sentagram , my dear,I had the same problem before ,you know what you have to do try to increase the writing speed 8x 10x,I used those,cause I have a panasonic dvd player too. Now all the movies I backed up are excellent video quality. Use this formula FAB decrypter + Shrink
Thank you gwazi and apl718 for your Advise and Recomendations. I am so far able to backup any Movie I want using freeware so I will not give ANYDVD A try untill I find that I have to but thank you for letting me know that there is a 90 day trial right now. And apl718 Thank you hun for recommending I burn the backup at 8X Speed I will give that a try and see what happens. I Will keep you all Posted and let you know if increasing the writing speed will make it play in Panasonic DVD Players or not as I have allready tried burning it at 2X and that did not fix the problem Hopefully this will work or I give up.
don't give up is easy first try to know wich speed your blank dvd support 8x 10x 12x. second use the free programs as Fab Decrypter + shrink the best combination. Let us know how it was..
I used the dvdfab decrypter to rip it to the hard drive and then used the Vob Blanker for the blank cells. I also used Nero to burn it. When i watch part of the movie it misses up. Why is that?
I use the Anydvd and clonedvd and when i back it up onto the hard drive the video quality is very good. It did the same with dvdfab decrypter too. I was wondering how come this is happening. I was wondering if someone can help me out.
I use AnyDvd and CloneDvd to back it up onto the hard drive and the video quality isn't good. It did the same thing with DvdFab Decrypter too. I was wondering if this has happen with someone else too. What cause that to happen b/c i haven't had this type of problem before.