yay.. more zippy.. interesting the site still instantly crashes both epiphany and midori but works on with firefox..
The English forums have declined in "new user" usage significantly over the past few years, though the forum still attracts quite a bit of traffic for existing threads, but people seem to come, get their answers and don't need to get involved in any discussion. The Finnish forums (which is where aD is based) and other forums established by AfterDawn are very active and continue to grow. The non-forum sites of AfterDawn are pretty large too. The company hires a few dozen people around the world, and everyone has their individual tasks/responsibilities. The work is all primarily done in non-forum areas (though I assume dev staff work on forums backend and later updates to the site from time to time) because that's the only way to keep everyone employed. The English forums have slowed down to a crawl in terms of new posts / threads, but AfterDawn's overall web properties are far from dead, in fact in many areas it's completely the opposite. I'd love to see more user interaction here again personally, but to be honest I had given up on participating in forums quite a long time ago, as the atmosphere of the forum turned very hostile. For me the golden days of the forum were as far back as 2002, when people REALLY needed a forum like AfterDawn. When the answers to questions weren't to use one-click apps, but instead could be these lengthy step-by-step instructions on how to get out of a mess. There was no Facebook or vast content farms of extremely low-quality assistance that was optimized to exploit Google's algorithms, so you might actually find answers on AfterDawn, Digital-Digest, Doom9, VideoHelp, CDFreaks (now MyCE) and so on. But hey, I retained most of the friends I made from then so it's not so bad ;-)
ad is the first forum i joined when i got my first computer.its one of the reasons im not totally computer illiterate.i would sincerely hate to see it go.
define "dead" .. hahahaha.. emotionally or physically or just brain.. side note.. with all these sudden zombie attacks going on I'm going to turn blonde.. self preservation.. I present my evidence..
Wow i haven't posted here in over 2 years i think, Shame to hear of it's apparent decline, Used to be a hivemind of activity I miss the old days, Finish work.. Come home, log on Afterdawn and sit here for quite a few hours a day! Out of interest, what ever happened to the moderator Nephillim.. Great Guy! Good to see you knocking around DDP , Many a time you've corrected me And appreciative of it! [edit] And Zippy, I loved your book!!
I'd hardly call that mess a book LOL but I had chapter 2 out for while now, put a bunch of UNFINISHED short stories on my DA page I am still pluging away at it all. http://zippydsm.deviantart.com/
I need money!!! https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/3KwW3?psid=a6d36cfbceab4c4087608f68a8089b4d Quasi spam I know, Can I put it in my sig? No? ok LOL
after 40,000 post or so over the pass 8 years i have slowed to a crawl...to many other interests i guess...i still post some on the music threads to keep members up on the best/greatest bands of all time.