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Is there a PC card that does what the starview does?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by autobob, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. mgb17

    mgb17 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    If you don't understand what copy means you shouldn't try a dvb-c card.
  2. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    From what I read into this thread is that the member that originally camein at the start of this thread has successfully done what they have asked this forum help on in the first place.

    Regards progdvb and BDA drivers yes there is plenty of info online, but he choose to come here first. After no success here they went off found what was needed successfully implemented what was required and even when there was no help here they still posted how they achieved this.

    Now for all of us that have been around for a few years this may seem trivial but like all things that are achieved on ones own it should be applauded and not paraded around like it was a non-event.

    By the way I could have copied and pasted this but I dont know how.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2007
  3. g0atb0y

    g0atb0y Guest

    For the record I did read the readme files, but they tend not to tell you how to crack encryped tv channels.
    The manual for my DVB-C card was more useful as a coaster for my drink. The drivers supplied were not the latest ones and again as these cards are sold on the continent for the german market translation was a little slow and my GCSE German is a bit rusty.
    The software I use to view TV on my PC is called DVBViewer and even though this does work for DVB-C cards, it is written for a german market, the insturction manual even though it was in English the manual only refered to DVB-S cards and satalite chanels.
    Every site I went to for information was in German, Danish etc.. Every forum I went to that was in english was so out of date that the information was usless, every link for software had long been broken.
    when I went to a forum that might have information that was useful you couldn't set up an account with a "free" non ISP email address (I only use my hotmail account for forum use for security and anominity) so I could only read the cached information on google.

    After a week of collecting scraps of information and getting the transponder list for my cable reigon, I then created my transponder ini file, then managed to get it to scan on the QAM64 rather than the fefault 16, this is when everything started to work. I have gone from having no knowledge to having a decent grasp on how to configure it.
    The same way when I first got my Starview box, knew nothing about it but with thanks to users like fergusrb who shared their knowledge without predudace, I now help out my mates who have bought starview boxes.

    Considering I had bugger all help, I am proud that I have gotten this far, and to have someone piss on my fire has gotten my back up. I am sorry for the c**t in my last message but to be honest I could have been a lot worse.

    I work in IT. I am an MCSE, MCP, A+, CCNA. I run and control our Citrix Farms, Active Directory, Group polices, Excahnge, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003, AS400's (shall I go on!!!) (again mostly self taught)
    I am not a "computer user non technical" as mgb17 would like to think. I think mgb17 works in IT as well as I come across his "I know something you don't know" attitude everyday.
    Where I like to share information and training with people who care to learn, I have never made a user or someone who asked for help feel
    like a moron, just to make myself feel more superior, and I tell you why, because there is alwasy someone who knows more than you.

  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    just replying as some comments struck a personal chord...

    - much respect to you for that, we share something in common, i'm also self taught, and (very) damn proud of it :)

    that's one of the things i detest the most in IT, have come a cropper of enough of that crap in my time, makes me sick and is one of the things that niggles at me making me want to get out of IT.

    my God are you a clone of me or something :)
  5. nme_uk

    nme_uk Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Hey GoatBoy - I'm with you on this - I also work in IT, and know the kinda person you mean ;) Well done for sticking to it mate, I know how tuff it can be trying something that just isn't well documented, but when you crack it, it's a great feeling!

    I'm thinking about building myself a HTPC, but a bit out of touch with the technology. A couple of years back, I built myself a freeview Media Center with dual DVB-T (freeview) tuners.

    At that time, there were no DVB tuner cards for Cable \ Satellite. What device \ card are you using? and more importantly, can you get them to work (i.e. can you receive the same number of television channels that you can with the starview?
    On another note, is it possible to do the same with Sky?

    Any links or info you have, would be useful mate
  6. g0atb0y

    g0atb0y Guest

    lol... not a clone just an xcopy (inhouse IT joke)
    Thanks for letting me vent some spleen :)
  7. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    Yes and well done mate nice to see you have not been chased away by unhelpful people thinking they are doing you a favor by helping you out when they are not if ya know what i mean stick to it and keep up the good work from all us on here
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    nah i use 'cp -r' and 'cpio' and gazillions of others :)

    no worries, it's your spleen.
  9. g0atb0y

    g0atb0y Guest

    I will post all the links I have once everything is 100% working. I will write one of my legenday 100+ plus page documents which anyone can follow. (disaster revovery edition)

    I've been sidetracked a bit, setting up a home NAS at the moment. lol

    Thanks to all my IT brothers and sisters out there. Your comments are very much apriciated.

    Keep the faith.
  10. mgb17

    mgb17 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    I got in the meantime 3 pm's from blokes who got it going with my short description for 8 year school boys.
    Show me your help in this thread.
  11. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    If you keep along these lines you will have no more pms as you will not be here to receive them anymore. You know so much it seems but when to give up is another matter.
  12. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Did I miss something or did mdg17 get a free pass?
    He really does deserve a vacation.
    (sarcasm)But then hey of us were born experts ------> mdg17.(sarcasm)
    Peace all
  13. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    I never said i helped out with this but did not treat the guy like s*** like you did to be little a fellow member and be able to get away with it i dont know if i could have help him out i would have and not have gave him a load of bull just like you did just remember when you started on here as well would you have liked to be treated like a child or would you prefer to be treated as another member looking for help to something you new little about or where y6ou born with the silver spoon in your mouth if so you should have left it there
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    time to let the dust settle methinks, a few different opinions have been aired, time to let it drop...

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2007
  15. mgb17

    mgb17 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    You wrote I was unhelpfull in this thread.
    I can show you my help.
    Simply show me your helpfull posting.
  16. morguex

    morguex Guest

    Oops, Left out the word "some"
    Peace all
  17. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Chill pill taken :)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  18. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    I never said i helped out with this but did not treat the guy like s*** like you did to be little a fellow member and be able to get away with it i dont know if i could have help him out i would have and not have gave him a load of bull
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Thread reopened and chill pill taken. Chill pills given to all relevant posters. Let's see the topic returning to the original subject.

    "It's just the internet" people, forums are nothing to get all heated about..
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007

    MAINAMN Active member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Ahh crap, I missed all the action again!! lol
    But its nice to see that everyone 'uploaded' creeky's chill pill !
    Harmony once again in AD....
    Anyway Nice work g0atb0y, When u have all your details in order can u upload them onto the eko.4 link ( as fergusrb mentioned earlier in the heat of battle).
    Once again well done m8, nice to see a bit of tech work being shared !
    keep it up buddy........
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007

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