Okay i was able to burn 4 dvd-r from now on without problems. I used Shrink to encode and DvdDecrypter to burn.. And flip. remember i was talking about two similar thing on the Dvd i was burning ? well i removed one of them and it works perfectly =) Though.. when i arrived on the 5th movie, shrink gave me this message while the analyse : "Copy protection error" "Shirnk cannot continue". Someone knows what to do with this please? Oh and, just as an information, what does DVD means. Each letter is a different word? For example SWAT means Special Weapons And Tactics. Thanks a lot
Digital Versatile Disc Try ripping with DVD Decrypter first. Then open the ripped file with Shrink. This makes the process a little longer.
Never mind about that that thing with Dvd shrink, "the protection message". I solved my problem by downloading the new version of DVD Shrink Thanks a lot tough =)
hey Flip When the analyse with Shirnk is complete.. i can see AC3 things and sometimes DTS or something. Could u give me few explanations on what they are please? Thanks for your help Flip
AC3: http://www.afterdawn.com/glossary/terms/dolby_digital.cfm DTS: Digital Surround Sound. Do you use surround sound?
Wow this is fast post. You're everywhere at the same time man hahaha =) Yeah sometimes i use surround but i get the results i want with AC3. By default, Shirnk removes the DTS, is it because of the quality or because it is less used?
Can you just tell me how many hours per day you are helping people on afterdawn.com Flip? You rock man, you know a lot
hahaha Well all my problems are resolved cauz of you man. Big thanks, i hope someone else will use the posts you have written to help. Later man, thx again
I was reading this thread and I thought I'd make a comment about the different audio tracks. Usually when there are 2 AC3 2CH, one of them is usually the director's comments. The other one is usually the same as the AC3 5.1, but only 2 channels. I don't know why they put this in there, because every DVD player I've tried will play the 5.1 as 2 channel. You can check out what they are by right clicking on the preview window in DVD Shrink and you can listen to each track and find out what they are. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Soyo KT-600 Ultra Platinum, XP 3000+, 1024 MB PC 3200 160 GB Maxtor SATA, 60 GB Seagate IDE Lite-On LDW 411S@811S, Lite-On SOHD 167T, Pioneer 107D GF FX 5600 Ultra[/small]
Okay fokndave, thanks for the post. Though.. that movie where i found 2 similar things.. If i included everything i could't have burn because i had no enough room. You know how to make the compression maximum without losing much quality?
No, I sure don't. If there is too much there I usually make a movie only copy. If you really have to have everything, you can compress all of the extras to still pictures and then burn another disc with the movie compressed to still pictures. That way you can have a movie that's pretty decent on one disc and have the special features on the other disc. Since you're not reauthoring that way, the menus will still work. It takes two discs that way, but you'll still get fairly decent quality without having to change discs in the middle of the movie. Compressing the extras to still pictures leaves quite a bit more room for the movie. On the disc with the extras, after compressing the movie to still pictures, the extras probably won't have to be compressed, or not very much. You have to have the movie on there for the menu to work.
But some programs do though.. DVD X Copy for example. I would use this program if i had no errors writing on DVD±R Discs and if the program didn't add a 321 studios screen on the Dvd.
Phys, Ya sly dog ... I almost wrote that I did LOTR 3 w/ Shrink and Decrypter. I thought it looked ok. But if you want good results with long movies, either use dl discs(too expensive right now though) or use DVD Rebuilder w/ CCE Basic.
Sure i want it flip. but how or where will i get it? And for DVD rebuilder, can i find it on this website or i must search the internet? Flip.. so you werent able to sucessfully burn LOTR3?
http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd_rebuilder_tutorial.cfm Rebuilder(free) http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd-rebuilder.cfm CCE Basic ($58) http://www.visiblelight.com/mall/productview.aspx?cat=201&pid=7 Sent you a pm.