yeah i have about 150-200 contacts (not acually sure how many ) i dont go on messenger much anymore (or if i am im not at my computer). thinks that i dislike about messenger: - when i put my states on appear offline because im not at my computer i come back to find my states is online :?. why , because im on wirless i get disconnected everynow and again due to bad signal, but when messenger automatically signs back in it puts yoru states back onto appear online (i know how clever ms defnetly saw that one comming). so when i get back to my computer i have like 10 - 20 conversations open of people talking to me and half of them block me because im not respoding to them. - i keep on getting added by these random people (espisially girls) who dont even know who i am, and when you ask them where did you get my email from they say i dont know, you added me (omg). and most of the girls that add me are always getting intrested with me, trying to ask me out (even if they havent even seen a picture of me or if they dont even really no me) well you know what answer i give them back ... either no you live ages away from me, (haha i blocked you) or no yoru so ugly please... (acually i never say that to their face... just in another conversation with one of their friends lol) - i hate getting random emails (SpAm) from people and companies that either spred ridiculas rumers like ' this is no joke msn is shutting down unless you send this to 100 people' or ' ' if you send this to 7 people you will have the best day of your life tomorrow'. or you get newsletters from random companies which you never even gave your email to and when you press unsucribe it says somthink like please send this in writing to '123 fake street' them are only 3 of the reasons why msn messenger slightly disapoints me
you know 24/7 are you obsessed or something, dont you ever get to see your friend, or supposedly friends? Do something productive with your time man! I like would go around the house helping my mum out or something if I got extremely bored and playing games just didn't cut it.
Speaking of 24/7, the only reason I leave my messenger running is for the email alerts e.g. updates from aD and other stuff And if I don't feel like signing off I just lock messenger using msgplus CTRL+SPACE feature.
DarkHadou, you do have gmail right? Well gmail has this other component which called Gmail Notifier, it is great, it tells you when you have email and stuff, like in the corner a sign will say: new email, blah, blah, and give you a clip of the message, the whole process is about 2 seconds or less. Its great, thats how I know when AD forums have been updated, and I wont need to waste my time checking whether or not the thread i want updated has been updated or a thread I am not interested in as much as the others. lastmastr, I spent about three minutes reading all your user bars till I got bored. Glad to see a fellow MGS fan and Gmail user, I use Firefox as well.
Well for me MSN is a great escape drom work and it helps me debrief after work. I am a youth worker and have to deal with a lot of crap at work and talking on phones and much much more. I just come home go on to msn and just veg out and catch up with buddies, check emails etc... for about 3 hours and then i feel back to normal. I used to use ICQ that was a great lil program but I was converted to MSN a few years back and haven't looked back since. I have 3 emails and mome of them are Gmail I just dont see the point of adding another one to the list. I have my ISP email as a main one and then hotmail as a secondary email so i can access emails via the web. Thirdly I have Yahoo thats gives me a Gig of space and i have no emails sent therethat is just for the finla backup if the others fail. Also I sometimes use it as storage space. MSN is cool but everything in moderation people.
hi i have ther problem that peoples display pictures dont show aswell and i hacve zone alarms i did what blue ray said going to privacy tabs ect and taht dident work al tough it dint sole my problem of animated gif signatures in forums not moving so thanks for taht can you think of ny thing else that might be stoping it ??
I wouldnt say im addicted to msn, cause i get very bored. However, at night (like now) i come on and check my gmails (in the hope of an aD thread updated ) and ill log onto msn. Im out with my friends first and formost though, and i only speak to the girl im kinda with, my best friend, and a close girl mate. Thats it, and thats just general chit chat. I dont go on the computer to go on msn though, i go on it to check emails and aD and other things primarily. I use gmail and firefox, but i havent seen this gmail notifier advertised anywhere, sounds great, ill give it a try! On the subject of firefox, is it me or does everything load a hell of alot quicker on that thatn ie?
This is in responce to daviboi. I have had the same probs with seeing other people's pics as well, my solution is that you shoul close zone alarm. Once closed go to msn, then right click your contact (if the picc is not displayed) and click on "Veiw this person's contact card". I find that this (most of the time) lets you see the person's pic and vice versa. I have also tried to remove it from the list and place msn in the trusted zone but these attempts failed.
Hi All, I just wanted to find out what everyone thoughts on the new MSN 8 that is out now. I downloaded it like yesterday tried it out for a day and then went back to 7.5. I find that when i clcik on the lil head and got to send message to it shows alisting of everyone that is online and ofline at the same time and u have to scroll through to see whos online. I find this to be a nuesance. What do others think about the new MSN 8??
Yeah mate, i think its just us talking to each other right now, but where did you get msn 8, is it msn 8 plus?????
No i signed off msn after somebody snapped at me and signed off. (that girl). Thats all screwed up now and im annoyed about it obviosly. Kinda like on msn? Yeh but we arent allowed to slip up and use the text language. My bad mood kinda takes the fun outa saying: Yaaaay post 501.