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Michael Jackson NOT GUILTY What do you think ?

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ScubaPete, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    Aint that the truth gringle my friend he he he he
  2. need_for

    need_for Guest

    i hope that all of those kids who got "melested" that thre family sees this,it might make them think a little more!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2005
  3. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    I agree with most other people here, parents are just as guilty by letting their kids hang out with MJ, let alone any adult but MJ, COME ON!!

    I thought it was just a ploy to get money, I may be wrong, but I'll bet any money that this won't be the last time he gets accused of this crap. Unless he gets smart and stops hanging out with kids.

    Could you imagine how life would be for him in the big house?? He wouldn't last a second but then again maybe he'd like it.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  5. malcdogg

    malcdogg Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I had my doubts they would be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt he was guilty. I was pretty sure his money would buy him "justice". Of course if it was a normal person charged with the same crime, with the exact same evidence you know what would have happend.

    Wako Jacko makes me sick, but parents who let their kids sleep in a bed with a grown man that looks like gay dracula, and thinks he's Peter Pan, make me even sicker.
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    what about the charges of giving kids alcohol?
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It's too big ;)
  8. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    CAn you name one celeberty that has ever been convicted of anything serious.

    OJ got off of murder

    Michael got off (and on) of maolestation

    Martha Stewart made billions off of illegal stock trading but got 4 months in a Hilton Hotel.


  9. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Let's see...

    Let my kid do a sleep over at Michael Jackson’s place or let him become an alter boy at one of the Catholic churches...

    decisions decisions...

    I got it… neither of the two!!!! <G>
  10. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    aint nothing like Jesus Juice.
  11. ken_919

    ken_919 Regular member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Hey geester, you forgot another person, a Mr. Robert Blake
  12. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Actually, the kids admitted stealing wine from Michael's wine cellar. However I'm not so sure about the Jesus juice on the airplane filghts. Then there were no witnmesses to exactly what were in the children's glasses. Perhaps if there were, it would be one of the things he of which he would have been found guilty. As stated below, I believe he did do somethings illegal as do all parents from time to time BUT that would be the parents NOT some super-star non-family member.


    Since I started it,

    Here is a kid, and I use the term loosely, who has had everything. He has never had a reason to grow-up. He has been a child since the time he was a child. A good thing ? Hell no, we can all agree on that. He has never acted his age. Is he a pedophile ? I don't think so BUT he has to learn to act his age. Perhaps this will be the lesson he has long needed. Lord knows, he didn't learn from past experiences.

    As for the parents of all the kids he's invited to Neverland ? All of those parents who thought it was just Okie, Dokie for their children to sleep with a 45 yr old man ? IMO, they are the ones who need to be evaluated as fit parents OR did they do it hoping that something would happen to cut them in on the 20 million dollar lottery that history had shown to be there.

    Why did he escape unscathed ? I've had this thing playing on "Court TV" for the past 4 months and the State had some very good circumstantial evidence. Enough that, with some decent, law-abiding parents bringing the suit and testifying that our "little Buddy" wouldn't have seen daylight for some years BUT the child's Mother screwed all that up, all on her own. Why did I say, "if some decent law-abiding parents" brought the suit ? Because there was enough smoke that, with a little more smoke, pple would have had to believe there was a fire. But our Mom, the lying, scheming lady that she was, was so busy running welfare frauds, trying to grab money from Jay Leno and any other Celebes, etc. that her colors flew high on the pole for all to see. She used her son as a money magnet, trolling him past anyone with some $$$$, trying catch anything of value. Imagine, shopping sprees, a full body wax, as many trips as she could hook into while all the time holding up her son who had beaten the Big "C". What a Mom ! Do I think the kid was molested, no. I believe that the boy was schooled by his mother until he almost believed it himself. Why say that Pete ? For one, the Grandmother had made a statement concerning masturbation and why it was a good thing but, "Ooopps", Mom latched on to it and, tried to make the author of that comment "Money bags" Michael. One of too many things that came back to haunt her on the stand.

    We have all heard of men being imprisoned for rape only to find out, sometimes years later that the woman lied. Michael probably over-stepped the law, enough to have earned him some jail time for a misdemeanor or two. My vote would be for "Jesus juice" and possibly the porno, which should have been put elsewhere but, not for all the crap that was presented at this trial.

    Before you ask, No, I am not a MJ fan, never cared for the guy but, he didn't deserve being setup as I believe he was. And before anyone wonders what I think should be done to anyone guilty of child molestation, they should be de-balled, set on fire, body part by body part and then, have the fire extinguished, bit by bit by the application of large amounts of sea salt, applied via a firm rubbing with course, 40-grit steel wool followed by some appropriate medical treatment in say, 3 to 4 weeks. (no need to rush until the entire limb is gangrenous and falling off).

    As for my reason for beginning this thread, I thought everyone was entitled to his or her opinion, and so, this was my 2-cents ~
  13. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    From what I understood...the porn mags were not even the right issues and have not been released, so that was one of the many inconsistencies in this trial.

    The mother was getting used to this upscale life style that as soon as Michael cut this woman off...BAM! Im sueing....gimme money.
  14. camstuf

    camstuf Guest

    @malcdogg, You nailed it...
    IMHO, They need the shut NeverNeverLand down!!!

  15. Phyco_Can

    Phyco_Can Guest

    i dont really care of he is really guilty or not it is just common sense thogh for thse fu**ing idiotic parnets if you dont want your child to be molested dont fu**ing let your kid sleep over a grown mans house alone ...jezus christ people today
  16. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    In my opinion? was michael jackson guilty? no!

    I followed the case, which is more than most people who say he should have been locked up did! I came to the conclusions that he was the victim of a family of gold diggers (esp. that evil mother).

    He was also (as somebody mentioned), the victim of the press, who quite often covered this in a one -sided manner.

    Remeber the day mccauley culkin showed up in court and admitted he slept in the same bed as jackson? but he said that regardless of what was being said, jackson never molested him or anything of that sick nature. The very next say i saw a newspaper headline that made me quick pissed off!! in huge black headline writing it said "CULKIN ADMITS HE SLEPT WITH MICHAEL JACKSON" and below it in tiny writing it said "but he did not molest him" (these probably werent the exact words used, but it was something along those lines)

    now that is seriously fucked up!! because for those ppl who dont read newspapers (a group of people thats growing much bigger everyday) that main headline would have painted a different picture to them while they just got a glimpse of it in the grocery store now wouldnt it?

    As for Michael Jacksons fascination with kids.... i dunno... i dont think that guy is completely "right" in his mind (and yes, sorry to piss off some redknecks but a shitty upbringing does actually produce some strange results). He seems to have a different frame of thought than the general public. Shit, this guy made so much money off music yet he went nuts when he discovered that a new US bill could jail filesharers for swapping music for free...... thats something rare amongst the biggest names f the industry isnt it? :p lol not a good example i know but at least it shows that he thinks differently in more areas.

    I do not believe this guy has an inappropriate interest in boys however - personally i wouldnt let any son i had sleep with any 40 year old man but thats beside the point! Consider this - what if michael jackson was actually Michelle Jackson? a female queen of pop? would it be so strange to see a "woman" who loved kids that much? Maybe a bit.... but nowhere near as strange as a man right? now could it not be possible that michael may have inherited some sort of "feminine" love for kids? i mean... shit women really love kids!! at last all the women I know anyway. Even michaels voice doesnt sound male.... does it?? lol, nah i shudnt joke like that! :p

    As forhis sexual interests...... did they not show shitloads of porno magazines that came from his stash?? i guess trying to say he has little or no sexual interest in women is kinda wrong eh? (please dont even bother comdemning him for having a stash of porn.... its 2005!! and i know so many afterdawners who have admitted to having shit loads of porn.... so dont even try it ;-) )

    Well anyway, thats enuff from me. Bottom line - I despise child molestation - it is an evil crime against innocent kids and shudnt be allowed to happen, but in this case i should be disgusted with the accusing family! its sort of like a girl accusing an innocent man of rape.... for a time before he's proven innocent.... most people believe he's guilty.... even after the proof of innocence.... people still believe he is guilty. it's a horrible thing to do to anybody and i think in this case the evidence just weighed against the family and i am really sad to see the media cover the prosecution much more thoroughly than they covered the defense. The jurors, sad down and went through weeks of court proceedings.. and very quickly made the decision.... none of us were there for it is all... so we have to put our trust in them for this one.
  17. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    I second what Dela has stated (he has done the writing for me LOL).

    However, I do believe MJ is a little off the planet, especially with his celebrity status, any connection or link that can be made with ANY criminal/disgusting activity, will be exploited............by gold diggers..............

    The Jury could not convict beyond any reasonable doubt, and therefore is innocent..........thats not necessarily true.........

    Now I cannot say whether he did or didn't (I don't believe he did) but he did himself no favours with the situations he put himnself in.
    And several money grabbing people start seeing dollar signs.

    The way of the world nowadays is to sue for compensation etc, and with MJ's status and connections with children, it is obvious someone is gonna jump on the band wagon, then when it goes public, even more will do it.

    Now all the people have been shot down, we'll never know what has really happened, only stuff we get from the press/TV tell us, but we know certain words can be manipulated and therefore change a statement to mean something different, therefore were we receiving the true accounts...........................

    Anyways, I am glad he has been vindicated, hopefully we will see him come back in full force with a barrage of the excellent music we have been blessed with in the past.
    I just hope he has some more cosmetics done, and can make himself look a little more human again.......................

    C'mon MJ, get your wizardry back, leave this shit dead and buried now, I know you have plenty of supporters around the globe to help you get back what you have now lost..........................

    Show the world who you are..............................(That should be your next single title)

  18. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    the pic is silent. no sound.

    OK Neph i'll change it.

    I hope he changes his lifestyle. He has kids of his own so why does he need to hang around with other peoples. If I was him I would keep low profile for a long time, sell neverland and get back to making good music like he was in the early 80's.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2005
  19. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Ok everyone. Just changed the sig. What u think. Hope it's OK.
  20. halo360

    halo360 Guest

    if they found M. jackson guilty. what would have happen to that kids mom. i think they would have put her in jail.
    And by law M. jackson is not Guilty.
    they didnt make a good case.

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