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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Yeah, a bf that she doesn't rly like... Lol, don't ask me why's she's going out with someone she doesn't like. Oh and Btw, I'm not making inferences here (on the whole, she doesn't like him bit).

    But, I do have a new bitch, which is I am off ill today, which is proving to be a very dull experience. Got a stomach bug... :'(

  2. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Wow...heavy bitches...

    My F-ing Gripe of the Day:

    Educational materials are TOO EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call me a communist or something but that SHI# should be free or close to it.

    @relationshipsingeneral - Garmoon's got the picture. Find someone who makes you laugh. Pee your pants, blow milk through your nose, tears running down your mug laugh. This is the only way to get through the down times. I married for love of his laughs at the 24 hr Church of Elvis in P-town Oregon and so far it has been funny for over ten years.

    @shado36/Estuansis - Estuansis is so on it very wise for age. Be over involved, but don't "plan" friends for her. Make sure she knows that some normalcy is important in life... some is not... Shower, brush teeth, clean cloths, be involved with something (chess, soccer, basket weaving, music, perhaps TV Production classes??????? Anything...) this is the "normal" that most can accept. If this does not help I would worry that something is truly upsetting her that is making it hard for her to function.

    @ireland thanks for the site...thank goodness living in the boonies has paid off. 0 offenders. THANK YOU.

    @ripper - sorry you are feeling pukey. That sucks! Be better soon. Try a warm bath and a nap!

    Edited for lousy spelling!
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    this guy has a real bitch

    Diver in Australia survives shark attack

    SYDNEY, Australia - A diver escaped a 10-foot shark's attack by poking the animal in its eye after it had already chomped on his head once and was preparing for another bite, witnesses and officials said Tuesday.

    Eric Nerhus, 41, was flown to a hospital with serious injuries to his head, body and left arm after the attack Tuesday off Cape Howe, about 250 miles south of Sydney.

    The shark grabbed Nerhus by the head, crushing his face mask and breaking his nose, said Dennis Luobikis, a fellow diver who witnessed the attack.

    "He was actually bitten by the head down — the shark swallowed his head," Luobikis said.

    The shark, believed to be a great white, came back for a second bite, clenching its jaws around Nerhus' torso and leaving deep lacerations in his side, said Luobikis.

    Nerhus wrestled free of the shark's jaws, and later told rescue workers he had poked the shark in the eye, an unidentified worker from the Snowy Hydro Rescue Helicopter service told local media.

    Nerhus was pulled from the water by his 25-year-old son and rushed to a hospital, suffering blood loss and shock.

    "Eric is a tough boy. He's super fit," said Luobikis. "But I would say that would test anyone's resolve, being a fish lunch."

    Shark attacks are relatively common in Australian waters, home to some of the world's deadliest sea life. Scientists say there are an average of 15 shark attacks a year in Australia — one of the highest rates in the world — and just over 1 per year are fatal.

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  4. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Thanks, I'll do that. :)
  5. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    My bitch of the day - I have to go to work in about 3 hours.

    My happy moment of the day - I applied at a bank about a week ago to be a teller (no nights (only until 5-6), better pay then I am getting now and more, steady hours) and I got a call last night from the bank saying they want to interview me. My interview is tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm and my mom said if they say I am hired before the weekend I can just tell the people at my current job that I am done after I finish working this weekend. :)

  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Pop_Smith ... best of luck at the interview! Dress nice and conservatively the way banks like it.
  7. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Tranquash- no she does not like sports, but of course that could change. What she likes this minute she disslikes the next & vice versa! The most athletic she gets is using a remote control!! Its like banging your head against a brick wall with her!
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Thank you for the complement :)


    I know the whole situation. I used to be really shy and lazy and just stayed in my room and did nothing. Then my parents got really involved in my life and encouraged me to get out and live.

    I got myself a girlfriend who I later found cheating on me but I showed myself I could get a pretty girl to like me. And I made an assload of really good friends. I'm still a nerd but the fact remains that I got out and got a life. All it took was some positive reinforcement from my Mom and Dad.

    If it's as bad as it sounds you need to get involved and save her a lot of unnecessary anguish. If she's a Junior you might do good by saving her senior year. If she's a senior you might do good by letting her have a free year after highschool to make friends and get active in her own life.

    Being an outgoing person really helps in the long run. Try maybe to instill some confidence and help her get involved in a sport or club. I'm on my school's benchmarking team(me and three other guys) and they're all really cool people. In fact I found my best friend on the benchmarking team last year.

    So, in short, be part of your daughter's life. Be a parent.
  9. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Thanks Gerry!! :)
  10. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    @ ireland i saw the shark atack victim on the news i live in australia and he was very lucky.

    @shado36 ive never tried banging my head on a wall.had a teacher in high school tell me to do that he said it might make me smarter so i said to him "why dont i headbutt you instead it would be more fun"
  11. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Cos if I did it to hard my head would go through the drywall!!!LOL
  12. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Estuansis- she has had some boyfriends some of which have lasted a few months others a few weeks. One of them she found out was trying to cheat on her & she was a bit upset for a while BUT on that occasion she had gone against out wishes as neither of us wanted her to go out with this moron in the first place as he was/is trouble. One of her other boyfriends was a nice boy but all he wanted to do was play video games and bearing in mind he lives 7 miles away and neither (at that time drove) she seemed to get bored of him quickly.
  13. antomic

    antomic Regular member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    ok. I just made a funny little sig for POP_Smith. Here it is.
    I'll PM it to him also in case he doesn't see it here.
    Sorry. My computer did this weird thing and posted twice.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    extra post deleted
  15. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Sounds like your average teen relationship problems... *sigh*

    But I think it might help to find a decent boyfriend.

    I have a buddy who has been dating a girl for roughly three years. It did wonders for him back in Junior high. He's pretty popular and they seem happy.

    Keep pushing your daughter to get out and be active. That's the long and short of it :)
  16. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    THANK YOU!!! That is an excellent job you did there. :)

    Edits (by Pop_Smith): haha, now I have to remember how to get a picture to work in the signature.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  17. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    I will keep on "plugging away" at it. Thanks for the support!
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Dumb crook-of-the-day story

    Thieves who stole global positioning systems (GPS) from a warehouse in New York state were apprehended after authorities activated the tracking devices to locate them, police said Monday. Fourteen GPS were stolen last week from a warehouse in Babylon, New York. The town had planned to use them to track its municipal fleet of vehicles.

    Police and municipal staff said they remotely activated the devices and were led to the home of one of the culprits who was found fiddling with one of them.

    The thieves believed they had snagged cell phones and planned to sell them, he told AFP. Three people face charges.

    Tee hee.
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    What Is “Disorderly Conduct” Anyway? You Won’t Believe It.

    Which more accurately stands as the symbol of today’s America?

    This topic is showing up in the news only as a consequence of the police shooting story. Residents of this Atlanta community demanded that city officials come talk to them, and city officials got an earful. The kicker? City council members did not know that the law the residents complained about being arrested under even existed. This is representation?

    Atlanta Ordinance Allows Police To Arrest Just About Anybody

    DC-6 is the most frequent non-traffic offense cited by Atlanta police. As of Dec. 18, 7,551 DC-6 arrests — about 22 a day — were made in 2006, outpacing criminal trespass at 5,407 and drinking in public at 4,621.

    Some City Council members and city officials weren’t even familiar with the ordinance until it came to their attention at public meetings organized in the wake of the Nov. 21 home-invasion killing by police of an 88-year-old woman.

    According to the DC-6 ordinance: “It shall be unlawful for any person [to] … be in or about any place where gaming or the illegal sale or possession of alcoholic beverages or narcotics or dangerous drugs is practiced, allowed or tolerated[.]”

    What that means, essentially, is that a person can be arrested simply for being in what police designate as a “known drug area” — even if he or she just walks down the street or chats with a neighbor. That’s problematic, says American Civil Liberties Union Legal Director Gerry Weber, because the law is so ambiguous that it invites discriminatory enforcement and therefore may be unconstitutional.

    Weber says the ACLU is seeking the right case for a legal challenge.

    WXIA notes, “The problem is nearly half the cases are thrown out of court. And that’s why many consider it a legalized form of police abuse.”
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Ireland....sounds like military law, the UCMJ: we can get you for whatever we want whenever we want and you have no say.

    My bitch is that the lunnies are out in droves...all day, it seemed. My very last client wanted government money to go to school because, as a truck driver, he has to take physicals and whenever they test your blood pressure or your eyesight, they take the good blood pressure and eyesight out of you and leave only the bad so if he has one more physical, he'll be left myopic with BP pressures. Oi.
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