Sorry, I don't have a solution. Itunes continuously tells me to restore. The only thing that still gives me a little hope is that I have the all the menus and I can play the games, so I feel like it should work, but I don't know how. It seems to me if the hard drive was totally shot then I wouldn't be able to do anything on it. I don't know. Let me know if you get anything to work on it. Did you download that tool that albino92 suggested? That seemed to do something, so maybe there is a chance for your ipod. Good luck!
LOL well i couldnt fix it i stayed up late trying to fix it so i said F it and sent it to work with my mother and she got one of the ppl that is good on comps and stuff to work on it and it seems to be working havent gotten it yet will in a few so if its fixed lets hope =D
Hello, sorry for hijacking this thread. Your problem slimlisa is very similar to mine.. My 20GB Ipod Photo (5th Gen) was recognised as corrupted and asked to restore. I did so, and then i was asked to plug it into an external power supply. After which, i reconnected my iPod into the pc, but it was still recognised as corrupted and i had to restore it again. I've restored it for like 10 times. I went to an authorised service provider, they were able to sync music into my iPod with Mac.. But when i connected my iPod into my PC, it said my iPod had to be first restored as it was Mac-formatted (i use Windows XP). So i restored it and am back to square one. I tried the tool suggested by albino92, it works for me at first. I was able to restore, but when i plugged it back in to sync music. I got the same message that it was corrupted and had to be restored. Anyone have any suggestions relating to this problem? Please help!
It must be something wrong with your PC, or a PC-Ipod problem, because if your ipod worked with the mac then if you have a mac use it or you can try using a mac emulator. Or use some third party software other than itunes to sync your songs. Also on 9/5 they might reveal a new ipod and seeing how you have a dated ipod it might be a good idea to get this new one.
Thank you for your quick reply. I tried syncing my ipod on another laptop and another pc, same problem occured. Guess it lies with the ipod. Oh, but a friend of mine managed to restore it successfully and was syncing music halfway when the ipod 'crashed'. Hmm, what 3rd party software do you recommend? Thing is its always recognised as corrputed by the computer.. So no other program can sync music in as well.
Yes it might be a problem between your ipod and any itunes. As for any third party software i don't remember the name but i remember seeing one on this site under the software section.
meepokmee- I still haven't fixed mine and am waiting for any more advice from whomever, so if you do get it fixed, please let me know how! I may just purchase the new ipod due out wednesday. I'm about done with it.
Well we tried all we could i guess the ipod is just old, so yah you should get a new one, but i don't think they're releasing them on wednesday, they're just revealing them.
well i still havent gotten mine fixed been busy preparing for examinations. meanwhile i've been using another mp3 player i just bought, i think i'll stick with this for the time being.. its samsung though, not gonna risk using ipod again :/ haha. plus it can watch video and record as well! but its memory space is smaller than the ipod.. thanks for the help everyone i will go down to the service centre again sometime soon, and if i do get it fixed will let you guys know!
ok somebody please help i have a video ipod 30 gb. i've had it about 8months i let my sister borrow it over the summer now it keeps freezing the computer saying it corrupt and and it won't restore. the battery bar is acting crazy one minute its full the next its low it plays 1 song freezes and then cutsoff what should i do? is there any way she could have broke it or something????????
Yeah she probably broke it i'm sorry. Try any of the things that were in this thread. If that doesn't work contact apple. Good luck!.
Hi I may have the same problem and downloaded the hp format utility but it's not different to the XP utility. I tried to use Anapod CopyGear. All I can tell from using it is that I have a fully functional hdd. Because I can explore it. But I cannot get anything visible on my iPod Nano screen. All I get is the screen light. And I have done the reset and reformat and pressing all possible buttons. Any ideas? .....please. Johan
Have you ever dropped your nano? i've heard of many incidentes of broken screen from getting dropped.
Hi Albino92 I used iPod, it worked find and then I left it in the cupboard for two months. When I tried it a few days ago all I got was this white screen coming on. Regards Johan