i have the exact same problem its called error 21 christmas lights i have a little bit of an idea but i didnt try it yet any help would be great
blinking red and green for me meant that there was a problem with my hard drive. i have a chipped xbox, and my hard drive was unlocked. when i locked it back up, the problem went away. if anyone has a chipped or softmodded box, then you could have screwed up the hard drive by using a bad mod software. UnleashedX is one that will cause the "christmas lights."
if you can, get rid of unleashed from your xbox totally. i wish i could tell you how, but since your getting the service screen i dont know how you'd access your memory stuff.
Put in a regular Xbox disc and see if it boots the game . If it does you can use a Linux hack to uninstall the Softmod
i was told by evoxslaya to download my ms dash again from xbox live and then i should be able to acsess everything. My xbox will play games but i cant seem to get any recently realesed games with xbox live to load you say i can hack it , can you explain?
What evoxslaya is saying will make the Xbox default to normal if you can uupdate Live to your xbox .... Ok , If you have (Action Replay) and a Splinter Cell , Mech Assault or 007:Agent Under Fire . You can Uninstall the Softmod from your System .. If not, I think the -Auto Installer Deluxe : http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/article1481.html -will allow you to uninstall the mod also.
i had the same problem(xbox flashed red/green error code) but now my xbox wont even turn on can someone help me
Pittfan: could you like p.m. me a tutorial on how to do it exacly so i dont mess up my xbox any more or i could jus p.m. you my msn if that works.