i ment just on this problem we were having for ciaranmc. and we know you have been here for a few years and appriciate all your help as youm know we lost fergus so who who is going to fill his pm here, pm there, big boots \nobody i hope as i always thought this site waz for sharing\ and no i dont have a problem with fergus as he helped me with a few things, before anybody asks, i hope he gets back on the site.
Ah sure this one is better, it give's a better idea of things to come. http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/movie-uk-b88396d8a30b18bff5198346175e08f3.html
spectra you have a knack keep with it and i know he's still here just lying low under a few ailas names, hopefully a lot,
tried 37800 and just comes up failed,did fact reset and put in all channels now i dont even get them on my list (s*y sp news etc
tried both does freq lads....still not coming for me,i am goin to reload firmware and see how i go from there
ya sky sports 1 and sky sports news are on the same frequency difeferent from from the other sky sports channels
strange that every freq i try put in for them comes up failed,i had those channels for 8 weeks,then suddenly they were gone...any ideas