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Is this woman taking her religious beliefs a bit too far?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Dela, Apr 22, 2006.

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  1. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I agree with you Pulsar thefreedom of speech is what makes this country strong ,but there's times and places for it. Such as this being done when a serviceman is being buried and the grief of the family already with enough pain and anguish from losing a loved one to hear these people saying it's Gods will as punishment. I'm sorry just rambled on. Buy 2 things come to mind,people need to see the other side of the world and have some respect. Chris
  2. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Therein lies the problem, religious fanatics have the complete inability to respect anyone else, because they believe adamantly that they are right & everyone else is wrong. To hold banners at someones' funeral is indefensible, I would have been quite happy to have been sat in a tree with an airgun with salt pellets aiming at their arms & legs.
    Quite rightly, there is a time & a place for everything, funerals are never the place to make a protest. Again these fundamentalists are completely nuts. The final insult is to use God as an excuse, I would imagine He would be looking down thinking [bold]"what the hell are these idiots doing?"[/bold]
  3. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    LMAO!!! That b*tch is nuts!!!

    I didn't even want to watch the rest of the video...see folks, that is why we have messed up people in the world today, I can already see this as a cult following, not as a baptist church, I mean come on...she and her own family, hate all people.

    Anyways, it's people like that that make me shake my head and laugh my @ss off cause I just don't get how people could be so messed up in the head.

  4. FartDude

    FartDude Guest

    That woman is really , and i mean really sick... i have friends fighting over in iraq right now, just watching that video made me wanna just slap the hell outa my moniter.
  5. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I am glad that here in the USA, there is freedom of speech, but I guess I would have to say that I would not feel bad if someone popped her.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2006
  6. aelizb899

    aelizb899 Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    This Women has to right to talk about God, or any kind of religous beliefs. i think she is crazy and has no idea that what she is doing will get her a one way ticket stiaght to hell where ppl like her belong. My boyfriend is in the army and theres no telling if he will have to go to Iraq or not. i believe that we need to support our troops and our government on whatever descions they make. and ppl like her and her so called "church" Should seriously get help. I can't even begin to describe how terribly i want to hurt that stupid ignorant women.
  7. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    I find this woman really nuts :) She may need a referal from me to go and see a shrink. I agree with freedom of speech, but one thing my teachers taught me when i was studying is if your goin to state something make sure you can back up your comments.

    I found it funny though thats the only way i could watch it otherwise i would have just got mad. She seems to be the new version of the KKK.

    I loved what the anchor said: [bold]"Your a Nut!"[/bold] :) lol

    Thanxs for the website ive bookmarked it and will browse it when i have a chance :)
  8. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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  9. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    What does that have to do with anything!?!?!

    I saw the video about this issue earlier this morning. I love religious debate, especially when people mix politics in, but there is a time and a place. And this woman is representing a hate that has nothing to do with religion. The bible tells us to love everyone, regardless of their wrongs. It says to hate the action; but not the individual. These displays are not an act of religion anymore than the crusades were. This is a case of individuals who are very angry, and full of hate, and they believe they've found a safe cover to hide behind while they vent to the public. And I can assure you that no religion will support her actions, or the actions of any of her protestors. There is a time and a place for everything. Protesting like this at someone's funeral is neither.

    Following more of the religion she claims to be rallying for; we are to be sympathetic. We are to support the leaders of our land, and whether we agree with it or not, that includes their decisions, things like going to war. It's not about whether you agree, it's about having faith in your beliefs, and faith that things will get better if you follow your religious beliefs. It's never been about calling people out; it's never been about telling people they're horrible. It's supposed to be about offering people a life choice that may or may not change them. These protestors are living their lives closer to the pharasees so often ridiculed in the new testament, for their hippocratic approach to forcing their beliefs on the world.

    Regardless of your religious or political standpoint; this is wrong. I wouldn't even stand there with signs in favor of the soldier. I don't know the people at the funeral; and it is not my place to be there. Funerals, especially ones of this nature are a private affair, and should remain such.

    Lastly; I would like to point out something different that has not been addressed here, and should be:

    I went to Granite Hills High School. I was there when San Diego County saw it's second school shooting in two weeks. And I'm not looking for any pity or any opinions on this. I have a completely different issue to address here. About a week after the shooting, a memo went out to all the teachers, to warn us as students. A group of lawyers from Kansas was protesting all around our school. They were posing as a religious group protesting with the angriest messages they could as close to our campus as they could. Apparently, this group goes to locations where horrible, unspeakable things occur, and protest the angriest, most vile messages they can, they do this in hopes that someone will lash out at them, and then they sue. Apparently this is a very profitable business, because there are a few groups doing the same thing. We were fortunate, we had been warned. But it needs to be known that this happens. A group of this nature makes several arguments that are completely out of place and innapropriate to deliberately trigger angry reactions. It's absolutely sick, and it's wrong. But it does occur. And to be quite frank; it's the only thing that makes this group make any sense. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same exact group.

    The group I saw was holding signs saying that it was our fault for some of the most horrible, racist, sexist, and politically incorrect reaons I've ever seen in writing. And nothing fits the profile better.
  10. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    If you had read the note underneath you may have seen how it pertains to the discussion....

    Do you honestly think I would post something that was not relevant? You obviously don't know me do you?
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2006
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I had to come home before watching this video and immediately recognized the group; its led by a guy named "Rev." Fred Phelps. For many years now, he's been operating a web site called "God hates fags dot com". The fool has been around for a long time (Personally, methinks he doth protest too much LOL!) This new turn of events is still related to gays. He's preached for a long time that God punishes the country because it tolerates homosexuality. Now, with the supreme court having thrown out sodomy laws, with antidiscrimination laws being passed etc. he feels that fighting for the country amounts to upholding its laws therefore, upholding sin and "the wages of sin is death". Philly has a huge gay population, just behid Frisco and NY I think; he and his nut cases have been here many times protesting one thing or another. Apparantly, now he's carried it further than ever before although his web site has been around for years; now, defending your country amounts to defending homosexuality. If you think that woman in the vid is nuts, you should hear Fred Phelps, her minister!

    Ten years ago or so, an eighteen or nineteen year old gay kid named Shepard (I think) was brutally tortured and left to slowly die ... I think he was crucified or some equally sick thing. This Phelps guy went crazy defending the murders and last year or the year before, he wanted to put up a large monument on the spot where the kid was killed which read something like "On __1995, Shepard was killed on this spot according to god's justice and went straight to hell where he will burn for eternity" ... I'm paraphrasing obviously. They have this real obcession with gay people and again, methinks he doth protest too much!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2006
  12. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    After re-reading this, I will concede your less than obvious, but clearly existent point. I was wrong.
  13. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    i watched this idiot the night she was on fox new channel i do belive in free speech but NOT when it underminds the truth. hope she enjoys hell when she gets there ,hopefully soon!!!!!
  14. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Well; from the looks of it, she's already enjoying it. Because religion should never be about that kind of anger and hatred. Nowhere in the bible is this kind of behavior supported. It is discouraged, undermined, and negated.

    This isn't an act of faith; this is an act of blatant anger and hatred. And I am really bothered when people associate anger, hate, racism, and sex with politics or religion. These things should never be mixed, they don't belong together.

    Politics and Religion should have no connection to anger and hate.

    The followers of this church are clearly weak willed, and easily susceptable to coercion. As someone said before; this is the same mentality that made the KKK so big and so scary for so long. People who aren't prepared to stand up and say "You're wrong." and just follow someone they know is wrong, all the way to the grave.

    The 'rev' is a sick, sick man. And while I'm not here to judge his salvation; I do look forward to the day his hateful influence leaves this earth; we don't need it.
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I think maybe it's getting them the spotlight which may well have been their play. They've been protesting against gay people for years and operated their "godhatesfags dot com" website also for a long time but if you're a publicity seeker, these things are way out of the mainstream and will go without notice of the general public. Moving their campaign into the mainstream in such a dramatic way will raise a general public outcry to be sure but these types of nut cases are not rare and I'll bet, as a recruitment tool, its working well...just a guess but there are plenty of such crazies who would be attracted to them.
  16. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    This pathetic excuse for a human being is obvious so brainwashed by her family members that no amount of argument could ever sway her. She could probably be a poster child for why laws forbid inbreeding. No telling how many generations of "church folk" have twisted her mind. We can only hope that one Saturday night in the snake handling ceremony, her Lord might just take here out of her misery. Jane Fonda was scary but this bit*h is downright evil.

    However I will defend her right to say what she wants, any time or anywhere she wants. We cannot make exceptions to free speech.
  17. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    You raise an interesting question in my mind. Freedom of speech is definitely of huge importance to all of us as Americans.

    At the same time, the KKK pleaded this in courtrooms all over America, allowing them to get away with their heinous hate crimes.

    Even pro-nazi movements plead this same right, to allow their continued evil.

    At what point does freedom of speech hinder us as a nation? And at what point does someone like this use the very rights we hold dear, to hurt progress and peaceful co-existence?

    While I'm not interested in members of the same sex; I certainly feel that the law provides all of us with equal rights; regardless of race, sex, religion, etc. And those rights are to be upheld. Movements like this, supporting the brutal murder of individuals; condemning dead soldiers who fought for our country; all because they feel that something is wrong..... These are dispicable, evil, actions. At what point can this be acted upon? At what point do we take these people aside, point our finger right in their face and say "NO" in the same way as when we tell the dog not to poop inside?

    I mean seriously; this is too far. When will people like this stop?
  18. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You can't start to make exceptions to ANY free speech. If one group manages to muffle the pro Nazis or KKK then another group might get the prolifers quieted. No exceptions can ever be made or it will no longer be FREE speech, but free speech with strings. On this the old founding Fathers had it dead center. That's why when my generation began to burn flags and draft cards, they were allowed to continue no matter how odious it was to some people. If not for these efforts no telling how many more Americans would have died. We don't seem to learn our history very well either. Iraq's time is coming to this generation.
  19. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    There are limitations at which point it becomes hate crime, as opposed to speech.

    Especially here in California, where the Governor passed SB1234- A bill revising protections for alternative lifestyles without any noted specifications of hate speech. Churches here are scared to preach on the topic, or even discuss it at all; due to legalities. Many preachers have taken an attitude of 'so be it' and continue professing their faith; but it should never be such an issue that you are scared of being sued for reading the bible in your own church. I don't care what faith you are.

    This is a horrible, extreme case for us. But the point I wish to make is that there are lines where speech ends, and hate crime begins. There is also a clear issue with rights on freedom of speech. Both some people trying to take it away; and some people abusing it to spread a hate that should never be present anywhere in America.

    People like this, serve only to prove that bills like SB1234 should be supported. But then come issues like what is being faced in CA. I don't think that freedom of speech means freedom to persecute others in public, because of their race, lifestyle, gender, religion, political views, or other life choices. I sincerely hope that America remembers that it has a right to say whatever it wishes; but it also has the responsibility to make sure it says something worth saying.

    I urge everyone to truly think before making blod statements like these. Bold statements are not always bad, they can be very great. They can alter the direction of nations. But when made without thought; without regard; we see people like these protestors, the kkk, and the nazis. I'm not advocating censorship. I would absolutely never do such a thing. People in this state are suffering for it. I'm advocating the idea of thinking for yourself; and thinking before you put an idea out into the public.
  20. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    No telling how many people those actions actually killed. You ever look at that side of it?

    Oh my! You are an ostrich? Stick that head in the sand and pretend there was/is no threat to us. How many times have we had terrorist actions taking place in this country since 9/11? Do you give any credit to the current administration for them not happening?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2006
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