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is weed bad?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by c4iscool, May 2, 2005.

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  1. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    What kind of lives are people living,because I don't know anyone around me or even met that hasn't smoked weed.To be honest I would suggest anyone to try it before saying it is bad.It is bad for your health yes this is true,but that is only if you constantly use it.Don't knock it until you have tried it,besides if you have never tried it how do you really know what it is like.
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    hell nowadays there are very few things that AREN'T bad for your health! i'd like to see someone in L.A. give up breathing because of all the smog and pollution they have! I think the masses have made it this long doing whatever they want to do and now we just have a bunch of crybabies say dont do this, oir dont do that. ewww dont smoke in public becasue we gotta breathe the 2nd hand smoke, well kiss my rosie red ass, the air you breath in most major cities is far worse than any 2nd hand smoke. when i was a kid i sliced my foot open on some glass and i vividly remember the doctor at the hospital stitching me up with a marlboro hanging in his mouth the whole time!! and hey guess what, we all made it just fine. during the first part of the century all cigarettes were filterless and you didn't hear people bitching all the time and they had alot less cancer cases than the do now! you want someone to bitch at, leave the pot smokers and cig smokers alone and go bitch at all the companies stuff all kinds chemicals and preservatives into all the so called fruit snacks that your kids gobble down every day!! and almost any other "snack food" is the same way. Bodies in the ground used to decompose naturally, now that everything is full of preservatives and junk we are all going to be perfectly preserved mummies!! dont think so? go look it up.

    ok i'm done.
  3. Mrs_Taz

    Mrs_Taz Member

    May 2, 2005
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    Here Here Darthnip - Well said :)
  4. Bubba1982

    Bubba1982 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    weed isn't totally bad for you. It does stop cataracts from forming in your eyes.
  5. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Yeah true,but it can still burn up your lungs.I see it like Darth,there are too many things that can kill you.To pick weed as being the most crucial,that is insane to be honest.I honestly think it is safer than alcohol,although I do like them both.
  6. nachoguy

    nachoguy Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Blah blah blah. Its not bad for you. I had minor disorientation and memory loss the first couple days, but then it went back to normal.

    Alcohol is 100 times worse for you. You can wake up with a hangover the day after alcohol. I've also woken up with torn and dirty cloths, bloody knuckles, broken stuff, etc..

    Never once have I woken up with a weed hang over, nor have I been so out of it that I forgot what happened the night before. Even if I smoked every night, the equivilent amount of marijuana to get me high would be less than half a joint. So there is a small number of toxins in it, but I usually only smoke once in awhile, and when I do its not a pack of cigs, it's just a half J. I did however gain a little bit of weight from eating taco bell and donuts.

    As far as the "gateway drug" effect and making you lazy, I think it's total bullshit. I had a predisposed mentallity to take risks and try drugs. Marijuana is just one of the ones that not only seems the safest, but is ridiculously easy to get ahold of. I've accidently been exposed to Marijuana countless times, but never once have I been exposed to(or even first hand know anyone thats done) 'hard drugs'. I don't think it makes you lazy either. I think the people that tend to smoke are lazy in the first place. Sure you get lazy while you are high, but if you are a motivated successful person that has a job, and carries on a social life, and keeps up with hobbies, you aren't going to all of a sudden lose motivation because you smoked pot. At least thats been my experience.
  7. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Darthnip is exactly right. We are constantly being told that stuff isn't good for us, even if it's been good for us for the last hundred years and longer. Milk is a prime example of that. What about this no-carb diet. Sure you lose weight, but carbs are your fuel, your body needs carbs. Secondhand smoke is bad for you, but you're not going to get cancer from it unless you're getting the smoke blown into your face for years. Look at how long it takes the smoker to get cancer, do you really think secondhand smoke is going to KILL you? In another 20 years we won't be able to leave our houses because of "toxins in the air" or whatever that are going to decompose our skin while we're sleeping or something ridiculous like that.
  8. rap4life

    rap4life Guest

    on the news i think i heard that 2nd hand smoke is 2 times as bad
    like i said i think.
  9. Jauzzi

    Jauzzi Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    do people that smoke weed... fart weed?? And if so, is smelling weed farts considered 2nd hand smoking??
  10. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    the only reason I think people would say secondhand smoke is worse for you is because it's "not filtered" although 90% of secondhand smoke has already been filtered.
  11. Jauzzi

    Jauzzi Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    yeah, but you didn't answer my fart question... in either case, can the rectum be considered a filter?
  12. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    I think i read someone say weed messes with your memory which may be true but i know for a fact that alcohol kills for brain cells which cannot be replaced. My honest opinion is that alcohol is worst than weed. Ask yourself how often do you see an article in the paper where someone was killed by someone high on weed?? I am not saying it cant happen but drinking and driving is one of leading causes of accidental deaths not weed. Alcohol has been proven to be physically addictive and weed is naturally not addictive unless someone adds other chemicals to it. Either may be mentally addictive but if you are mentally addictive you got a problem from the start. Meaning it is my choice whether or not i put a blunt to my lips whether i am been smoking for 1 day or 10 years not a chemical dependance that sometimes comes from alcohol. Weed usually makes an individual mellow out and chill but alcohol is known for makeing people fight at the club. You know the saying about "Gin and Sin" Being "drunk or slightly faded" is no difference than an individual being "high". It is just a different effect from alcohol than with weed when the chemicals effect the body. Lets remeber alcohol use to be illegal too but our forefathers, yes your and my grandparents and great-partents loved the effects of the once illegal alcohol so all the congressman, judges, presidents, and other important people who where illegally drinking at the time just as i am illegally smoking had to have a drink so they made it legal.
  13. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Alcohol is also classified as a drug so if they made alcohol legal, then why should not they make weed legal. Alcohol has worse side effects than weed. I forgot the worst thing is that alcohol if enough is drinken can be a hallucinogen and weed again if not laced with other chemicalls is not. Weed should be legal.
  14. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    All true :^)
    But from a Biologist's point of view, alcohol (ethanol) is a pure, refined substance.
    Marijuana is a complex organic mixture containing all kinds of god-knows-what (we like it that way!) but doctors do not like to prescribe it, they would be much happier with a refined tablet containing the active ingredient THC...
    They equate any secondary or tertiary compounds with side-effects (it's just the way they think).
    And again, a quick reliable roadside test would be required to overcome most Police objections to decriminalization.
    But we will see - hey I hear drunks are a real problem in the U.K...
    They are talking about banning kitchen knives or some BS, LoL :^)
  15. Jizmak

    Jizmak Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Like George Washington was actually cuttiing down a cherry tree.
    The legislation making marijuana an illegal substance,
    Is all backed by propaganda, politics and red tape.
    Just like prohibition in the old days.
    Thats why me make MANY trips to Vancouver.
    The BC Bud is the Bomb!!!
  16. nachoguy

    nachoguy Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    #1 you dont eat smoke. even if you did eat smoke or marijuana you would burp it up, or it would be absorbed. by the time you farted it out it would be processed to hell and back.

    #2. alcohol is not a hallucinigen. drink too much and you will die.

    #3. just because alcohol is also classified as a drug isnt justification for legalizing weed. asprin is a drug. alcohol is a drug. weed is a drug. heroin is a drug. not all of them are legal.
  17. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    nachoguy you are missing the point. Heroin is one the most addictive drugs known to man. Weed is not. So it is not fair to really put weed in the same class as cocaine, crack, morphine, or any other drugs that are addictive through a chemical dependance. THC is not a chemically dependant drug. Rumors have always been speculated about weed being addictive but studies have shown it is not. So give me some reasons why weed should not be legal if alcohol is legal. Alcohol chemical dependance. Nicotine chemical dependance and most people deny how strong nicotine dependance really is. It is ranked with crack and heroin as highly addictive substances. So if my dad had been hooked on cigarretes for 30 years then again tell me why weed should not be legal. If my dad or anyone else in this country develops lung cancer b/c of the chemical dependance of nicotine do you really think the government would care about doing anything to remove the chemical from cigarrete??? NO.
    People teenage kids being killed b\c of alcohol(chemically dependant)
    No it is a money thing to them so they dont care if it is addictive of not. Nacho my point is simple and you tell me if i am wrong here
    Lets say your mother smoked seriously for a long number of years while society openly knows the consequences of nicotine. Then dies b\c of them. Would not you feel better if she died from doing something that was more of a choice to her death that something she had to control over at all. She could have chosen to smoke or not if it were weed. But with cigarrettes she was a prisoner like millions of other americans and yet it is still legal b/c no one wants to stop the huge cashflow.
  18. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    caffeine is a drug though not highly addictive it has still proved to be addictive. All the highly addictive chemicals should be illegal drugs like crack, heroin, nicotine, etc...... and all the not highly addictive drugs or not addictive at all should be legal like weed, caffeine and others. That way is someone destroys their life at least they were in control of it and had a chose to make it its destruction.
  19. lxhotboy

    lxhotboy Regular member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Same reason we are still driving cars that use gas and oil. Do you seriously think that man can not and has not mastered vehicles that will run on other feul sources besides gas?? Some college students made a car run using ordinary pond water and scum beleive it or not. The reason is that money is power, and the people with the money will and have paid to keep all other developoments out of the cusomers eyes and ears so that the oil idustry remains lucrative. I would easly pay GM $100,000,000 dollars or work out some type of deal to stop them from making total electic or hydrogen powered cars a major demand from consumers so that my children, my childrens children and so forth will always be taken care of financially. Same principal behind nicotine not being removed from cigarrettes.
    If i want to smoke then at least let me be in control and make the chose. It all about politics and the benjamins baby.
  20. rap4life

    rap4life Guest

    [/quote] caffeine is a drug though not highly addictive it has still proved to be addictive. All the highly addictive chemicals should be illegal drugs like crack, heroin, nicotine, etc...... and all the not highly addictive drugs or not addictive at all should be legal like weed, caffeine and others. That way is someone destroys their life at least they were in control of it and had a chose to make it its destruction. [/quote]

    i heard that coffeine is more addictive then other drug. But doesnt have as bad sidifects. people who stop drinking coffee show withdraw faster but not as bad as other drugs. weed can kill but all drugs can kill if u have too much, even water can kill if u drink too much
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2005
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