Okay, that's sweet. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting ripped off or something because I don't usually buy stuff off the internet.
R4 and M3 simply are the same with just different names. They both are made from the same manufacture. Matter of fact when they both first came out the only difference was a solder connection that made an R4 the R4 and the M3 Simply the M3 Simply. Plus the firmware is diffrent but pretty much runs the same. Example: The board has 3 soldering spots on the board. 1, 2 & 3. For the R4 spots 1 & 2 where soldered making a connection bridge. If you opened up the R4 cart and unsolder point 1 & 2 then made a connection bridge between 2 & 3 you would have an M3 Simply. (I don't think this is possible anymore) All in all they are the same (Use the same multimedia player Moonshell) and accomplish the same. Both companies get the Mod Cart from the same manufacture.
wow,I have ordered a M3 from:www.digimartz.com ,they sell r4 and m3 with the same money,very cheaper only$38 so appreciations for their MOTHER DAY`promotion! i think you can have a look !!maybe there are goods suit you !! lucky!!
i dont like the extremedeal shipping at all. it takes too long. i mean who would wait for that long. warning to those people who dont like to wait, dont get it frome extremedeal even though it's cheap. i mean if u do have the patient to wait for u, then ya, so go ahead and spoil urself.