Code: No cigar. That's an HC card if you look at the reviews and go to the manufacturer's Web site. Like I say, don't think you will find one. The ones that came with my R4 are Micro SD cards not micro SDHC. have a look here:
I'm not entirely convinced yet. It does not have the SDHC logo on any of the cards or packaging, most notably, lacking on the 4GB card itself and nowhere on the manufacturer's site (that I noticed) did it mention that the card was SDHC. From the site: "FILEMATE MicroSD with universal Adapter Kit meets the high capacity standards for video, photo, music, ring tone, and data used in today's digital cameras and MicroSD-enabled devices." The reviews are mixed citing the card as working in non-SDHC and SDHC devices alike. I don't actually have the card so I can't speak from experience, however.
Hey; just to make clear that I didn't post this comment about purchasing this card on newegg or whatever.... just modified post using my name
joliverio you are right of course. nothing meant by any of it. posting among friends. i would buy a 4g nonHC card if I could find one, but I haven't found one on the web that has convinced me it isn't HC. all on the same team looking for the same thing. it's all good.
All I see at is a 4g SDHC card.
Taken from link you recommend: "All R4's are tested with a 2GB Sandisk MicroSD card." I was quite clear in talking about 4GB... are u?
Sorry I forgot to mention that I tested it with a Sandisk 4GB Micro SDHC card. I'm also getting a 8GB micro SDHC Card and will test it and post back. But I can confirm that a 4GB sandisk SDHC micro card is working with the R4.
I really doubt that you can. But I could be wrong. I'm quite sure you or others can confirm that an 4g SDHC card works with the 1.19 firmware for the R4 clone. And if you had one, I'm sure that you could confirm that the 1.18 firmware for the real R4 works with 2g standard microSD cards. I'm also sure that you will discover that the original R4 does not support HC cards, using the 1.18 firmware, if you don't already know that. I have not run the 1.19 fake R4 firmware on a HC card in a real R4, nor would I recommend it, but I would be interested in that result from someone brave enough to try.
That isn't a fake firmware. It is an unofficial R4 updated firmware which works on the original R4 and maybe even the clone. I have loads of R4's (Original Ones) and I've done my testing. Yes your correct that the Original R4 doesn't support SDHC. Thats because it wasn't supported in the software not in the hardware. Now that an unofficial update has been released it is fully compatible with the original R4. And yes I am aware that the 1.18 does not support SDHC cards. It will show you the 'Loading Screen'. 1.19 solves all them problems. It's not a fake firmware. Just a group of programmers who got the job done quicker than the official team. I will post a video tutorial soon. Demonstrating this.
Terminology. Po-ta-toe, Po-tah-toe. It is quite real firmware for a fake R4. That better? The 1.19 firmware is not "unofficial". That implies that it comes from the same source as the original and is perhaps a preliminary release or something. It gives it an air of legitimacy it does not have. The 1.19 firmware is most definitely not the same product and not the same programming team. It is not "unofficial"- it is something new entirely. As an aside, the new team of "just a group of programmers" is apparently quite capable of ripping off Web site design. But that is neither here nor there.
This is VERY interesting... I have dowloaded firmware 1.18 and NOW 1.21 - neither work for me can u provide a link for this magic 1.19 version pls..
This forum claims its fake...
From the other thread: Good official R4 firmware: 1.18 Bad R4 clone firmware: 1.19
OK my final post on this : I purchased an R4 III card from an Aussie Auction site - i got it for half of what i paid for my original R4 last year. I d/l kernel 3.03 as recommended by the seller.(which was updated from 3.02 between when i bid and finally won my auction) I loaded my 4gb SHDC card full of games. It WORKS GREAT. Fake card or not my one works and thats all that matters right?
As many of you will be aware, the production factory of the R4 Revolution was closed down at the end of 2007. ************************************************************** I bought an R4DS in January 2008 I have just bought an R4DS SDHC and recieved it today. I have read this thread and many of you seem to be jumping to your own conclusions of FAKE and CLONE hardware and software. From what I make of the situation is this... *** The pheonix has arisen from the ashes *** The closure of the factory has intersected with the launch of the third generation of the R4DS being, the R4DS SDHC from a new production facility. The R4DS SDHD and the R4DS are not the same, because, the later is not compatible with SD cards of more than 2GB, and are not compatabie with HD cards, as stated on their orignal site. In summary the R4 system has a new baby for High Density cards. NOT a Fake or Clone but a NEW generation. R4DS = max kernel 18 R4DS SDHC = Min kernel 19 (I think mine came with 21)
After my last post I did some more research and came up with this info. Kernell software R4 DS v1.03 Dec 2006 v1.04, are Dead Sites R4-II v1.11 30-7-2007 through to v1.18 24-4-2008 Dead email R4-SDHD v1.20 19-7-2008 through to v1.22 1-10-2008 Live site R4-III-Upgrade v3.03 11-9-2008 v3.04 27-9-2008 Live site See here for some rumour-mongering. This seems to be the source for the rumours... and then the first photo has the property of... There is no solid evidence, only rumours and a supposed email that could have come from anyone, anywhere at anytime. The original R4DS was said to be duplicated and clones were made. But this is not to say that any new release is dodgy! If you have one of those that are listed above, then I would say it is probably genuine? When you study the 3 sites they do make sense, as on-going development continues and kernel up-dates that fix incremental game problems. Logically SDHD access would be the next step, but I cannot reason the change from R4-SDHD to R4-III-Upgrade. So I will repeat my conclusion... If you have one of those that are listed above, then I would say it is probably genuine? But this is not to say that any new release is dodgy!
I don't see why the 4GB wouldn't work. They sell them together at this site. Check it out. I plan on buying one myself. Says you dont need any additional software or anything.
First an appology, woops I wrote SDHD in my last post, this should have been SDHC (High Capacity). Just to clarify, R4-I and R4-II both use SD and will not work with SDHC microSD cards. R4-SDHC and R4-III Upgrade both use SDHC and NOT SD microSD cards. SD memory cards are low capacity, 2mb and less. SDHC memory cards are high capacity , 4mb and above. At this time the latest hardware release is the R4-III and is the one to buy because it supports the latest kernel updates.