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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    Two bitches

    #1: I think that Afterdawn Addict would look good under my username. i might not come here that often, but it would offer some motivation to do so

    #2: The real Addicts who contribute a lot should have additional titles, like Afterdawn God, Afterdawn Contributor or Afterdawn Lifer. That last one is a prison reference in case u didn't know..
  2. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Why not put Addict on a toggle mods can turn on ,leaveing only a few chosen to be Addict's and the rest senior members.
  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Brazil prostitutes like the iPod


    p2pnet.net News:- At last! Someone's found a valid use for iPod video.

    "The profession is known as oldest of the world, but the way to announce is latest. The 143 girls of program with profile in the site M.Class (mclass.com.br) have to the disposal a way hi-tech to unglue customers. They disponibilizam videos in format MP4 to be lowered for the marmanjos."

    That's the way the Google translator deals with a story from Folha Online.

    Unscrambled, Brazilian prostitutes working for online site M.Class offer videos which can be played on the iPod, says the story.

    The website receives 50,000 unique visitors daily and gets updated with a new MP4 every week, states Coolest-gadgets.com.

    What can you expect to see on a pimp-Pod? Nothing explicit, says the story. It's a showcase, not a porn display.

    And apparently, site owner Rodrigo dos Santos scores all the way down the line.

    "Most of the girls are willing to pay money in order to appear on the weekly video," adds the post.

    . Slashdot Slashdot it!

    Also See:
    Folha Online - Garotas de programa usam iPod Vídeo para arranjar clientes, January 22, 2007
    Coolest-gadgets.com - Prostitutes using the iPod Video to increase turnover, January 22, 2007
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Ireland and Garmoon...Lord, I had totally forgotten that, when I was a kid in the early 60s, one of the boys in the neighborhood had developed some sort of problem like that...I think he was about 12 but I don't think it was a problem treating; I was young and remember my parents talking about it. If memory serves, it has something to do with the oral polio vaccine. That was a big health scare when I was a kid and a couple of kids I went to school with were afflicted. I remember my parents relief when the vaccine came out; we waited for hours in this long line that went around the block ... the vaccine consisted of drops on a sugar cube.
  5. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Dang gerry1 I forgot all about that as a youngster.After reading what you wrote and remember my mom saying it was a medicine for something and waiting in line knowing it was gonna be awful and the surprise of a whole sugar cube. Chris
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    some of ye boys and girls might have a bitch

    Curl up and dye: Allergy to hair colouring on the rise

    Allergy to hair dye is soaring in numerous countries as more and more young people colour their locks, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) warns.

    The culprit is para-phenylenediamine (PPD) and its cousins in a chemical family called aromatic amines, the mainstay of hair dyes for more than a century, it warns in Saturday's issue.

    Allergic response to PPD is well-documented, causing eczema on the face or around the hairline, but in some cases the reaction is so severe that the victim's face swells up and causes painful bruising, needing hospital treatment.

    The BMJ points to case reports from dermatologists in Britain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Germany and Singapore which, together, suggest incidence of PPD allergy is soaring.

    One London clinic reported that between 1965-75 it treated only between five and 11 patients with the allergy eached year.

    Now the figure tops the 40 mark, and that is likely to be a big underestimate. Only a small fraction of people with the allergy seek medical help, and an even smaller number are tested to identify the source.

    Screening of individuals in Bangkok, using a test kit to see if their skin was allergic to a patch with PPD, suggests that more than a million Thais may be sensitive to PPD, the BMJ said.

    In Germany, the figure could be 1.3 million.

    The BMJ says there's no point in covering up the roots of the problem: the fashion for hair dyeing, especially among young people.

    In Japan, for example, 13 percent of of female high school students, six percent of women in their 20s and two percent of men in their 20s used hair dye in 1992.

    In 2001, the proportions were 41 percent, 85 percent and 33 percent respectively.

    "Cultural and commercial pressures to dye hair and, perhaps, the widespread obsession with the 'culture of youth' are putting people at risk and increasing the burden on health services," the BMJ said sternly.

    It admitted, though, that vanity and peer pressure meant the outlook for change was dark -- or midnight blue, as the hairdye makers themselves might prefer to describe it.

    "It may not be easy to reverse these trends... as some patients have continued to use such dyes even when advised that they are allergic to them and risk severe reactions."
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    theres hope for ye boys..

    With the new school year just beginning, educational experts at the University of Western Sydney say boys can enjoy as much social and academic success as girls if educators employ creative approaches to teaching and learning.

    While there is no quick fix to improving boys' social and educational outcomes, research has revealed that it is important to establish strong teacher-student relationships, with a focus on student interest, voice and control, which would offer all learners - particularly boys - a dynamic learning environment.

    Research team member, UWS lecturer Geoff Munns, from the School of Education, says the project concentrated on boys from Indigenous, low socio-economic, rural and isolated backgrounds.

    "Boys from these backgrounds have historically experienced more social difficulties and under-achieve academically compared with other students," Dr Munns says.

    Successful strategies used included using culture-based programs to encourage higher motivation by linking community life to school. In one school, indigenous students took part in cultural activities during school time with elders in traditional settings rather than in the classroom.

    "The schools showed that tailoring the education to motivate and engage students improved rates of attendance, reduced suspensions and improved literacy," he says.

    "There were also improvements in students' self-image and self-esteem, school and classroom relationships."

    The report entitled "Motivation and Engagement of Boys: Evidence-based Teaching Practices" found that schools and educators who collaborated to look for fresh perspectives and innovative solutions could better address various teaching issues such as misbehaviour, low attendance and literacy.

    The research identified pre-schools, primary schools and secondary schools - both government and non-government - that have helped boys' social and academic success by focusing on the relationship between education practices and boy's motivation and engagement.

    It recommends that Australian educators develop better curriculum policies by incorporating the extended knowledge of networks of teachers, students, parents and community members, and incorporate 'real world' professional development for teachers.

    Source: University of Western Sydney
  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    My bitch is the idiots at Dish Network. I spent a half hour in the shop with a shop vac cleaning up all the little bits and pieces of various things that got smashed to bits after I lost my temper trying to reach a living human being at their service number. At one point I had one of those big flat metal surge protectors that used to go under CRT monitors by the ass end of the cord swinging it over my head and on to the floor while repeatedly screaming "you stupid motherf**kers!!!" until there was just the cord left in my hand.

    The numnut bastards sent me a letter saying I owed them $110 bucks for the reciever and the littly thingy that points into the satellite they say I never returned after I cancelled service and that it was going to be sent to collections which made me just a bit upset. I most certainly DID return them and went through hell trying to find a way to talk to an actual human being. Their standard customer service 1-800 number is nothing but a prerecorded voice giving you every option in the world BUT talking to a human. I spent the better part of 45 minutes getting more and more pissed by the minute trying every option they gave trying to talk to a human before I lost it and went on a rampage in the garage. Once I ran out of expendable things to destroy I resorted to calling a local Dish office and asking the lady if there's any friggin way on God's green earth I can talk to a person. She said all you have to do is press *9*9 when the recording starts - how the fusk am I supposed to know that? I finally got through to one of my growing legion of customer service friends in India and she took care of the problem. Things used to be so easy................

    These damn companies are more than happy to take your money every month but when it comes time you need their help it takes an act of God to get it out of them.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2007
  9. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Oh, Neph! I am so sorry the Dish Jerkoffs are getting you down. Poor customer service is so annoying. Especially when they demand money and threaten to send you to credit reporting agencies, when you don't owe them bupkiss.

    Were you able to get it resolved? AND... *9*9??? WTF is that? No one would even think of that combo for an operator/human. For me it was always the cordless phone that suffered after the overofficious assholiness of under trained Customer Service Reps. (I should have V-tech stock)

    PS - I hope you didn't bruise yourself flinging CRT backup packs!
  10. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    you handled things very well Nephilim. I would have likely totally blown up & the police would have to be called (again) LOL.

    Many of these companies show no respect for their customers. Keep a big filing cabinet full of papers, always record a date you start/stop something, always get a name, and file those damn papers away. Should things ever turn ugly, u can file a complaint with these people, maybe a small claims lawsuit, and burn them for 5x the money they were trying to screw you out of.

    Sad to say that ambulance chasers (lawyers) do find their part to play in society. Never be a sucker or the next time could be far worse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2007
  11. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    @neph didnt realize you had a emper like me

    i smashed up 3shops,2phone boxes,8 street signs and threw a brick through a cop car window because the cops refused to come out and take a statement when my car had parts stolen from it and the guy that did it pulled a shotgun on me when i confronted him.
  12. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Super Bowl Site Hacked with Trojan, Keylogger - Yesterday, 11:36 PM
    Uh.... okay...

    Bears, Colts and Super Bowl football fans everywhere beware.

    Users who are browsing the Internet, perhaps innocently looking up a seating chart at Dolphins Stadium in Miami for their seats could be in a lot more trouble than they would have ever expected.

    Malicious code has been discovered on the The Dolphins Stadium Website, which is the location of this year's Super Bowl, reports Websense Security Labs.


  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    XP + No Firewall or AV = Infection in under 8 Seconds - Yesterday, 03:02 PM

    As described in this article, reformed ex-hacker, Jacques Erasmus, demonstrated just how dangerous things have gotten these days. Basically they took a Windows XP computer and connected the poor little scamp to the Internet without providing it with a firewall or any anti-virus software.

    In fact, after only 8 seconds, the unsuspecting little rascal was undergoing the machine equivalent of being turned into a "Pod person from the planet Mars!" First, it was hit by Sasser, one of the fastest spreading worms on the Internet. Then it started downloading strange programs from mysterious internet addresses. Then it started looking for other machines to infect.


    How Long Does It Take To Catch A Computer Virus?

    Would you believe only 8 seconds?

    By Clive Maxfield
    Programmable Logic DesignLine

    Feb 1, 2007 02:37 PM

    I just read an incredibly scary article on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website in the UK on Computer Viruses.

    As described in this article, reformed ex-hacker, Jacques Erasmus, demonstrated just how dangerous things have gotten these days. Basically they took a Windows XP computer and connected the poor little scamp to the Internet without providing it with a firewall or any anti-virus software.

    This brings to mind an image of staking a goat in the middle of a field and waiting for the wolves to come (or the dinosaurs in the case of the movie Jurassic Park). So how long did it take for the wolves (viruses) to attack? Days? Hours? Minutes?

    In fact, after only 8 seconds, the unsuspecting little rascal was undergoing the machine equivalent of being turned into a "Pod person from the planet Mars!" First, it was hit by Sasser, one of the fastest spreading worms on the Internet. Then it started downloading strange programs from mysterious internet addresses. Then it started looking for other machines to infect.

    Within five minutes, the little rapscallion was running so many malicious programs that it was running totally choked up and its CPU was 100% occupied performing virus-related tasks.

    Personally, I think governments around the world should start taking this much more seriously than they appear to be doing. If someone gets caught embezzling say $100,000 from a company they go to jail. Now consider that the folks who release viruses can cause tens of millions of dollars in damages; affected companies can go bankrupt; people can lose their jobs; and the effects spread onwards and outwards.

    But there's more to it than this, because virus creators are not making the world a better place. When someone loses their work to a virus, it makes them angry, frustrated, and unhappy. This ripples on to the folks they come into contact with. One way to view this is that the sum total of unhappiness around the world increases. This is not a good thing.

    I'm on my high-horse at the moment. I think that if people who were caught creating viruses were jailed for say 10 years, then at a minimum it might discourage someone else from doing the same thing. And, apart from anything else, it would bring a smile to the lips of those of us who have lost months of work to one of these nefarious creations (I feel like the lion in the Wizard of Oz – "Let me at 'em, let me at 'em!").

    Questions? Comments? Feel free to email me – Clive "Max" Maxfield – at max@techbites.com). And, of course, if you haven't already done so, don't forget to Sign Up for our weekly Programmable Logic DesignLine Newsletter.
  14. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I also remember the polio sugar cubes and the scares, you had to have an afternoon nap before the vaccines came out. UNFORTUNATELY We all lined up in the auditorium the year before sugar cubes and some football sized nurse-woman with hairy arms gave us all a piercing with the working end of a very large syringe. Not a fond memory, since everyone was speaking of how they broke off the needle in little Johnny's arm.!
  16. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    happy i'm young enough that my vaccines don't leave scars.
  17. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    My bitch; I found out today that The_Fiend has left.
  18. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I second the bitch about The_Fiend,
    here's my second bitch, the smart ones leave, leaving us with the cream of the crop smacktards. I nominate this one for a gold medal in the Mental Midget Olympics.
    Microwave macaroni will be a major milestone for this one.
  19. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Auslander one day you may be sorry you don't carry that scar from the Small pox vaccine that we oldsters have. I have two. Am glad I do. At least I will have some immunity to Small pox when the terrorists decide it's easy to spread amongst us. The world is unprepared for that clamity. It should be a required immunization for all children. They erradicted the disease but have kept the virus in labs world wide and some probably not so secure, think Russia.

    Edit: Bummer! Why did The_Fiend leave? Loved his sarcasm and cynicism! LMAO
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2007
  20. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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