ISO not burning correctly?

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by LR23, May 22, 2011.

  1. Vato

    Vato Regular member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I thought you were done with back 2 posts ago LMAO.
    Stop your crying and go fix your rar issues.
    and when did I ever say this ...."What, because I'm having difficulty with rar files means I don't know how to rip and burn DVD's? Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. You're the one who so abruptly told me because I'm skilled at one thing doesn't mean I'd be smart enough to handle another. Now that conveniently doesn't apply? If I can't decipher ISO's I couldn't possibly know how to rip and burn a DVD movie?" Oh please post me a link of the post ^ ^.
    Obviously you read into things wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much.
    Oh yeh and by saying this "Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. " you are just stating to the world how much of a BIG PIRATE you are ^ ^.
    Don't get angry just because I say the truth about many people telling you how to unrar them RAR files and you still don't get it ..... . > <
    Like I said on the other Thread it might be a misscommunication either you are not getting at your end, you are not telling us properly what you are doing or it might be a simple thing as you having downloaded a crappy file.

    Anyways back to the burning problem.... what Berryone said is spot on. I don't know about Nero being a ram hogg.... it's a standard burning software with most people and it does not really bother much people (unless you have a slow ass computer with like 512MB ram in it) :p but anyways IMGBURN is good as well does the same thing as Nero. Yeh and take ROXIO off completely as it's very crap.
    Last edited: May 26, 2011
  2. Wyattspop

    Wyattspop Regular member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    I'm no uber-pirate my friend, many were VCR tapes I owned that I backed up using an Easycap, Ulead, DVDFab8 and DVDShrink with a dash of FixVTS editing tools, the rest were mostly having a little boy, if you have one someday you'll see what your DVD collection looks like. I even own a commercial grade JFJ Disc repair machine, Home Theatre is one of my hobbies, henceforth 1,200 dvd's, still haven't chucked the tapes or scratched discs. I use Imgburn, ConvertX and pull my backups from Graboid today, some Megaupload or Fileserve with MiPony but the quality is so hit and miss. Once I get a rar to iso I'm all set, I'm sure I can figure out how to use WBFS. I'm sure it's just one simple thing, a bad file, too many conflicting proggies I uploaded to try to solve this, something, but I won't know for sure until I try to load a "known-good" game file.
    No more heat between us, I understand you a bit now, it's frustrating trying to help with a challenge and not have your hands on the keyboard. I bet you could fix this in 30 seconds..I'll buy your plane ticket to sunny CA heh heh heh
  3. Wyattspop

    Wyattspop Regular member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    Forgot, it's an HP 60, Vista Dual Core 2.10ghz, 3.00gb ram 32 bit service pack 2, I have 70 gigs free. Ditched Roxio long ago, I use Convertx paid edition and Imgburn with Verbatim DVD-R's, never fail combo.
  4. Wyattspop

    Wyattspop Regular member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    And possibly my stupidest question of the thread, does the iso have to look like a disc when finished? The rar file in what I ripped still shows the stack of books, but within the properties it says "new image file 1 iso, can I burn that?

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