Hey again! My vacation is almost over, and so within the week i will be ordering all my parts! YAY! I'm glad i had to wait, because there are lots of new MiR's that'll save me lotsa bucks... Because of this, Would any of you help me take a second look at the Mobo and GPU to make sure i'm getting the most for my money? I would do it myself...but i have NO idea what to look for/at. Try and stay within the same price range, such as no more than $75 in total for GPU with or without a MiR (the MiR on my current pick was not there before, so i originally getting it for $75 anyway). Don't just fit to the budget if the extra money isn't worth upping from my current pick, i can put the money into something else (or just save it =D). Same thing with the Mobo. I'll repost my list since i know many things have been messed with, just incase any of you felt like leaving other suggestions. DVD CASE HDD GPU PSU KB MOUSE RAM MOBO CPU Thanks in advance everyone! You've been nothing but amazing =)
thanks again for all previous suggestions as well! They all helped me, even if i did not pick them =)
Use this RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145034 Cheaper, and probably better, certainly after the rebate. Rest of the components look good.
hey sammorris, did it look like i wasn't gonna find a better MOBO or GPU within the original price ranges i have already? Thanks for the RAM suggestion; i lost the MiR on my other RAM so i had to find a new set...im glad you found a corsair one now with a MiR! And is QUITE cheap =) Thank you sir!
The mobo and GPU are fine, if I was set that budget to get one, I'd probably still recommend those two exact components.
Ok, so, I got all the parts listed here, and it's up and running, and man, everything is running GREAT! =) THANK YOU FOR ALL THE GREAT SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if you'd rather just start a new thread concerning the questions i bring up...i'll gladly do that if so =) So, now that i've got all this, whats the safest/easiest method you'd recommend to overclock my processor? Can you overclock a video card, and is it safe? How about RAM? How much of a difference will it all make? Also, what downloads/drivers/updates would you recommend me to get to enable peak performance with this setup? Thanks in advance guys! YOU OWN
overclocking the CPU is relatively easy on Gigabyte boards, the section might be named differently for your board, but for the P35s and X38s it's in a section labeled 'Motherboard Intelligent Tweaker' (M.I.T.) This will let you overclock the CPU (part of the process involves setting the speed of the memory as well) As for overclocking the graphics card, use Rivatuner or ATITool.
There's no limit on how far you should overclock your CPU if it's stable, but a side effect of overclocking is that the CPU needs increased voltage to run properly - Gigabyte boards do this automatically and the process works very well. However, you should stop if the voltage for the CPU rises above a certain level. For CPUs like the E2200, this limit is around 1.45V - this will guarantee that your CPU will still work a few years down the line. With your CPU that should mean at least 3.2Ghz or so, probably more.