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"Meeting Force, with Force"

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by venomX05, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    in england yes!!
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    last summer, a police chase ended in my driveway. a meth-head on the run from cops did 60mph down my driveway in a red mustang, pulled a gun, and ran through my property. I thought he was gonna shoot my dad. scared the shit outta me. i ran into my house and grabbed my rifle, but he was running off already before i could do anything. He ditched the gun (still hasn't been found) and started stripping off his clothes as he ran, finally getting caught about a half mile away. if the cops hadn't come up the driveway when they did, my whole family might be dead, as we were outside doing some fencing for horses together. since then, several strange visitors have come up to my house (ask anyone who knows me; it's horribly dark at night here and the place if very rural), and it's been a comfort knowing i have a Ruger rifle, a S&W .38-special, and a 9mm Beretta where i can get to them if i need them. i've had to pull them before, and i regularly thank god i have the right to protect myself from the assholes with illegal guns around me. hell, i'm 17. yeah, i'm not supposed to own guns. they were gifts. but i'm alive because of them.

    and yeah, i realize the above post is poorly written and is run together, but i was supposed to be asleep hours ago...cut me some slack :p
  3. malcdogg

    malcdogg Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    NO! No slack for you! :D
  4. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    ah! slack nazi! first it was "no soup for you!" now it's "no slack for you!" where's Kramer when i need him?
  5. jfk329

    jfk329 Guest

    Thank god for the freedom of speach!!!!
  6. haimback

    haimback Regular member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Nephilim i think this is one an issue we shall never agree on so im going to leave it at that (i could put half your post in quotes again and debate ut but really cant be arsed).As for being a fan of Mr moore?Cant stand the bloke!!I read one of his books but didnt think much of it.
    I will say this week iv found out that you drink stealla carry a gun....im for one am def not gona try and rob you anyway!!!
  7. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Interesting topic. My outlook is IF THEY OUTLAW GUNS, ONLY THE OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS. I'm 57 years old. I have had a carry permit since I was discharged from the army over 30 years ago. I carry a 380 auto in the summer and a 9mm most of the other time. I'm on the list as backup for the county police if necessary. My wife also has a permit to carry and can shoot almost as well as I can. I think its time the laws start protecting the good people instead of drug dealers and bank robbers. In all these years I only had to pull my weapon 1 time as police back during a gas station robbery. About 10 years ago in the small town I live in, I just happened to be fueling my truck when this happened and the only officer on duty at the time knew me and also knew I carried a weapon and asked for help until other law enforcement arrived. This doesn't normally happen but I still feel better knowing I can protect myself against most attacks if necessary. As Nephilim stated only the lawful citizens will abide by the laws. The crooks and gangsters don't care what laws are passed. If laws were passed to make everyone turn in their guns, do you actually think the bad guys will turn in theirs. I don't think so. I guess a talked long enough.

  8. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Yes, bizarrely unique and unusual.
    The argument is similar to "well, of COURSE I need a rocket-launcher on my car! What if a criminal came after me with a rocket-launcher on his car?"
    What kind of place is it, if you are constantly in fear of being killed? I mean what kind of life is that - why would you wish to live there?
    I'm sorry but the whole topic seems ridiculous to the rest of the world (which is something we could probably be happy about :^)
    Anywhere you 'need' a gun to feel safe (remote/wild rural areas excepted) it is time to think about MOVING!
    Just my $.02
  9. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I agree. It's a topic that (obviously) I'm extremely passionate about.

    Yet another reason I like you :)

    All said and done I truly wish we lived in a place where the need for protection was never even given a thought but we don't. It's not like a go around in a state of paranoia with my hand always on my gun because the reality of it is quite the opposite. I carry on with my daily routine just like anyone else except I have a little insurance with me. The only reason I carry it everywhere is I don't know when or even if I'll need it. If I knew exactly where and when I needed it that'd be the only time I carried it :)
  10. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    with freedom comes crime and since americans have more freedoms and rights than alot of countries selfdefense is necessary . i surely dont want to depend on police to save my life as they are not there all the time . i welcome the chance to save my own life if needed .
  11. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Why, oh why do people blame guns for killing? It is the person behind the gun that is responsible, NOT the gun! Neph, I agree with you wholeheartedly on this one. When will people take responsibilty for their actions? As for Michael Moore, I think the guy is a star.

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