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my friend got married...

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by kinza, Jan 4, 2006.

  1. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Marriage, I got married when I was 47, my first. You cannot possibly know anyone in just a week, month, or even a year. It takes much more time then that. Remember that the basic function of most organisms, mammals, etc. is to eat and multiply! The human species just decided to put morality into that multiplication and say that a monogamous marriage is the answer, even if it is against all odds. Fact is 50% end in divorce and nearly 80% have cheated on one partner or the other, at least here in the US.

    IMHO “Bottom Line...Take Your Time...And Make It Last Forever With The Right Partner, Friend, and Lover!”

    Religion, well you will never get anyone to totally agree one way or another on this, just as you will never get anyone to agree one way or another on politics. Let’s face it, if we cannot create a quality living cell or being from scratch, (cloning is not from scratch,) how can we expect that everything on earth today just happened with a big bang. Our organs, tissue, blood, nerves, a flies eyes and reaction time, the way a dog can walk and run without thinking about it, and on and on and on, how can this be? Chance, luck, the big bang, or maybe just remnants of another civilization that went boom! God has represented everything that humans never could understand and gave reason for our existence. From ancient times with Sun, Moon, Rain, and Wind Gods, to now more of just one God we believe is the answer to those questions.

    Just throwing in my 2 cents, thanks.
  2. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I love ur views on religion! As for marriage, the concept with arranged marriages is to see if it's a decent person, then get to know each other after marriage. Statistics reaally speak for themselves for arranged marriages, there are barely any divorces.
  3. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Kinza, how are partners looked at if they get a divorce? Does society put pressure on them to stay together or is it easy for them to get it? Remember that divorces were rare back many many years ago, but not today. I believe it is not that people wanted to stay together back then, I believe they had to stay together in order to save face within their culture. Believe it or not, I came from a heritage not so far from your own, but even though the majority of the population of my mothers country was Muslim, we were baptized orthodox, similar to the catholic religion. But if anyone ever got divorced, what was thought or said in the Church, heaven forbid!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2006
  4. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    lol, that's true but it's not as extreme as it was back then, at least in my understanding. i know a couple of peeople who are divorced, but it's true, relationships are meant to be kept together, and it's really big if they divorce.
  5. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    if i was in love with a women and i was in a steady job with a steady home and i loved her i'd considering marrying her whether my mum approved or not.love conquers all.as for my dad hes a loser who i dont even talk to hes been married about 6times to 6different women.my dad cant support anyone not even his wife.i was raised by my mum who use to work up to 80hours a week when i was growing up.
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    craig: what was i wrong about? i don't follow you. everyone has slightly different views, but kinza's ideas did support mine that religion does provide an outlet from destruction, but only for those that want to destroy.

    xboxdvl2: my grandpa has your dad beat. 9 marriages to 8 different women, 12-20 kids (we don't have a sure count), and god knows how many close relatives. thankfully, we've left kentucky and are nothing but a clan of four, separated from all, starting over in missouri :D
  7. ecknight

    ecknight Regular member

    May 19, 2005
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    my views on religion are this: if its possible i believe in nothing but human nature although this is hard to do sometimes because every child brought up in the us is almost brain washed to some degree about god and church so i still find myself referencing biblic quotes although i dont believe in such but i think of my self as a scientific man ive always enjoyed science and physics the thought of someone creating everything is just obsered to me

    as far a marrige im 23 myself and ive been maried for almost 2 years and i have a five year old little girl first time was a charm lol but im still with her (both girlfriend/now wife and daughter)and i plan on staying with her the rest of my time i would of loved to waited to get married till like 28 to 31 but in my sitchuation it just worked out better to do it sooner but i would not recommend it just to many things to experience before that happens
  8. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I am not religous, but I can be spiritual, at times! I do like the ability to think & do what I wish though!

    Each to their own on this one!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2006
  9. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Strangely, ScubaBud, chance and luck spread over 4000 million years of sexual reproduction are a kind of 'layman' description of evolution.
    The vast, huge, unimaginable expanse of time is incomprehensible to most; and fruit flies reproduce every 18hours or something... y'know?
    It's all random selection and crossing-over (the meeting of 2 haploid cells).
    Why do you think polar bears are white?
    All the black, brown, and red ones died before they could reproduce.
    1 out of 1000 was white (and they all mostly lived)...
    Classic natural-selection, an evolutionary pressure.
    Actually, the smallest mammal - say, a Field Mouse, is biologically a very very close relative to Humans and a miracle of higher life-form.
    Don't they have spirits too? Where do you draw the line - only people?
    What about whales and dolphins, and elephants? Some say whales are smart as people...
    Well at least they don't have to get married (told ya they're smart :^)

    Hey there's another dozen posts Craig - you'll be addict soon, LoL
  10. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    A larger section of the quote...

    What will happen when our planet earth goes boom? Will everything on it get spread over the galaxy? Will some of these particles land on another planet with an atmosphere similar to ours? Will time once again do its thing with what it has to work with? And when those new organisms try to determine where they came from, once their intelligence level gets to that point, what will they surmise?
  11. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Kinza, did you realise that in the UK there are many African families who still believe that female circumcision is beneficial? So much so, that they take there children back to Africa for a "holiday" and have it carried out, usually when the child is under 5 years old.

    This is because it is illegal to do it in the UK, probably because it is probably second only to child molestation & is basically butchery of the worst sort. It is extremely painful & is done without anaesthetic. I cannot believe the barbaric nature of female circumcision, & why it is carried out. No doubt it was initiated by men as a form of control over the "womenfolk".

    Once again, I am grateful that I live in a country that is civilised & does not treat women/girls as 3rd class citizens.

    I do not have a problem with different cultures, but if that culture encourages the degradation & barbarism of 50% of its' population, then I have no time for it.

    Abuse is abuse, simple as that.

    Don't get me started on arranged marriages & the so called "honour killings" that certain religions actively promote & encourage.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2006
  12. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Arranged marriage, I don't take it as abuse, it's just normal for me. There are many forms of arranged marriages, they [bold]can[/bold] be abusive but that is far from what they are in our family. In our family they do not impugne anyone. I understand that they are conducted differently in other cultures or parts of the world, but that is not the case for me. The best part is that if I don't want to have an arranged marriage, I can tell my parents so, and they will allow me to marry whoever I choose. How can this be domineering or cruel gesture?
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2006
  13. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    "How can this be domineering or cruel gesture?"

    Who said that?

    You are lucky you have a choice, many are not afforded that option.

    PS I preferred your other sig, the dancing cat one!
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2006
  14. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    lol, that's what i meant, arranged marriage is not meant to imprison me, i guess that's why i don't understand your arguement although i do know the bads of such marriage.
  15. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Right on :^)
    In today's world, the Modified-Traditional plan could be the right package for many... if the people are smart it could offer all the advantages of both systems, as Kinza has said. Win-win situation.
    It would save your family from having to tell you they hate your prospective husband, and then you marrying him anyway! The Canadian way.
    I think it's good that your parents are so important in your lives. Growing up WASP in Canada, we just wanted to get the hell out of the house at 18 or whatever, after highschool graduation. We had minimal contact with our parents after that except social events, you know, Easter or whatever. Christmas.
    It's just a whole different thing, but I sure agree with friend Pulsar there - he usually makes good sense, too (so that's not unusual :^)
    But anyway, good luck Kinza. Don't get married! You're too young... you must trust me on this one, LoL...
    Of course having babies in your 40's should probably not be the norm. You know who's amazing? The American actress Susan Sarandon, she's completely ageless. She had a baby at 43 - and another one at 46!
    She still looks real good though, and she's a nice lady too.
    But, say 30 (much better than 20).
    Oh by the way, somebody was talking in the forums about 'what age do you look your best' well obviously 30.
    Some men look even better when they're 40 (you lady members know what I'm talking about).
  16. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I'm 40 & devilishingly handsome! Follically challenged, but a grade 1 haircut every month sorts that out!

    Shame about me being a short arse with a big nose!
  17. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I thought the UK had mirrors?
  18. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Nope, we haven't got that far yet, we only got electricity 2 weeks ago, running water is a long way off. I have a 3 mile hike to the nearest well with my bucket atop my head!

  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    & he keeps breaking the mirrors with his devilish looks!!!
  20. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    My point exactly ddp. That’s the reason the well Pulsar travels to is over 3 miles away. The screams heard prior from his reflection in the water was deafening to most city folk. They had no choice but to move the well.

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