbay). Check your DELL machine manual.
i clicked the link varnull gave me(above) and cannot see any mention of downloads for the card reader i think the socket is called COM1