No prob -Quadratic- actually anydvd strips out the macrovision protection in dvd's so it's no longer protected and as far as audio cd's I havn't a clue. PC games are for more complicated to backup than dvd's and audio cd's as you need to write back the information all in tact with PC games. Their only 3 programs that are to do this (it aslo helps to have a 2sheep burner to write the bit-patterns back correctly) Alcohol 120 (My Fav) Blindwrite5 (Nephilim's Fav) Clonecd (Blacklist Fav)
ye i did, its no help really at all, can u give me the read/write settings i shud use for alcohol 120% please if you aint busy?? can i do a 1:1 backup with my plexter 716a?? i read somewhere that the 716a can only copy up to safedisc 2.5x
As soon as i can Ill get you or set a template for you with Alcohol 120 and see if we can't get you going. In the mean time, if you have doubts about plextor 716a capability's you can do a 2 sheep burner test.
cheers, sorry to keep wasting your time like this but i cant understand why its just the sims 2 which wont copy
select Image making wizard/ read speed at 4x/ Datatype: Safedisc 2/3 and hit next and let er rip, once the image is done dumping which may take awhile and you will get alot of disc read errors which is normal, you can right click on the image when its done and select Image burning wizard/ select Next/ Write speed at 4x/ Datatype: Safedisc 2/3 and let er burn. Any more Questions feel free to ask.
my plexter for sum reason will only burn at 10x, it will read at 4x but will only burn at 10x, need help with that, will i need emulation after that??? also will i need raw dao, raw sao + sub wot will i need, i tried that sheep test, it passed to sheep but couldnt do that bad.dat 1 more thing, i read on a website that the 716a could only copy up to safedisc 2.5x and no higher
tried it, it only works with hide cdr media enabled with clone cd, it doesnt work with ignore media type in alcohol, ne more thoughts on this?? do i need ignore media type enables when i copy it??? because ive been doing it whilst it is disabled
I fits working then just leave it alone. Also Clonecd likes to blacklist Safedisc protected games and Im willing to bet if you uninstalled clonecd it'll work fine. If you see a "NEED EMULATION" over you image then thats when you need enable emulation, if you don't see that then your ok
uninstalled clone cd, no difference the image works fine, its just when i put it onto disk that it conks up retried it with sub channel data activated still no difference
thats all well and gud, but im after a non emulated backup, ive had no problem from my virtual copy, but it just wont go onto backup without emulation? is it not possible for me to make a non emulated backup??
As I read around various forums, it seems alot of people have issues with this PC game and protection, so sad to say it might be a hardware issue and you are probably out of luck ....sorry
i thought u sed it could do safedisc 3, do u actually own a 716a, doesnt matta if it doesnt, ill ave 2 emulate, tried doing doom 3 with alcohol on safedisc 2/3 without efm bypass on, no luk without emulation again
It should but maybe there is somthing else that is conflicting with the copy process or some other conflictions that won't allow you to make a the backupwork. Try to install the game on a buddy's computer and see if that works (If possible) For some reason I sense a little testiness in your attitude. BTW I own a Pioneer DVR-109 and you asked the same question before and I answerd you before. I understand your frustration but by the looks of it your probably not going to get a working cd-r backup so you might be stuck using virtual drives. Try another media
For what it's worth I'm not thoroughly convinced of the accuracy of the "sheep test" and recall having read that the test isn't a 100% confirmation one way or the other. Basically it's possible that the 716A isn't a 2-sheeper. @ Thedemon9 What were the exact settings you used for BlindWrite 4.57?
The Plextor PX-708A and 712A along with the Lite On 4xx and 8xx series are all proven EFM capable DVD burners. I've used my 708A to make working copies (no emulation needed) of SafeDisc 3.20.022.