message sent but you will have to wait next delivery not due till June as they are nowhere to be had now all out of stock
no box is guaranteed to work forever its a chance you take and the price would not even get you 2 months s*y
Hi Fergus mate, Im looking for a couple of Krypv**ws in Dublin. Would you know where I could pick them up and for how much. Cheers
Hi Fergus can you please send me a PM with the details, can we still watch channels with the kryptview? I have The Box but all the movies are gone for months and today looks like Cart00n Ntwrk is also gone. Thanks
yes mate at the present time you can watch them all only prob all sold out till mid June so you will have to wait ive sent you a pm with details
the chances of them having them is nil if main supplier does not have them they are not going to either the same as all the rest what will happen is you will purchase this then you will have to wait like everyone else is they are just not telling you they are out of stock that's all so i would say hang on to your money till they come back into stock then order them that way you will be only waiting 2 days instead of possible 4 weeks as it will be end of June now at best before stocks are back in
Hi ya fergus..I have a replay lite do you think a fix will come out for them or shall i give up on it??
dont think that will ever be fixed that manufacturer dont even make them anymore so no longer supported
Hi, Can someone PM me a kryptview supplier in Dublin please? Am I correct in the view that the kryptview has gotten around the recent changes in N*L coding, that has rendered my SV3 defunct? Thanks
hi could you plz plz pm me and tell me where i can get a kryptview box plz tanks your help would much b appreicated
there have been a number of suppliers named already if u read threads u will see them,remember what happened fergus.