dude i think that ipods should have like somthing to see were your ipod is...like if your in a situation like me
What school do you go to and what state, because in most states they have to give a locker to everybody if they give them to some people... you must be a freshman!!! ~Domreis
Like a GPS... if they were to put that in the iPods and like apple charge you $30 to track it they would make so much money! Ya your right they should have a GPS built in! They probly will soon! Like the G6 ~Domreis
Ya sorry that forum was posted like 4mounth ago I dont remember it that much sorry! Like the first 3 pages are about all you have to read and the ravenflew guy or whatever his name is...(the guy that psoted it) would prob work! ~Domreis
Ok I am in Washington two!!! Ya legaly all public schools are suspose to give you a locker!! I will PM you my info!!! KK!
Domreis, please don't post three times in a row, just edit the one. And try and keep discussion technical. Thanks.
that must have sucked i would never bring my 20gig ipod cause of stupid gym it means effort no the sunnn