Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    LMAO! I'd forgotten about that!
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    yupps, gerry...he was/is hot stuff. XD

    wtf, tocool? ^.^

    hope you're reading, dan. i'm sure i'll come up with some stuff to absolutely infuriate you....you know, like send fursuiters to your door with the whips and chains :p
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2006
  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    YAY... anti-bitch... I'm finally off GDL! I get my real license!

    For those of you uninformed. GDL is a probationary drivers permit that limits you to only one friend as a passenger or only family and only daytime driving hours.
  5. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    See that's the type of thing that rly annoys Dan.
    Thing is, you have no clue why he was "banned". It's more of a need to know basis IMO. Notice "banned" - he wasn't banned, so to speak.

    **Upto here was @ rihgt682 BTW**

    Anyway, I'm not in a position to publicly dispose that info, so that's all I'm gunna say.

    And I should think Dan will be reading this Aus :p
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2006
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Last edited: Nov 23, 2006
  7. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    "Free the Fiend"
    Glad to hear it was only a temp ban, this place won't be the same without him. IMHO nothing wrong with telling it like it is, hang around the gaming forums long enough and you'll understand why some species eat their own offspring.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    absolutely; i waste hours here each night rounding up unruly little smacktards and they need putting in their place and being told how to behave.
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    What’s inside: Premium Unleaded

    Your car runs on poison, grain alcohol – and mothballs.

    • Ethyl tertiary butyl ether: Most compounds in gasoline are hydro­carbons – hydrogen plus carbon. Not ETBE. It’s an oxygenate – an ingredient that adds more O2 to the mix and helps the fuel to burn steadily into CO2, which is less toxic to humans than ­carbon monoxide.

    • Toluene: A derivative of benzene, this pure hydrocarbon is the basis of TNT (trinitrotoluene) and is one of the flammable ingredients in gasoline. Inhaling it gets you high but damages your brain. And really, if you’re huffing gas, you’re already stupid enough.

    • Ethanol: Good ol’ grain alcohol, used here as an oxygenate.

    • Methyl tertiary butyl ether: A mixture of methanol (wood alcohol) and isobutylene, MTBE adds oxygen and boosts octane (which means it helps control the burn rate). It was one of ­several substances that replaced lead in gas. But this additive tends to seep into groundwater, so it’s being phased out as well.

    • Hexane: That tangy smell in an old-school cobbler’s shop is hexane. Another volatile hydrocarbon, it’s used as a solvent in some shoe glues and in the extraction of vegetable oils from soybeans and other crops. Yum.

    • Heptane: In gasoline, heptane is more of a ­contaminant than an ingredient. It burns explosively – too much causes the fuel to ignite early and the engine to knock. The stuff is so volatile that flowing heptane can explode from its own built up static electricity – no external ignition source needed.

    • Ethylbenzene: You know that gas smell? That’s ethylbenzene, a flammable hydro­carbon. It causes birth defects in animals and will ruin your day if it gets in your eyes.

    • Naphthalene: You know the scent – it’s what’s in mothballs. Yet another hydrocarbon, it happens to be lethal to insect larvae.

    • Butane: Yup, the juice that’s found in cigarette lighters. A highly versatile chemical feedstock, butane is a building block for many plastics, as well as a solvent and, obviously, a fuel.

    – Patrick Di Justo
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    why did i feel that was the reason b-4 you posted the above..
    like testig the options of the members as to why he was banned..
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I see....he gave himself a good spanking and then sent himself to his room without dinner and grounded himself until whenever LOL!

    Dan...woun't you at least come back as a newbie and see if we can spot you?
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Sony is a file sharing thief

    p2pnet.net News:- What with its continuing incendiary batteries and rootkit spyware disasters, you'd think Sony was in enough trouble.

    But Vivendi is in effect claiming Sony is something it and its Big Four Organized Music cartel colleagues (of whom Vivendi is one) accuse their own customers of being.

    The people who run Sony are "criminals" and "thieves," says Vivendi's Universal Music Group, to all intents and purposes.

    Sony's Grouper application gives users a way to share music videos with each other and, in entertainment and software cartel parlance, that's a criminal offence not even second to murder and rape.

    Sony, however, is dismissing the UMG allegations.

    "In a filing with the U.S District Court in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Grouper denied the copyright-infringement allegations and said Universal was using the lawsuit to boost a rival video-sharing site in which it has a stake," says Reuters, going on:

    "Universal, owned by French media group Vivendi and the world's largest music company, has been leading an aggressive drive to get paid for all uses of its works on new digital services over the Internet."

    Grouper, "denied it was engaged in mass copyright infringement and said that - like other such sites - it cannot prevent third parties from violating the company's terms of service that prohibit copyright infringement," says the story.

    Interestingly, the entertainment cartels, with the Big Four Organized Music family in the lead, are using the US Supreme Court Grokster decision to kill independent p2p sites so they can later be resurrected as corporate p2p distribution systems.

    Grokster says companies are liable for what users do with the software.

    "Grouper also said it was fully compliant with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and was carrying out the requests of copyright owners to remove materials that users may have improperly uploaded to the site," says Reuters.

    "Individually and collectively, through the Recording Industry of America (the 'RIAA') and other organizations and companies," the Big Four have engaged in unfair business practices, "for the specific purpose of eliminating sources of decentralized peer-to-peer file sharing and acquiring a monopoly over digital distribution of commercially valuable copyrighted music and movie content," says LimeWire, one of the independents being attacked.

    In a court document, "In fact, these same persons and entities have been both secretly and publicly engaged in promotion of their own digital distribution technologies which permitted exchanges of copyright infringing files, such as instant messengering, email and other similar technologies only, in each case engineering the technologies to use a central server thus retaining for themselves the same knowledge and control held by Napster," says the company.

    Vivendi's Universal also sued News Corp for alleged MySpace copyright infringement, and not only but also, UMG's Doug Morris said GooTube consistently violated music industry copyrights, just before it and Google reached an accord.

    Also See:
    Reuters - Sony says Grouper site not afoul of copyright law, November 22, 2006
    being attacked - LimeWire versus the RIAA: Part II, November 17, 2006
    sued News Corp - Vivendi's UMG vs MySpace, November 21, 2006

    (Thursday 23rd November 2006)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2006
  13. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    My bitch for today is I can't meet a lot of the members here on AD face to face to wish you all a Happy Turkey day and say thanks to this brother hood and sister hood of fine folks. Peace Chris
  14. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    What is Black FRIDAY MEAN????
  15. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Black Friday is the traditional US start of US Christmas Shopping. Christmas is a hug windfall for most retailers, and for many it represents when they finally make profits for the given year.
  16. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Why is people telling me this friday is black friday? it's not chrismas yet. IT's still november. SO are you saying everything is cheap in store or something?
  17. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Are you a bit slow or something?

    No one said it was christmas yet. No one said it was cheap or sales yet. Ireland did, however, say that Black Friday is the start of US shopping.

  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    its the US start of US Christmas Shopping.
    the day after thanksgiving,as i said above..

    or if companys are in the red all year long they try to get in the black.with the start of black friday with a ton of sells....

    thats what black friday means..

    Definition: What is Black Friday?
    The day after Thanksgiving in the United States, is frequently referred to as Black Friday.

    General Use: One of the major U.S. holiday shopping days. The day many U.S. consumers begin Christmas shopping. The day is heavily promoted by retailers.

    Origin: The origin of Black Friday comes from the shift to profitability during the holiday season. Black Friday was when retailers went from being unprofitable, or "in the red," to being profitable, or "in the black", at a time when accounting records were kept by hand and red indicated loss and black profit.
    Also Known As: The day after Thanksgiving.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2006
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I wonder if the expression comes from going from red ink to black ink? Whether permitting, I'll be out people watching tomorrow. Center city philly is great on black friday people from the burbs everywhere and I can't figure out why .... they have the malls and the stores. Lots of the specialty stores do well though for those nuts enough to spend $600 on hand made shirts. I'm sure the protestors will be all over the center city furriers with their nasty pics of skinned critters. I'll stop by a dept store named Wannamakers (or whatever its called this week) and hear the pipe organ .... Philly boasts the world's biggest pipe organ:


    YOu can't tell from the pic but the organ console itselt is the size of a fair sized room and blares an astonishing 40,000 pipes. I'll get to play that sucker one of these days!
  20. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    That's a pretty bitchin organ Gerry ;-)

    You can play that? I'm a musician too \o/

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