Mate, i tried i really did! Stupid touchpad. lol Ahh spywawre and adware with plus? I was under the impression it was like....official or something. @ Glitchzoo, try to find out what they are called please, intrigues me.
Lol no worrys Billy Its not official, its a sorta hack me thinks, not to sure, feel free to try it, you can fuly remove it via add or remove programs easy, therefore its not malware. Unless you install its adware LOP component :-s
yeah its easy to remove but when i had it you had to remove the whole thing to get rid of adware and spyware
yeah its easy to remove but when i had it you had to remove the whole thing to get rid of adware and spyware
Off topic ma man ireland!!n Just kidding mate. @Rav ...Hey, do you call yourself Rav or something that ive missed, cause its Rav....i thought. Remember on the old msn plus's, to change the colour of your screename, you had to add a strange dot and a dollar sign in front of your screename, and the number that corresponds with the desired colour. Well, i could never find that dot on the keyboard, was it special or something? Where were you meant to get it from?
I find MSN messanger boring to be honest, if i sign in i might speak to someone about something stupid and random for like 10mins get bored and exit. Might be because i don't have many people with the same interests to talk with but it can be a good way to kill time, but i always have something to do so i dont find it a very attractive thing to use. Also the messanger plus thing has some nice features that are good fun to play around with for a while but get old and boring after a while, also its got Adware in it.
I guess none of you lot ever read and where never taught to simply refuse to install the sponsor, which immediately makes Msgplus adware and spyware free... I've been using it for ages, same goes for messpatch to remove all the bloody adverts and whatnot.
I agree os a gr8 website and read often! I Don't use MSn pro atm but am toying with the idea of getting it. We'll see lol
Thank you, someone had to say it. For anyone that still doens't know how to disable it: When installing Plus it will ask you whether you want to give your support to the msgplus group, say NO. If you say YES then, AND ONLY THEN you're gonna have malware installed.
Ohhhhhhhh is that what your on about? I did that first time, thought it was obvious lol, i thought you guys were on about something else!
LOL yep, it's too obvious BTW has anyone ever used StuffPlug for Messenger? edit-- Can't wait 'till the Live version comes out, then I can just click on the email icon and not worry about the link opening up in IE, good ol' FF. BTW the url is without the www IIRC. Gotta have Mess Patch too.
I didn't bother to read the site, I was just reading the "Optional Fixes" forum @ MRU and going on what that says
I can't beleive Microsoft would release one of their products with malware and adware. Why would they do it, apart from the fact that they are going to earn a small percentage from it? I know MS is not the best company in the world, but sometimes you would expect certain standards to met, like consideration of the customer.
wait if yoru talking abou messenger plus est then its not made my microsoft. microsoft make the standard version of messenger est... and the as rav009 said isnt made by microsoft otherwise the website would have millions spent on it and would most probaly have the same template as