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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    my bitch,today and the last couple of days i started to read some of the posts by newbies and the answers given out by some of the members suck..big time..i can not believe some of the answers i seen..

    to me with out the old-timers to help out..this web site is going down hill fast..

  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    since i feel i am talking to me self when i post
    later all

  3. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    I don't write'em, I just pass'em along....

    cheers and later

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  5. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Wal-Mart scares the shit out of me.

    I can't walk into my local Wal-Mart with out smelling BO! When you get to the check stands about every time there is a guy asking you for money, inside the store. You have people who are twitching because they are so stoned in almost every aslie. You need to watch for all this little ignorant kids running every where so you don't trample them.

    This isn't even the worst of it...
    The first Thursday of every month is hell at Wal-Mart! Why you ask, well fair day. Hell in the last year their have been 2 pipe bombs found in my walmart!
  6. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    My bitches:

    1. Days are not long enough, sounds weird but working full time and sleeping combined take up more then half your 24 hours that make up a day.

    2. I got in trouble at work today over the retarded attendance policy they have in place. I haven't been written up but its dang close to happening. The dumb thing with the policy, if you are 1 (ONE!!) minute late or 2 hours late ya get 0.25 points. You start out at 0 and 5 or 6 points = termination. I am at about 3-3.5. :(

    I understand the need to be on time to work but I think its dumb that if you are one minute late you get the same points as someone else who is two hours late, thats punishing the little guy who gets their late for small reasons (ex: misses a stop light, wakes up ten minutes late, etc.) and rewarding, to a point, the lazy man.

    You know, the one who thinks "Heck, if I leave now to work I will be late so why not sleep in (or something else) for an hour and get to work before the two hours is up".

    To put things into perspective here is some facts:

    The average call at my job lasts me 2:50, 2:30 on a good day, and I don't usually get a call for 5-10 minutes after I log-in. I almost never take a break, which I am allowed one 10 minute break/day. I also only take lunch breaks if I am forced too, which is not worth it in my opinion to take as they are only a half-hour.

    Also, the latest I have ever been is 10 minutes and I usually am only 1-3 minutes late. 90% of the time its due to a light that I miss as I have to go through two turn-on-your-arrow-only lights that if you miss take ~3 minutes to cycle back to you.

    Bitch 3:

    Things, although I know they will get better as they almost always do, are not going in my fashion right now. I am getting in trouble for stupid, in my opinion, little things at work (see above). I haven't talked to Michelle in weeks, despite trying about once a week for the past four weeks depending on my free time.

    She used to always call me back but she hasn't called me back since about the beginning of March. :( Oh well, if things with her don't improve I will just move on. I am wondering if my you-jumped-the-gun-for-prom action is coming back at me and what I just described is how it is getting revenge.

    @Ireland, I am sorry you feel like you talking to yourself. I feel like that all day at work :p Then I come home and usually continue, without meaning too, feeling that way.

  7. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Hello, afternoon and all that Jazz - oh yah, wrong thread, but whatever!

    Anyway, found this which I thought was quite funny..


    If this is too "politics" then feel free to pull it mods, or anyone that objects, just ask!


    This image does not in any way reflect my personal opinions on the BNP party and is here for the sole purpose to amuse those that do feel that way!

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  8. tranquash

    tranquash Regular member

    Jul 25, 2003
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    Good morning all. Happy donuts and cheese pies!!!
    Something funny I read today...

    Oh, well!!!

    Have a nice cup of coffee!!!
  9. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    The 10 Real Reasons Why Geeks Make Better Lovers
    04.06.07 | 2:00 AM

    Editor's note: Some links in this story lead to adult material and are not suitable for viewing at work. All links of this nature will be noted with "NSFW" after them.

    - - -

    I've read recently that geeks make better lovers because they are so unaccustomed to romance that they will do anything for their mates. Also because geeks don't have the social skills to cheat (wanna bet?).

    Yeah, ha ha, let's chuckle at the stereotypes. Might as well add that geeks won't waste valuable relationship time watching football. Or that geeks are clueless and fashion-impaired and have the social skills of a bowl of fruit.

    But you know what? Humorous Top-10 lists aside, geeks really do make the best lovers, for reasons that have nothing to do with adolescent ostracism or puppy-like devotion.

    It's all about sex-tech. (Tell us what you think below.)

    Geeks build it so you will come

    Second Life's SexGen animation system, Red Light Center's (NSFW) beautiful sex animations and open-source teledildonics did not simply coalesce out of the mists during a marketing department meeting.

    These projects require strong technical know-how along with an open-minded approach to sexual variation. After all, you can't build sex-tech that serves only your own preferences if you expect others to use it. Especially if you want them to buy it.

    That geeks have the passion to commit their technical skills to expanding sexual options for everyone is evidence enough of their enthusiasm and dedication as lovers.

    Geeks get personal with tech

    All engineers may be geeks, but not all geeks are engineers. Doesn't matter. You don't need to know how to build a platform in order to do a half-gainer in full pike with a twist into the river of love.

    A geek is more likely to figure out how to customize toys and to design arousing environments for your avatars to play in than a non-geek. And that experience translates into a greater sensitivity to atmosphere and mood during sex -- beyond lighting a candle.

    Don't be surprised if your geek lover puts more thought into arranging the boudoir than you do, or if common household items ("pervertibles") soon take on a new dimension. More than one geek has told me that Home Depot is their favorite adult store.

    Geeks dig consensual role playing

    Geek lovers combine a well-developed and oft-exercised erotic imagination with their physical technique. It isn't a big leap from "I'm a level-13 thief, evil-aligned" to "I'm the prison warden and you're the new detainee." Scientists and therapists alike claim that the brain is the most critical sexual organ; a geek's familiarity with fantasy arouses your mind even as the handcuffs -- or the bag of loot -- bring your body to attention.

    Geeks interact

    A technophobe mostly talks to you in person, but a geek is happy to be with you by texting your phone, flirting with you in a chat room, Skyping you, Twittering just in case you're on your vibrating couch (NSFW), sending funny cell-phone snapshots to your e-mail, playing online games, commenting on your blog, Digging articles that interest you, seducing you by instant message….

    Geeks get things done

    Geeks know all the shortcuts. They research your interests, send you surprise gifts, plan your perfect vacation, get the bills and grocery shopping out of the way, write to their mothers, and tease you mercilessly, all while pretending to work. And when you ask them to set up your home Wi-Fi or install a home theater, it's done quickly, expertly and without complaint.

    In other words, geeks know how to get everything else out of the way so there's more time for lovemaking.

    Geeks are hot …

    … and wear the coolest glasses.

    Geeks don't shock easily

    Geeks have seen all the porn you can imagine and then some, priming them to be open to your sexual peccadilloes. They are not only less likely to be shocked by your exotic requests -- they might not even realize that other people think your turn-ons are exotic.

    Conversely, your geek lover might be relieved that your wildest fantasy involves only two other people, five utensils and a trapeze.

    Geeks know kinky people

    Geeks haven't just seen a variety of positions, kinks and fetishes in blue movies. They know (or are) people who enjoy those things, so they don't dismiss entire categories of sexual interests as the sole province of a bunch of weirdos in San Francisco.

    It's hard to sustain prejudice and bias against an abstract group when you develop relationships with individuals and discover they're just like you. It doesn't matter if they dress up like ponies, or refuse to conform to a societal idea of gender norms, or eat pancakes for dinner. Geek lovers know better than to try to impose their sexual preferences or standards on others -- including your friends -- and are more likely to love and let love.

    Geeks understand multi-dimensional relationships

    Geeks connect with their online buddies in several guises, often getting to know the person behind the avatar as friendships deepen and move from adult communities to personal IM.

    A geek can flow seamlessly between conversation about a friend's partner and kids in one window and an elaborate group sex scene in another, without feeling any discontinuity between the personas. Even if the friend is a 43-year-old father of two in IM, and a 22-year-old dominatrix in the group.

    With all that going on, a geek has no problem accepting that sometimes you want mocha ripple cherry fudge chunk swirl with almonds and a waffle and sometimes you want vanilla lite.

    Geeks aren't threatened by new tech or "the future of sex"

    Geeks have read the science fiction. They know the dire predictions of a world in which the sticky press of flesh is replaced by neural nets and sex robots that also do housework (or is that house robots that also do sex work?).

    Geeks have imagined more sexual dystopias than the average person and are the first to see the technological developments that could lead us down dark paths. Which only makes sense, considering who develops those technologies in the first place.

    At the same time, geeks know better than anyone that something always goes wrong when you lean on machines for your social fulfillment. A geek doesn't mind if you bring home the iiErotoTrix 5000 v3 -- as long as you share it.

    Literacy and the printing press did not replace sex; neither did photography, automobiles, video, online porn or 3-D escort services. Geek lovers spend enough time with technology to appreciate the unique wondrousness of human touch.

    See you next Friday, Regina Lynn

    - - -

    When not researching geek lovin' or writing her book, Regina Lynn blogs at reginalynn.com. You can reach her at ginalynn (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Comment on this story.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Good morning all. No bitch today. The weather is sooo nice and off to the Land of Crawfish and Bon Temps. Happy Easter Eggs to all.
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I have a huge bitch today and that's assholes that don't keep control of their dogs. Last night me and my dog Harvey were talking our late night walk and while going past some townhouses on our street I see a lady having a smoke on her small patio that's encircled with a small 24" stub wall. As i walk by I hear a noise and turned to see what it was. It turned out to be a big pit bull/mastiff looking dog coming at us. I immediately haul Harvey, who weighs 17lbs and no match for a 50+ lb dog, up into my arms and turn to face the dog. The dog runs up and immediately starts jumping up trying to get a look at Harvey. This dog made me REAL nervous because I don't know it, don't know how stable it is or how it was raised. Then the lady says "Don't worry, he doesn't bite" and I snapped back with "Famous last words lady!". Already nervous about this dog I see another pit bull-looking dog run up. The whole time this dumb bitch is trying to call them but neither are payhing her one bit of attention. That's when I picked up my pace my hand slipped onto the grip of the .40 cal. I keep in my waistband in case of situations exactly like this. I got two big dogs following me that I'm not familiar with who can take me and Harvey down in the blink of an eye focused on us 100% and not listening to their master one bit. Then this idiot lady has the gall to tell me to stop walking so she can get her dogs! "I ain't staying here lady!" I shot back. I did however slow up a bit so the fat tub could catch up and she finally shooed her dogs back to the yard.

    People like that piss me off to no end. It's one thing to have a Chihuahua or Dachshund run out of the yard at someone but two 50+ lb. pit bulls running unrestrained is goddam criminal negligence in my book. I absolutely detest the idea of using my pistol but in that situation I was very glad to have it wouldn't have hesitated one iota to use it the second those dogs acted any more agressive than they were. Tuesday's paper here had an article about yet another person getting mauled by a loose pit so I take loose dogs of that size VERY seriously. Getting mauled by two large dogs is a really shitty way to check out of this world.

    I came very close to having to deal with all the legal ramifications of using a firearm even in my own defense all because that fat slob of a bitch didn't have the common sense or common courtesy to restrain her dogs.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  12. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    @Neph, Glad to hear your dog and you were not harmed by those dogs, thats stupid of the lady to not have control of them. Dogs, like people, can become uncontrollable if provoked (or extremely focused, like it sounded in your case). No matter how well a dog is trained, if it wants something bad enough (your dog or maybe even a person) its not going to listen to anything that is said to it by anyone.

    Well Pitbulls can be very vicious it really depends on how they are raised, which you mentioned, if a dog was raised in a nice manner it won't (99% of the time) do stupid things but as you mentioned you don't know how those ones that attacked you (I dunno what else to call it!) were raised.

    Nothing too bad today, I have to fix an attendance issue at work or its (probably) bye-bye job next Friday but it shouldn't be a problem.

  13. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    The audacity of people that let their dogs run loose really torques me off.People that let them run loose should get a huge fine the first offense and the second time the dogs get taken away with 3 months community service.I'm a dog lover too, but stupid as people like that should be drawn and quartered.I always love them famous last words he doesn't bite.Chris
  14. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    That's the thing - I don't have an intrinsic hatred of pitbulls or any other of the large fighting breeds (except one) but their capability to maim or kill makes their upbringing a critical factor. I've a buddy that has big pit named Pac Man that's one of the most laid back well-mannered dogs I've been around. The dog was raised right so I minimally 'on edge' around him. I'm not paranoid but I've never been 100% at ease around the fighting breeds. I'm fine around most but there's one breed that I'm 100% UNcomfortable around and that's Chows. I've have never had a good experience with them and thoroughly despise the entire breed.
  15. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Here in Australia it's illegal, in many States to own Pitbulls or even pitbull cross dogs...too many children have received maulings.
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    somewhat the same here in ontario canada except that you can keep the dog as long as it has been itified. also can't breed them here either.
  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I love Rottweilers. They're hard to train and very prone to jumping on people. But it's the best feeling in the world when your napping on the couch and wake up to find a big black behemoth using you as a mattress:)

    I too have a small breed. A 15lb Bichon-Shitsu mix named Rudy. He's packed full of character and unconditionally loving. I would hate to lose him :(

    Speaking of dog attacks... there was a guy in our neighborhood with a big Cujo Rottweiler. My guess is that he beat it pretty bad... but anyway it was really aggressive. It had gotten loose and killed two cats already. We wouldn't let any of ours outside.

    I was going out to take the trash to the road and my big cat Sassy(a guy cat) got out. That dog rushed him and I saw something that I'll never forget.

    Sassy lept up onto its back and dug his claws into its eyes. He kept raking and raking until the dog was laying on the ground whimpering. Then he bit onto its neck and held it there for a long time with his claws still dug into the dog's face.

    We finally had to pry him off and call the dogs owner to come get the body.

    I swear to god my cat is the roughest toughest meanest fighter I've ever seen. He's so covered in scars that half his left ear is gone and his face is knotted. He's very sweet to all my cats and dogs and always likes to sleep on my chest when I go to bed.
  18. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Boy, do I have a major bitch today... *you boys and girls get ready for a long, nasty one now!*

    I'm TOTALLY FED UP with folks who come here just to glorify and/or troll for their own websites and forums.
    They plaster their links all over the place, use them in their profiles and sigs, and when someone needs help, they tell them to check out their forum, and throw in more links... THE BLOODY NERVE OF THESE F***ERS!.
    And then they don't get it when folks like me blow up at them for spamming either, they act like they're the innocent little angles their mommies and daddies believe them to be...
    CRAWL IN A GUTTER AND [long string of expletives deleted] !!!

    And worst is, most of these scumbags use some major nasty advertising on their sites, and use some VERY questionable means to get more attention to their sites *think spam blogs, trolling, Search engine spamming, etc. etc.*
    The question i have is, how much more of this will be tolerated ?
    Are the admins asleep ?
    Am i the only one concerned here ?
    Or is this just my pet peeve, and does no one else give a d@mn ?
  19. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    ye should be made a site mod and in-charge of the front gate...and the Consoles board.

    and then neph,ddp and creaky can set back and take it easy..
  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Record Store Owners Blame RIAA For Destroying Music Industry

    Businesses Music The Courts

    techdirt writes "It's not like it hasn't been said many times before, but it's nice to see the NY Times running an opinion piece about the RIAA from a pair of record store owners which basically points out how at every opportunity, the RIAA has made the wrong move and made things worse: 'The major labels wanted to kill the single. Instead they killed the album. The association wanted to kill Napster. Instead it killed the compact disc. And today it's not just record stores that are in trouble, but the labels themselves, now belatedly embracing the Internet revolution without having quite figured out how to make it pay.' It's not every day that you see a NY Times piece use the word 'boneheadedness' to describe the strategy of an organization."

    Spinning Into Oblivion

    link to article
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